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Is it just me, or does this weapon seem to not damage anything after lighting them on fire? That is to say, once something is hit by the pistol and lit on fire, each subsequent shot doesn't seem to deal damage, until the fire is out. Sorry if this is confusing. Graves 05:42, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Personally, I never used it long enough for it to matter. At first I was all "Oh cool, something for my 10mm!", except it sucks. Unmodded Chinese Pistols are crap. The only thing I ended up using it for was hunting radroaches and molerats, which never lasted long enough for me to see the damage, sorry. --DarkJeff 05:55, 18 December 2008 (UTC)
I've definitely used it enough to know the bullets still do damage while a person/creature is still on fire. I don't know if the fire effect damage stacks or it just extends the duration, but i'm sure the actual impacts still do (their worthless amounts of) damage. Bloodwars 20:31, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

Something is wrong with it... I've gone into VATS and set up a sequence of shots it said would kill my target and then some, only for each bullet to do 1/10 of what they said it would. 18:06, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

Apparently this gun does not do any damage in VATS at all, the damage you are seeing is due to the fire only. However, it does appear to do full damage outside of VATS (360) 22:42, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Found another way to obtain

I've seen a female Megaton Settler have this weapon strapped on her waist. It caught my eye and I examined it for about it minute wondering "What is that weapon?". This should be added onto the article, yes?

Ju Juitsu 08:41, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

Can it be repeated? Where?

-- User-Mirar pawprint14Mirar (Talk) 08:55, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

According to G.E.C.K. (editor), you're wrong. You might have seen a Chinese Pistol? Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol only exists once in the game: in a briefcase in LOB Enterprises.

-- User-Mirar pawprint14Mirar (Talk) 09:01, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

Oh you're right, it was probably just a Chinese Pistol. I recognized the image on here as an exact match whenever I was playing the game. I forgot that most artifact weapons have the same appearance as their normals.

Ju Juitsu 09:23, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

Affected by pyromaniac?

Just a thought because it does fire damage.

I'd assume so, but it'd probably just up it from 2/5 fire damage to 3/5... which doesn't really help it suck any less :/ Bloodwars 20:29, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

Possible Major Glitch

ok so I will start from the beggining.

I like to collect everything that catches my eye and display it in my house. I am pretty far into the game now and I have tons of random special things lying around all over my Megaton house. I have at least 100 random items lying all over the place (on desks, shelfs, tables, and the floor) especially in the room with the door which I call my special room where I keep all of my most prized possessions such as my alien blaster and the original power armour - type 41b or something - so as you can imagine I was pretty excited when I found this gun. I took it home and saved my game and turned of my xbox 360 and the next day I loaded the game and everything and I mean everything was gone. Things that cannot be picked up dissapeared such as phones, lamps, the typewritter on the desk, and even the carpet were just suddenly gone. So a little pissed off I reloaded the game hoping that everything would correct itself and it did... kinda. The entire house went back to its original state. All the furniture I purchased was gone and everything in my storage containers was gone. all of the items that I put down myself had dissapeared except for the last thing that I dropped which was a power helmet. I swear it was mocking me!!! All this happened after I found this gun. Luckily I made a safe just before I went into the building where this gun was and tried it again and nothing bad heppened. I'm not sure if it was the pistol was to blame for this problem, but you never know so save before you get this gun and make sure everything is ok.

could this be related to the general house glitchiness of not owning lockers and megatownies being able to swipe your stuff? did you save the botherhood initiate without getting the paladins killed? neither one would seem to do what you're describing completely, but it's the best i can think up... Bloodwars 20:27, 4 January 2009 (UTC)


Explore "Project Zhu-Rong" about "Prototype ZRIN-418" in L.O.B. Enterprises's lab terminal. IMHO, it is "Zhu-Rong v418". I use ru-version of game, so don't know English text of NOTE. --gamer102 06:12, 27 February 2009 (UTC)


Could a GECKie get us some spread? I assume it's the same as the regular Chinese Pistol, but I'm just making sure. Nitty 17:07, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

Nevermind, got it confirmed.

moved Bugs

  • There is a bug where only the first shot from the pistol does any damage. Once an enemy is on fire, additional hits from the Zhu-Rong seem to have no effect. (It might just be because its only good for setting enemies on fire and the actual damage is low.) (unconfirmed)
  • If you shoot the Zhu-Rong at water multiple times, occasionally the game will freeze.

These need to be confirmed by more than one source before they can be restored--Kingclyde 23:49, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

I can confirm the first one, but only in VATS. The first shot works, but subsequent shots do no damage, even to weak enemies, like Mole Rats. Nitty 23:51, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

Personally I believe the firelance does the same thing. My guess is that it won't do more fire damage because they are already on fire. Not sure though. I don't even think the GECK is clear on it. I'll double check tonight at home. I need to concentrate on the NPC articles. --Kingclyde 23:55, September 1, 2009 (UTC)