Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Brotherhood fatigues

The Brotherhood fatigues (Fallout 76) has both an outfit and underarmor listed on it. Are we sure the brotherhood soldier outfit isn't that outfit? If so, should that be moved to this page, or this page deleted?Aiden4017 (talk) 23:30, December 19, 2018 (UTC)

No, the Brotherhood soldier outfit is the previously seen in Fallout 4 BOS uniform, specifically the orange variant. On the other hand, "brotherhood fatigues" refers to 2 completly differnt pieces of clothing (dunno why but Bethesda did this but I've checked it), the first one is the same variant seen in Fallout 4, the other is an underarmor never seen before. --Itanimulli confirmed (talk) 23:45, December 19, 2018 (UTC)

BOS uniform orange Brotherhood soldier outfit (called BOS uniform in Fallout 4) FO76 Brotherhood Fatigues Brotherhood fatigues (outfit, seen in both Fallout 4 and 76) Fallout76-brotherhood-fatigues Brotherhood fatigues (underarmor, new variant only seen in Fallout 76)
