Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Actually undetectable?[]

Anecdotally, the second rank of this perk doesn't seem to actually hide me from enemies; they can easily spot and shoot me although I'm underwater (Xbox One, before and including patch 1.2). Does this not work how I expect (go underwater, can't be seen) or is it really bugged? – 09:53, December 26, 2015 (UTC)

The description indeed seems to imply that you become undetectable while submerged, so if that doesn't happen it's probably bugged. A question though, do enemies lose you when you're detected first above water and then submerge?
- FDekker talk 09:57, December 26, 2015 (UTC)

Useful for getting around[]

An unmentioned benefit of the perk is the speed boost you get from swimming. Its being so long since I took it along with having avoided all swimming before doing so, I can't be sure if the boost is a direct result of the perk or not. It is significant though, and given that the Commonwealth is riddled with rivers and coastline, it can make getting to remote settlements under attack in a hurry much easier in survival mode. Even without the second rank, you tend to avoid all enemy encounters along the way while swimming simply because of their non-presence in the water (and even if they do spot you from the shore, you're out of range so fast that they're generally not a factor.)Phibbus (talk) 15:23, March 17, 2017 (UTC)

I find it useful simply for getting rid of the nuisance value of accumulating little bits of radiation here and there in shallow water, especially in the swampy, southern part of the map. 00:18, April 15, 2019 (UTC)


I can be useful to delete the redirection from "Aquaboy" page and delete it ? for a cleaner wiki !
- Arkadyos talk 12:18, June 21, 2019 (UTC)

I think it's useful to keep the redirect there because users may be searching for "Aquaboy" and would like to end up at the right page. Also, removing the Aquaboy page won't remove the "< Aquaboy" at the top of the page.
- FDekker talk 14:01, July 16, 2019 (UTC)