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Fallout Wiki


The Director is a Mister Gutsy in charge of operations at the General Atomics Galleria in 2287.


A malfunctioning robot in charge of the General Atomics Galleria, the Director is the centerpiece of the Director Management System and a corrupt piece of robotics that kept the Galleria in stasis for over two centuries - after killing the original director, whose skeleton still liters the central office. A GAI representative was supposed to reactivate the Galleria on October 23, 2077, triggering firmware updates supposed to prevent the repeat of the fatal incident, but for obvious reasons, Mr Kincaid was not able to reach the facility.[1]

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Effects of player's actions

  • When the player takes the elevator to meet the director, they must pass a speech check or get the ID of the real supervisor nearby, or else the director and all of the guards turn hostile. Convincing the director to open the Galleria will change the behaviour of several of the robots, including making Crisp, Sprocket and Danny available as merchants.
  • If the player denies being the supervisor, the Director and guards will turn hostile.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Fusion cells


  • The Director's exterior is randomly generated with each playthrough.


The Director only appears in Fallout 4.

  1. General Atomics Galleria terminals; Supervisor's Terminal, 10/23/77: "Communications Log: 10/23/77
    Mr. Kincaid:
    Upon arrival at the center, you are to make your way to the Director's office in the statue. Identify yourself as Grand Reopening Supervisor 18-Alpha, present your ID, and order the Director to initiate the Grand Reopening Protocol. This will trigger a series of firmware updates that should resolve the cascade failures and restore the robots to normal operation.
    Extreme caution is advised. We believe that the Director has also been compromised, and may have been responsible for the death of your predecessor."