The end of Razorhandle's career is a paper note in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.
The note is found at WV Lumber Co. in a port-a-potty near the barn.
Dogbreath is hands down the best guitarist in the Wastelands. He used to play for Jesse White back in the day, before the end of the world. Razorhandle, on the other hand, is a horrible drummer. He's sloppy, always plays offbeat. Why does Roper praise him so much?
Well, I've been practicing my drumming skills on my night watch and I plan on replacing ole Razorhandle soon. First things first, I gotta get rid of him, and I know how. I'm gonna lure him down to the river one night, probably Tuesday, and drown his sloppy offbeat, no talent ass.
Then when Dogbreath starts looking for a replacement, I'll step up. I can see it now. Touring around the lands, playing good ole fashion jamboree's.