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And now, without further ado, your prize - The Legend of the Star...Festus

The Legend of the Star is a side quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout: New Vegas.

Quick walkthrough[]

Side Quest: The Legend of the Star 
Reach the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters and speak with Festus
Find 50 Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps
Return to Festus and deposit the star bottle caps. 
Reward: Achievement/trophy 
Leads to: A Valuable Lesson 

Detailed walkthrough[]

The quest is triggered by entering the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters, located west-northwest of Camp McCarran, through the front doors on the east side (within the tall Sarsaparilla bottle statue) and looking for the booth containing Festus against the left-side wall. Picking the 'Star Hunting' dialogue option starts the quest, which requires finding a total of 50 Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps around the Mojave Wasteland. A list of fixed locations for star bottle caps can be found on the relevant article, as well as there is a moderate chance to gain a star bottle cap when consuming a Sunset Sarsaparilla.

Once at least 50 star bottle caps have been added to the inventory, one must return to Festus in the HQ and deposit the caps into his booth. After congratulating their success, Festus delivers the fabled "treasure": an oral tale about the origin of the star on certain Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle caps. Because such a 'reward' was deemed unsatisfactory by pre-War customers, Festus directs the player character to head deeper into the HQ to find a more substantial prize, ending this quest and triggering A Valuable Lesson.

Quest stages[]

10 Find the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters and speak to Festus.
20 Return to Festus with enough Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Caps to earn a prize!
30Quest failedHead to the Sunset Sarsaparilla prize closet to receive your real prize.


  • While the quest is formally triggered by talking to Festus in the HQ, one can still collect star bottle caps towards the required 50 beforehand, even reaching/surpassing that amount by the time one gets to the HQ.
  • Festus mentions in the "Legend of the Star" story that before Sunset Sarsaparilla was invented, the main choices people had for soft drinks were water or Nuka-Cola. This contradicts the information on the logo for the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company, which states that it was founded in 1918, 126 years before the foundation of the Nuka-Cola Corporation in 2044.
  • Star bottle caps can still be collected after bringing the required 50 to Festus during the quest. However, any additional star bottle caps will automatically be added as regular bottle caps.
  • Deactivating Festus with the Robotics Expert perk will render this quest permanently impossible to complete.
  • Dead Money The achievement/trophy icon for this quest is similar to the icon for Sierra Madre Souvenir Aficionado in the Dead Money add-on. The differences include the Vault Boy holding red bottle caps rather than Sierra Madre chips and having blue star eyes instead of love hearts.

Behind the scenes[]

According to Joshua Sawyer, the quest was inspired by Tootsie Roll Pop wrappers and the urban legend associated with them,[1] including how that story is referred to as "The Legend of the Shooting Star."[2]


  1. Joshua Sawyer: "finally throwing out the tootsie roll pop wrappers that were the inspiration for The Legend of the Star in fallout: new vegas"
    Twitter - Archived
  2. The Legend of the Shooting Star on Tootsie Rolls website
Main quests
Act 1Ain't That a Kick in the Head · Back in the Saddle · By a Campfire on the Trail · They Went That-a-Way · Ring-a-Ding-Ding!
Act 2Wild Card (Wild Card: Ace in the Hole, Change in Management, You and What Army?, Side Bets, Finishing Touches) · The House Always Wins (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) · Render Unto Caesar · Et Tumor, Brute? · Things That Go Boom · Kings' Gambit · For the Republic, Part 2 · You'll Know It When It Happens/Arizona Killer
Act 3No Gods, No Masters · All or Nothing · Veni, Vidi, Vici · Eureka!
Side quests
New California RepublicAnywhere I Wander · Back in Your Own Backyard · Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues · Boulder City Showdown · Can You Find it in Your Heart? · Climb Ev'ry Mountain · Don't Tread on the Bear! · Emergency Radio · Eye for an Eye · Flags of Our Foul-Ups · Hard Luck Blues · I Don't Hurt Anymore · I Put a Spell on You · Keep Your Eyes on the Prize · Medical Mystery · No, Not Much · Pressing Matters · Restoring Hope · Return to Sender · That Lucky Old Sun · The White Wash · There Stands the Grass · Three-Card Bounty · We Will All Go Together · You Can Depend on Me
Caesar's LegionBeware the Wrath of Caesar! · Caesar's Favor · Caesar's Foe · Caesar's Hire · Cold, Cold Heart · I Hear You Knocking · The Finger of Suspicion · We Are Legion
The StripBeyond the Beef · Bye Bye Love · Classic Inspiration · How Little We Know · Pheeble Will · Talent Pool · The House Has Gone Bust! · The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Freeside & Outer VegasBirds of a Feather · Bleed Me Dry · Debt Collector · G.I. Blues · High Times · Someone to Watch Over Me · The Coyotes · Wang Dang Atomic Tango
BoomersAnt Misbehavin' · Sunshine Boogie · Volare! · Young Hearts
Great KhansAba Daba Honeymoon · Cry Me a River · Don't Make a Beggar of Me · Oh My Papa
Powder GangBooted · I Fought the Law · Run Goodsprings Run · Why Can't We Be Friends?
Brotherhood of SteelEyesight to the Blind · Still in the Dark · Tend to Your Business
OtherCome Fly With Me · Crazy, Crazy, Crazy · Ghost Town Gunfight · Guess Who I Saw Today · Left My Heart · My Kind of Town · The Legend of the Star and A Valuable Lesson · Unfriendly Persuasion · Wheel of Fortune
Companion questsED-E My Love · For Auld Lang Syne · Heartache by the Number · I Could Make You Care · I Forgot to Remember to Forget · Nothin' But a Hound Dog · One for My Baby
Unmarked questsA Bit of Slap and Tickle · A Final Plan for Esteban · Access Powers · All Fired Up! · An Ear to the Ground · Andy and Charlie · Arachnophobia · Arizona Scavenger · Barton the Fink · Bear Necessities · Big Winner (Atomic Wrangler, The Gomorrah, The Tops, Ultra-Luxe, Vikki & Vance) · Bounty Killer (I, II) · Brotherhood Bond (I, II) · Caching in at the Cove · Cajoling a Cudgel · Claws Mended · Claws Out · Dealing with Contreras · Defacing the Humble Stone · Democracy Inaction · Eddie's Emissary · Exhumin' Nature · Fight Night · Flogging a Dead Corpse · Friend of the Followers · Gland for Some Home Cooking · Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger · Hat's Entertainment · Help for Halford · Hidden Valley computer virus · Highway to the Danger Zone (I, II) · Honorary Rocketeer · I Love Bananas · Iron and Stealing · Keith's Caravan Charade · Laurifer Gladiator · Lenk's Bad Debts · Lily and Leo · Long-Term Care · Malleable Mini Boomer Minds · Maud's Muggers · Meeting an Equal · Missing a Few Missiles · Most Wanted · Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans · Old School Ghoul · A Pair of Dead Desperados (I, II) · Papers, Please · Pistol Packing · Playing on the Old Joana · Powder to the People · Power to the People · Razzle Dazzle! · Reach for the Sky, Mister! · Rest and Resupply · Ringo's Caravan Rules · Rotface's Loose Lips · Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy · The Screams of Brahmin · Silus Treatment · Short-Term Treatment · Smooth-Talking Criminal · The Star Showdown · Strategic Nuclear Moose · Straus Calls · Strip Search · Suits You, Sarah · Tags of Our Fallen · A Team of Moronic Mercenaries · Thought for the Day · Tourist Traipse · Trudy's Radio Repair · A Trusted Aide · Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets? · We Must Stop Beating Like This · We Must Stop Meeting Like This · Wind-Brahmin Wrangler · You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs · You Make Me Feel Like a Woman
Add-on quests
Dead MoneySierra Madre Grand Opening! · Find Collars (8: "Dog", 12: Christine, 14: Dean Domino) · Fires in the Sky · Strike Up the Band · Mixed Signals · Trigger the Gala Event · Put the Beast Down · Last Luxuries · Curtain Call at the Tampico · Heist of the Centuries · Big Winner, Sierra Madre · Return to the FountainCut content
Honest HeartsA Family Affair · Arrival at Zion · Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin · Chaos in Zion · Civilized Man's Burden · Crush the White Legs · Deliverer of Sorrows  · Departing Paradise · Flight from Zion · Gathering Storms · Gone Fishin' · Happy Trails Expedition · Prisoners of War · Retake the Bridge · River Monsters · Rite of Passage · Roadside Attraction · Sanctity of the Dead · The Advance Scouts  · The Treacherous Road · The Grand Staircase · Tourist Trap
Old World BluesAll My Friends Have Off Switches · A Brain's Best Friend · Coming Out of Her Shell · Field Research · He Came... And Went · Influencing People · Midnight Science Fiction Feature! · Old World Blues · On the Same Wavelength · Picking Your Brains · Project X-13 · Sonic Emitter Upgrade · Welcome to the Big Empty · What's in a Name? · When Visitors Attack! · X-2: Strange Transmissions! · X-8 Data Retrieval Test · X-8: High School Horror! · X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator!
Lonesome RoadThe Reunion · The Silo · The Job · The Launch · The Tunnelers · The Divide · The Courier · The End · The Apocalypse