Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Gametitle-FO76 WL
Gametitle-FO76 WL

The Kill Box is a location in the the Forest region of Appalachia, formerly known as the Burdette Manor. It is located east of Summersville Dam and northwest of the Torrance House.


The Kill Box is a derelict Italianate mansion that is now fortified and occupied by the Blood Eagles.


There are two weapons workbenches in the area: on the ground level of the manor, and just south of the manor next to an old metal RV. A little further southeast up the hill is a cooking station. A locked door to the area linking to the road can be bypassed simply by jumping on a dresser to the left; otherwise, a button will unlock the door from the inside. Another locked door is near the western entrance to the main building - there is a gap in the fence just to the right that allows entrance into the manor otherwise once again there is a button next to the door that will unlock it from the inside.

Notable loot


The Kill Box appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

