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Aliens possible use.[]

I don't understand. What are the evil Illuminati sex horsies for? Lucrative trading chips? Nitty 05:10, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

All 3 of the NPCs who can be brought into other sections will comment on the horses (and engine room and cargo bay) if they are currently following the player. It's also of note that there are two versions of the horse, the small toy that can be carried and the "life sized" robot horse version.

They comment at the refuse shoot of the cargo bay, the first robot horses in the lab, the horses inside the tubes with lightning (sumoa: "Oh this makes sense."), the first large storage area where the horses are standing on the floor, the large warehouse room where the horses are stacked on shelves (sumoa says "This is really disturbing"), and finally the red room with the dead test subjects. They also comment several times in the engine room. -- 15:21, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Maybe the aliens produced those themselves as undercover-killermachines, as indicated by the one surrounded by corpses. 19:01, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

That's what I thought too. Maybe an attempt (successful) at weaponizing them to use against the humans. That's kind of suggested by their excitement at seeing Sally excited about them. I figure maybe charging them with several thousand volts of electricity. It's kind of creepy seeing that one stand there bathed in a red glow with lifeless eyes and a small smile. Also, it's floating.

It is obvious it's some sort of killing machine, what I want to know is what exactly is it it does. Also it's not floating, it's on glass :P What I also find amusing is the two rooms either side that don't have any way in, not even teleporters, they should've gotten a better architect for the ship lol. -- 14:13, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

The giddyup butter cup in the tube surrounded by the dead test subjects is the SAME model as all the others, no glowing eyes, no floating, no mischievous grin. The "glowing eyes" is just the reflection of the red light it's bathed in, nothing more, check it out for yourselves.--DashMan54 14:22, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Removed the comment from the article about glowing red eyes, as I just verified that the eyes are neither red nor glowing. The horse is just bathed in red light from above. --HunterZ 02:37, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

OK, this is weird, I am CERTAIN that I did not pick it up while I was exploring the ship, but when I used the beacon to get home it was in my inventory! Is this a new Garden Gnome? -- 19:33, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

I don't know about them being a weapon. Was it ever established that the aliens could understand human speech? Perhaps they just mistook Sally's joy, or wanted to know the cause of it, leading them to do extensive research on it.--Antipilor 02:35, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Just a random thought here, aliens are preety small so I'm thinking maybe the aliens may have been trying to turn them into mounts. very unlikly I know, but still it's a (somewhat humourus) thought. - RASIC 00:01, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Paulson actually says something to that effect, "There's no way I can see one of those greenies riding into town on one o' them horses." Nitty 04:24, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

like I said very unlikly, but it's a possibility. - RASIC 04:27, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
  • Are you guys kidding? Through its form (as a toy) and shape (a horse) and plot shadowing with Sally, it's clear that those seemingly innocuous Buttercup robots were the aliens' version of that famous Greek covert gift operation, the Trojan Horse from The Aeneid. Equo ne credite, Patroni! Quidquid id est, timeo Aliena et dona ferentes... --Theicla 21:20, November 2, 2009 (UTC)
How are all those aliens meant to fit into that tiny thing?
I know wher your coming from with the pulse grenades, but the original Tojan horse had soldies in so thought I'd slip that little pun in. - RASICTalk 21:55, November 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • The pulse grenade in the horse is the best explanation given. Why else would those be *right there* on the table, next to the removed head of one of the toys, if not meant to infer that the Aliens were shoving them into the horses and sending them down to Earth as a sort of covert, Trojan Horse-esque, bomb? I assume the excitement the Aliens displayed from Sally's favorable reaction is excitement that their insidious plan is working. (Warkupo)
I thought the one with the corpses near was a robotic killing machine... honestly, I thought it was going to jump out and kill me. Not the scariest moment in the game... but definately creepy and odd.P1 Press Start 17:19, July 2, 2010 (UTC)
That's not what I Paulson say; he said something more like "I can't see how anyone could get any respect riding into town on one of these." --HunterZ 02:37, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

The eyes do glow red.[]

I was there just today. I heard something about glowing eyes in the testroom with the dead guys. I run up to it, just after entering the room. I was standing there still, right in front of it and watched. The eyes turned red a few times, no dark red, just red. After 4 short glows they go back to normal. It was not the lighting in the room for sure. Point is, they glow after entering the room, but they don't glow forever. Go and check it, unbelieveable that HunterZ and DashMan54 came up with that. -- 01:39, July 24, 2015 (UTC)

I can confirm this. I'm playing the PC version. When you step on the dias that the horse rests on its eyes flash red three or four times in what might possibly be a Morse pattern. I can only trigger it once. 22:11, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Pop Cultural Reference?[]

Isn't the name of the horse "Giddyup Buttercup" a play on the song "Build Me Up Buttercup" sang by The Foundations? Prah (talk) 06:18, July 27, 2015 (UTC)
