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Fallout Wiki

The tank track robot was a utility robot used in agriculture before the Great War. After the War, in the Midwest in 2197, it was adapted by the Calculator for close range combat.


Roughly the size of a small car, the tank track robot is equipped with a series of threshing flailes on a pivoting mount in front of the chassis, with a small control unit in a cylinder in the back. It has been repurposed into an all-terrain melee combat machine by the Calculator.


Tank track robot[]


It attacks using its spinning flails which can do a great deal of damage. Though highly resistant it can be easily defeated because it can't fit through most doorways, lacks a ranged attack, and takes time to spin up its flails, making it fairly easy to maneuver away from before it can do any damage.

Name (Proto ID)StatisticsDT/DRAbilitiesItems
Tank track robot
Experience Points
Hit Points
Healing Rate
Armor Class
Action Points
Melee Damage
Critical Chance
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: Normal
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: Fire
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: Gas
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: Explosive
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: Energy
Damage Threshold/Damage Resistance: Electrical


The tank track robot appears in Fallout Tactics.

