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Locked inside us all are billions of invisible worlds, waiting only to be touched by His Glow in order to be born anew through Division.— Tektus

High Confessor Tektus is the leader of the Children of Atom on the Island in 2287. He and his flock of cultists live in their fortified community in the Nucleus and seek to take complete control of what they believe is their god's territory.


A rabid fanatic with megalomaniacal ideas, Tektus is a zealous member of the Children of Atom and a fervent believer in the cult's creed.[1] Unlike High Confessor Martin, who lost faith over time, Tektus' faith is only strengthened by adversity and his mercy tempered by devotion to the Glow. Though he is willing to maintain peaceful relations with the Acadians because they supplied the Children with the Nucleus, he is vehement in his hatred of the residents of Far Harbor, frequently deriding them as heathens and sometimes even sending some of his followers to sabotage their defenses. After Martin left, Tektus became the high confessor and he began to take a far more aggressive stance against the harbormen.[2][3]

High Confessor Tektus has been a Child of Atom for over at least over a decade. He and his predecessor Confessor Martin left Megaton to evangelize non-believers at the behest of Confessor Cromwell, who he believes is "Atom's great prophet." After leaving the Capital Wasteland, he believes that they were guided to the Island. There, they settled among the island's native population, the harbormen.[4] Along the way to Maine, they discovered the then Enclave Lieutenant Brian Richter trapped and alone. After freeing him, Richter would convert and follow them in their journey.[5]

As tensions rose among the believers and non-believers the conflict eventually resulted in the exile of the Children of Atom from Far Harbor When they left Far Harbor, it was the Mother of the Fog, a child of Atom, who led them to the from the wilds to the Mount Desert Island Naval Facility.[6] After a time, DiMA would give them the facility to make as their new home. They would rename it "The Nucleus."

Rising tensions[]

After their settlement at the Nucleus, one of their own, Brother Andrews, was murdered by Allen Lee. Although he was not the first to die trying to evangelize more of the harbormen, he was beloved by his community, and his death was the catalyst for even more direct hostility. With Andrew's death, Confessor Martin began to grow more hostile to not just Far Harbor, but also to DiMA, due to his assistance to the inhabitants by way of the fog condensers. Martin tried to persuade DiMA that they should both try to convince the harbormen to leave the island, both for the harbormen's safety and to satisfy the Children, but DiMA wouldn't be swayed.[7]

With Martin's zealotry lingering and losing control of his flock, one member came to him to discuss her crisis of faith. Sister Gwyneth, upon seeing documents describing what an atom was,[8] could no longer believe that the religious figure of Atom was real. For the better part of two hours, they discussed their dogma, with Martin reminding her of all the gifts they believed Atom bestowed upon them, their radiation immunity, their family and their home on the Island. That eventually calmed her down, but as she left for bed, her questions lingered in his mind and raised doubts that Martin had had for some time. Martin questioned how wise she was, although this would be blamed on DiMA.[9][10] This would have great impact on Martin's faith. Eventually, Confessor Martin would choose to leave, to slip away one night after retiring to his chambers.

Tektus' rule[]

After Martin disappeared, and after an unsuccessful search with the other zealots, Tektus elevated himself from grand zealot to high confessor.[11] With his growing influence came a grater amount of paranoia, all those connected with the old regime would be suspect for heresy. As Aubert saw this with growing concern, her lover Edgar believed that even if the new high confessor had a problem, his friend Brian Richter would tell him. Edgar did urge Aubert to continue to use their shared footlocker in the storage room to share messages to avoid the gossip that spread so easily in their community.[12][13]

Edgar's trust was proven to be misplaced, as the grand zealot would not be there to stand for him when he was declared unfaithful. The grand zealot would cover for his death and Aubert coming to despise Tektus.[14] Believing that only Martin was worthy of leading the congregation.[15][16][12] This leaves her in the same position as all those who do not blindly follow Tektus, frightened into submission[17][18][19][20][21][22][14] so they are not subsequently executed as a heretic.[23][24][25][26][27][28][29]

The New Arrival[]

After the detective's arrival on the Island, and subsequent entanglement in the local conspiracies, they may have gone to the Nucleus seeking further answers. From there to Atom's Spring and further following the Mother of the Fog to their shrine. If so the high confessor will be surprised that an outsider saw their important divine messenger, both in awe and unsure how to interpret it he will welcome the Sole Survivor into their fold.[1][30] Wherein they can quickly climb the ranks of the cult.

Whether truly a new convert, or not, the Sole Survivor is soon tasked by the high confessor to weed out those that don't follow his rule blindly. After these heretics, both real and imagined, are dealt with,[31][32] the Sole Survivor will have to choose the fate of the Island's inhabitants.

Should the Sole Survivor either truly convert to the cult, or just wish to side with the Children of Atom, Tektus will have them deactivate the wind farm causing the power to the fog condensers to fail. Resulting in the complete devastation of Far Harbor and the harbormen as the wildlife floods into the territory.[33]

Should the Sole Survivor either truly convert to the cult, or just wish to help the Children come to Division they can retrieve the nuclear launch key. The Children, now with the means to live their faith, will launch the SLBMs on board the USS Democracy, destroying everyone and everything within the Nucleus.[33]

Should the Sole Survivor side with DiMA and seek to force the Reformation of the cult, he will be murdered and replaced by the synth Cole. As a result of his doppelganger peace, albeit a tense one, will return to the Island.[34]

Depending on how the quests The Heretic, Witch Hunt, and Cleansing the Land were resolved he shall award either of the titles "Crusader" or "Inquisitor of Atom."[35]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Other interactions[]

  • Tektus can be convinced to leave the Island forever instead of being killed in the quest Reformation for a low speech check. He will then leave the game forever. He is subsequently replaced with the synth Cole.
  • If the player character has replaced Tektus with a synth and then chooses to disable the Far Harbor barrier, he will be upset as they have violated Atom's request for peace, but he will let them off with a warning. Any future interactions with him will result in him remarking that he hopes Atom doesn't punish them for disobedience.
  • With a high Charisma check, Tektus can be convinced to allow the player character to launch the Vessel's nuclear missiles, destroying the Nucleus with all the Children inside and thus allowing them to "reach Division."


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
High Confessor's robes
High Confessor's helm
Gamma gun


High Confessor Tektus appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Sole Survivor: "I found this icon. The Grand Zealot said you'd be interested in seeing it."
    Tektus: "Is that... ... the Mother. So the whispers were true. You saw the Mother of the Fog. Many of Atom's children spend their whole lives wishing for such a boon. It would seem He expects great things from you, child. As will I. Now, was there anything else?"
    (Tektus' dialogue)
  2. Brian Richter: "You'd be wise to listen to the Confessor."
    Ware: "High Confessor's talking. Best you don't."
    Devin: "We should not speak... while the High Confessor preaches."
    Mai: "Can we do this later?"
    Theil: "Quiet. I can't hear."
    Tektus: "They are doomed, brothers and sisters. And they know it. The people of Far Harbor need only peer out their windows to look upon the face of Atom himself, given form in holy Fog! Yet no matter how inevitable Atom's reign in this land may be, they deny it. Scoff at us behind their condensers, kill our missionaries, slay those who only wish to bring them the Light! No longer. After years of skulking in the shadows like whipped dogs, our purpose is clear. And I know the key to our victory lies within the Nucleus itself. We will claim the secrets hidden away by that accursed robot and with them, we will wipe Far Harbor from the island! Atom's veil will roll down its streets, holy Fog cleansing the land of their heresy! And when we are finally granted Division, it will be as heroes! A new day dawns, brothers and sisters! Glory to Atom!"
    Kane: "Glory to Atom!"
    Mai: "Glory to Atom!"
    Theil: "Glory to Atom!"
    Child of Atom: "Glory to Atom!"
    (Brian Richter's, Ware's, Devin's, Tektus', Kane's, Mai's, Theil's, and Child of Atom's dialogue generic male and generic female)
  3. Tektus: "Brothers! Sisters! Come forth! Come forth and know the fate of Far Harbor! Gone. Gone is that bastion of heresy. Gone is that seething cauldron of desecration, washed clean at last. Today, brothers and sisters, Far Harbor's streets run thick with Fog. Thanks to our champion. A soul of valor. Of devotion. Of purpose. Our Inquisitor/Crusader! Remember this moment, brothers and sisters. For thanks to them, a new age begins! Ours! Glory to Atom!"
    Ware: "Glory to Atom!"
    Brian Richter: "Glory to Atom!"
    The Archemist: "Glory to Atom!"
    Kane: "Glory to Atom!"
    Child of Atom: "Glory to Atom!"
    Devin: "Glory to Atom!"
    Mai: "Glory to Atom!"
    Ware: "Glory to Atom!"
    Theil: "Glory to Atom!"
    (Tektus', Ware's, Brian Richter's, The Archemist's, Kane's, Kane's, Child of Atom's dialogue generic male and generic female, Devin's, Mai's, and Theil's dialogue)
  4. The Sole Survivor: "How is it you came to this place?"
    Tektus: "We were guided here, many years ago, after our exile from Far Harbor. The first of us, my predecessor Martin and I, had come north at the behest of Atom's great prophet, Confessor Cromwell... ...from a small refuge in the Capital Wastes. When we arrived on the island, we found a few souls receptive to Atom's message. Anna... the Archemist... was formerly Far Harbor's doctor before she found the Light. But most... they thought us a menace. We were chased from the town, driven into the wilds. Barely escaped with our lives. Some of us were... never the same. It was only thanks to the grace of Atom that we survived... and finally found a place that we could call home."
    (Tektus' dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: "You seem... different, from most of the people here. Why is that?"
    Brian Richter: "Brazen thing, aren't you. All right. I was a soldier before I came to Atom. Lieutenant Brian Richter. Recon, Captial Region. Had been on a long-term scouting mission up north when we picked up the trail of a reserve of Fusion Cores from an old disposal facility. We'd made our way into the containment cellar, only our team engineer hadn't set the door locks right. Fifteen inches of lead-wrapped steel slammed shut behind us and locked tight, not to open again until Division. And I got to watch them all crumble and die while I lasted on two sips of water a day and the occasional roach. The High Confessor - he was still a zealot back then - he eventually turned up a couple weeks later. They cracked the seal on the door, pulled me out, dragged me back here where the Archemist nursed me back to health. It's only thanks to Atom's blessing that I didn't die vomiting my guts onto the floor, forced to eat my own shedding hair. Now, did you have any other questions?"
    (Richter's dialogue)
  6. The Sole Survivor: "What can you tell me about the Mother of the Fog?"
    Tektus: "The Mother is one of Atom's most revered messengers. Many years ago, when we were driven from Far Harbor, it was she who guided us through the wilds to this sanctuary. We might all have been lost if it wasn't for her. You should be honored she found you so... interesting."
    (Tektus' dialogue)
  7. An execution
  8. Gwyneth's journal
  9. Sister Gwyneth's visit
  10. A Vengeful Creature
  11. The Sole Survivor: "What happened to the Confessor before you?"
    Tektus: "Martin? No one knows. One night he was sleeping in his chambers in the vessel, and the next morning, he'd simply vanished. The other zealots and I organized a party to try and find him, to no avail. I wouldn't be shocked if he took up in Far Harbor or fled to the south. His dedication to Atom had become... questionable. He'd done nothing when Far Harbor executed one of our missionaries, so I dare say it's best that he fled."
    (Tektus' dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Aubert's note
  13. Edgar's note
  14. 14.0 14.1 Aubert: "Edgar... you'd tell me what to do..."
    "Wish I'd never written that damn thing."
    "Anyone hears about this, I'll be branded for life."
    "No, no. I don't want anything to do with you."
    "Nothing more to say to you."
    "You should get out of here."
    "Better not hear any rumors flying around. I didn't do anything wrong."
    "Stringing me along with stupid questions..."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  15. The Sole Survivor: "You don't like Tektus, huh?"
    Aubert: "Who wouldn't? Man's a damned-- That is... I-I like Tektus just fine. But I... I think you should go."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  16. The Sole Survivor: "Why would someone be denied a place in the crypt?"
    Aubert: "You've been out there, right? This place... it's dangerous. Take a wrong turn in the Fog? Sorry, brother. Lost to the family. Wander too close to the wrong settlement. Lost to the family. Atom help you, you look at Tektus the wrong way."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  17. The Sole Survivor: "Sister Aubert. I found this note you penned. About the High Confessor. Something like this could get you in a lot of trouble."
    Aubert: "My note? My note. L-listen. I-I was mad. High Confessor's a good man. I wouldn't... please, please just let me have it back and I'll get rid of it. We can pretend this never happened. Please."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  18. The Sole Survivor: "Don't worry. I'll tell him everything's above board. Here, take this and destroy it."
    Aubert: "Oh Atom above, thank you. Thank you. Just, when you report back, tell him I'm loyal, all right? Please."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  19. The Sole Survivor: "I might be inclined to help you, if I heard the jangle of some caps."
    Aubert: "Yeah. Here. Everything I've got. So, you'll keep this secret? Let me have my note?"
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  20. The Sole Survivor: "Look, no matter what I do, you're not safe here. You need to leave. Now."
    Aubert: "Shit, you're right. Shit. Just, give me a little time before you say anything, all right? Please?"
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  21. Aubert: "You haven't done it yet, have you? Just please let me have the note and I swear, we don't ever have to discuss this again. Our little secret. Please?"
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  22. Aubert: "Tektus is a damn fine confessor. Best we've had."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  23. Tektus comments on Sister Aubert:
    Tektus: "Had you heard, child? It would seem Sister Aubert has gone missing. Such a loss. Now, what did you need?"
    Tektus: "Hmph. It would seem Sister Aubert has fled. Perhaps that is... for the best. Now, was there a reason for this visit?"
    Tektus: "You did well, bringing Aubert's heresy to light. Now, what did you need?"
    (Tektus' dialogue)
  24. The Sole Survivor: "What kind of job?"
    Brian Richter: "A matter of heresy that needs to be dealt with. There is a woman, one of our own. Or, she was. Gwyneth. But she's given herself over to something... dark. The Confessor ordered Zealot Theil to track her down, but the heretic eluded her. Now Gwyneth has begun profaning our holy sites with her mad ravings, openly flouting the word of Atom. The High Confessor wants her found. And executed."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  25. The events of the The Heretic.
  26. Aubert: "Word is you talked to the High Confessor for me... thanks. Here. You should have this."
    "How you convinced Tektus, I'll never know."
    "Can't thank you enough."
    "Atom above, you're a good one."
    "Atom above, will you leave me alone."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  27. The Sole Survivor: "You don't like Tektus, huh?"
    Aubert: "Not saying anything else to you on the subject. Tektus is a superb Confessor. The best. But I think you should go."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  28. The Sole Survivor: "You don't like Tektus, huh?"
    Aubert: "I-I've got no problem with Tektus. Fine leader. Now, suppose, I should get back to it."
    (Aubert's dialogue)
  29. The Sole Survivor: "What was happening with those two Children of Atom you were, uh, interrogating?"
    Brian Richter: "An issue of loyalty. Not something you need to concern yourself with. Now, unless you've come to join Atom's faithful, I suggest you go on your way."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  30. The events of the quest Visions in the Fog in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  31. The events of the quest The Heretic in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  32. The events of the quest Witch Hunt in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  33. 33.0 33.1 The events of the quest Cleansing the Land in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  34. The events of the quest Reformation in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  35. The Sole Survivor: "Glory indeed."
    Tektus: "You'd convinced me that Division was the correct path, but now, with Atom's kingdom united, I see that our place is in this world. Thanks to you, the greatest threat to our family is no more. And for that, you will be rewarded. Here. A paltry thing, considering what you've accomplished. You've displayed true devotion in spreading Atom's glory. Such dedication should be acknowledged. From now on, you shall be knowIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar/known by all as 'Crusader/Inquisitor.' You have ended an era of wickedness, Crusader/Inquisitor. Go forth in the age of Atom."
    (Tektus' dialogue) Note: The titles "Crusader" and "Inquisitor" are given depending on how the quests The Heretic, Witch Hunt, and Cleansing the Land were resolved. The lines "know" and "known" are correct to the "Crusader" and "Inquisitor" options.
Major antagonists