Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

We call ourselves the Railroad. Our mission is the rescue and salvation of synthetic humanoids.Victoria Watts

The Railroad is a faction that makes a short appearance in Fallout 3 and plays a major role in Fallout 4 in which they can be joined.

The Railroad is an underground movement, working to free sentient androids from their creators, The Institute. They also assist runaway human slaves.

Fallout 3

Main article: The Replicated Man

There is little available information about either the Railroad or the Institute, but the Lone Wanderer becomes involved in their conflict during the quest The Replicated Man in Rivet City, where a scientist named Dr. Zimmer requests aid in capturing a runaway android, and Railroad agent Victoria Watts pleads with the character to take pity on the android and fake its/his death.

The Railroad's methods for aiding in escape can be extreme, going so far as to find doctors to perform full facial reconstruction on escapees. They are known to operate in the Capital Wasteland and at least as far north as the Commonwealth.

Dr. Zimmer, Ms. Watts, and the android give very logical and convincing arguments for their point of view, and the player character must make an ethical choice based on the limited information he or she gains from each of them. There are multiple "good Karma" solutions.

Fallout 4

In Fallout 4 The Railroad is a joinable faction situated in the Commonwealth who assist runaway Synths. Their main base is located in a church in the city formerly known as Boston. They use the same methods and systems as The Underground Railroad from America's Civil War. Their main mission is to assist Synths who wish to escape the Institute who use them as manual labor and slaves.

They are joinable through Fallout 4's main campaign. If the Sole Survivor sides with The Brotherhood of Steel they are sent to exterminate The Railroad, believing that they will try to stop the Brotherhood of Steel. Same happens if Sole Survivor joins the Institute



The Railroad appears in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes

The Railroad is modeled after the "Underground Railroad", an organization in America in the nineteenth century who dedicated themselves to helping African-American slaves escape from slavery.
