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The most advanced suits of Power Armor to see extensive use were the T-60 models. By the time of the Great War, they were a common sight in all U.S. military engagements.Fallout 76 loading screens

The T-60 power armor is a power armor set in Fallout 76.


Main article: Power armor

The T-60 series of powered combat infantry armor is an evolution of the T-45 power armor design.[Non-game 1] Following quiet testing between the government and West Tek, as part of its long-standing defense contract,[Non-game 2] the T-60 entered service after the conclusion of the Battle of Anchorage, mere months before the nuclear apocalypse, the T-60 was rapidly deployed and extensively used by the U.S. Army in all theaters. Deployments of military units in T-60 power armor included the domestic front, enforcing order in the nation.[1]

By the time of the Great War it was considered to be the most advanced model of power armor to see extensive use.[2]


The T-60 power armor provides good radiation protection, stronger than the T-45, T-51 and Ultracite, but weaker than the X-01 and T-65. Its ballistic protection is weaker than T-51, T-65 and Ultracite, and it is outclassed by all but the T-45 in terms of energy protection. The base level that T-60 pieces can be used at is 40.

Armor parts[]

Image Name Resistances Weight Value
Bottle cap
Durability Plan
Physical Energy Radiation
FO76 T-60 helmet T-60 helm 50 / 60 45 / 55 50 / 60 11.0 120 Plan: T-60 helm
FO76 T-60 torso T-60 chest piece 84 / 100 79 / 95 100 / 115 18.0 200 Plan: T-60 chest piece
FO76 T-60 arm T-60 left arm 50 / 60 45 / 55 50 / 60 12.0 160 Plan: T-60 left arm
FO76 T-60 arm T-60 right arm 50 / 60 45 / 55 50 / 60 12.0 160 Plan: T-60 right arm
FO76 T-60 leg T-60 left leg 50 / 60 45 / 55 50 / 60 14.0 160 Plan: T-60 left leg
FO76 T-60 leg T-60 right leg 50 / 60 45 / 55 50 / 60 14.0 160 Plan: T-60 right leg
Total 334 / 400 304 / 370 350 / 415 81.0 960 -


Level 50
Name Aluminum Black Titanium Circuitry Gear Glass Nuclear Material Oil Plastic Rubber Screw Silver Spring Steel
T-60 helmet 10 7 - - 10 - - 13 13 10 10 - 17
T-60 torso 6 5 6 6 - 5 - - 8 6 6 - 11
T-60 left arm 6 5 - 6 - - 6 - - 6 6 - -
T-60 right arm - 5 - 6 - - 6 8 - 6 6 - 11
T-60 left leg 6 5 - - - - 6 8 - 6 6 6 11
T-60 right leg 6 5 - - - - 6 8 - 6 6 6 11
Total 34 32 6 18 10 5 24 37 21 40 40 12 61

Level 40
Name Aluminum Black Titanium Circuitry Gear Glass Nuclear Material Oil Plastic Rubber Screw Silver Spring Steel
T-60 helmet 8 5 - - 8 - - 10 10 8 8 - 13
T-60 torso 5 3 5 5 - 3 - - 6 5 5 - 8
T-60 left arm 5 3 - 5 - - 5 - - 5 5 - -
T-60 right arm - 3 - 5 - - 5 6 - 5 5 - 8
T-60 left leg 5 3 - - - - 5 6 - 5 5 5 8
T-60 right leg 5 3 - - - - 5 6 - 5 5 5 8
Total 28 20 5 15 8 3 20 28 16 33 33 10 45



NameEffectDescriptionDurabilityWeightValueResourcesRequirementsForm ID
Internal database+2 IntelligenceIncreases Intelligence.-4+10%+20%Adhesive x9
Aluminum x9
Crystal x6
Fiber optics x6
Plan: T-60 internal database001CFEAC
Sensor array+2 PerceptionIncreases Perception.-4+10%+20%Adhesive x9
Aluminum x9
Fiber optics x6
Fiberglass x9
Plan: Raider sensor array00181033
Targeting HUDHighlights living, hostile, non player NPCs.Visor highlights living targets.-15+20%+100%Adhesive x17
Aluminum x17
Circuitry x14
Copper x17
Stable crimson flux x5
Plan: T-60 targeting HUD001CFEB5
VATS Matrix Overlay*1.1 VATS hit chanceIncreases VATS hit chance.-4+10%+20%Adhesive x9
Aluminum x9
Circuitry x6
Fiber optics x6
Applied only via loose mod0020374C
Rad Scrubbers-Removes radiation from water when drinking.-15+10%+25%-Unused00181042
Recon Sensors-Sighted aiming marks enemies with a compass pip.-6+12.5%+40%Adhesive x11
Aluminum x11
Circuitry x8
Fiber optics x8
NameEffectDescriptionDurabilityWeightValueResourcesRequirementsForm ID
Headlamp-Default headlamp---Aluminum x1
Fiber optics x1
Known by default001507B4
Headlamp Blue-Adds blue headlamp.---Aluminum x1
Fiber optics x1
Applied only via loose mod001A5D22
Headlamp Bright-Adds bright headlamp.---Aluminum x1
Fiber optics x1
Applied only via loose mod0019B652
Headlamp Purple-Adds purple headlamp.---Aluminum x1
Fiber optics x1
Applied only via loose mod001A5D24
Headlamp Red Tactical-Adds red tactical headlamp.---Aluminum x1
Fiber optics x1
Applied only via loose mod001A60CE
Headlamp Vault Boy-Adds Vault Boy headlamp.---Aluminum x1
Fiber optics x1
Applied only via loose mod001A5D26


NameEffectDescriptionDurabilityWeightValueResourcesRequirementsForm ID
Blood Cleanser-50% addiction chanceReduces chance for addiction from drugs.-8+15%+60%Adhesive x13
Aluminum x13
Antiseptic x10
Rubber x16
Stable fluorescent flux x5
Plan: T-60 blood cleanser0018103C
Core Assembly+6 AP regenerationIncreases Action Point refresh speed.-8+15%+60%Adhesive x13
Aluminum x13
Circuitry x10
Nuclear material x7
Stable yellowcake flux x5
Plan: T-60 core assembly00180FD7
Emergency Protocols-Below 20% health, speed increases 25% and incoming damage is reduced 50%.-10+17.5+80%Adhesive x15
Aluminum x15
Circuitry x12
Nuclear material x8
Stable violet flux x4
Plan: T-60 emergency protocols001D032C
Jet Pack-Enables jet-assisted boost while jumping.-15+25+120%Adhesive x17
Aluminum x17
Asbestos x14
Nuclear material x9
Stable cobalt flux x5
Stable violet flux x5
Plan: T-60 jet pack00125C82
Kinetic Dynamo20% of damage taken is added to AP. Full damage is still taken.Taking damage recharges Action Points.-8+15%+60%Adhesive x13
Aluminum x13
Ceramic x19
Rubber x16
Stable cobalt flux x5
Plan: T-60 kinetic dynamo00070517
Medic PumpUses regular stimpak when health drops below 50%. [verification needed]Detects hits during combat and automatically uses a Stimpak when health is low.-6+12.5%+40%Adhesive x11
Aluminum x11
Antiseptic x8
Circuitry x8
Plan: T-60 medic pump0018103F
Motion-assist servos+2 StrengthIncreases Strength.-4+10%+20%Adhesive x9
Aluminum x9
Rubber x12
Spring x9
Plan: T-60 motion-assist servos00203746
Reactive plates-Reflects 50% of melee damage back on attacker.-15+20%+100%Adhesive x17
Aluminum x17
Asbestos x14
Nuclear material x9
Stable fluorescent flux x5
Plan: T-60 reactive plates0018102E
Stealth BoyDoes not work when moving, requires at least 1 AP to work. Drains AP while sneaking and not moving.Activates stealth field while crouched.-15+20%+100%Adhesive x17
Aluminum x17
Circuitry (Fallout 76) x14
Fiber optics x14
Gold x14
Stable fluorescent flux x5
Plan: T-60 Stealth Boy00183564
Tesla coilsDeals 5 area damage.[verification needed]Deals Energy damage to nearby enemies.-15+20%+100%Adhesive x17
Aluminum x17
Copper x17
Fiber optics (Fallout 76) x14
Rubber (Fallout 76) x20
Stable yellowcake flux x5
Plan: T-60 Tesla coils001D0333


NameEffectDescriptionDurabilityWeightValueResourcesRequirementsForm ID
Hydraulic Bracers+15% unarmed damageIncreases unarmed damage.-6+12.5%+40%Adhesive x11
Aluminum x11
Oil x11
Steel x16
Plan: T-60 hydraulic bracers00203748
Optimized Bracers75% of power attack AP costReduces Action Point cost for Power Attacks.-4+10%+20%Adhesive x9
Aluminum x9
Ceramic x13
Rubber x12
Plan: T-60 optimized bracers001CFE4A
Rusty Knuckles3 damage over 3 seconds per arm.Unarmed attacks cause bleeding damage.-6+12.5%+40%Adhesive x11
Aluminum x11
Ceramic x16
Steel x16
Plan: T-60 rusty knuckles001CCE16
Tesla Bracers+45 Energy damageAdds Energy damage to Unarmed attacks.-8+15%+60%Adhesive x13
Aluminum x13
Copper x13
Rubber x16
Stable yellowcake flux x5
Plan: T-60 Tesla bracers0023A516


NameEffectDescriptionDurabilityWeightValueResourcesRequirementsForm ID
Calibrated Shocks+50 Carry WeightIncreases Carry Weight capacity.-15+20%+100%Adhesive x17
Aluminum x17
Fiberglass x17
Stable violet flux x5
Plan: T-60 calibrated shocks001D026F
Cooling Vent-Fusion Cores drain 5% slower.-4+10%+20%Adhesive x9
Aluminum x9
Asbestos x6
Nuclear material x5
Plan: T-60 cooling vent00181037
Kinetic Servos+1 AP regeneration when movingIncreases Action Point refresh speed while moving.-8+15%+60%Adhesive x13
Aluminum x13
Nuclear material x7
Stable fluorescent flux x5
Plan: T-60 kinetic servos001D0257
Optimized ServosSprinting takes 20% less AP costReduces Action Point cost for sprinting.-10+17.5%+80%Adhesive x15
Aluminum x15
Fiberglass x15
Spring x15
Stable cobalt flux x4
Plan: T-60 optimized servos001D024A
Overdrive Servos+25% sprint AP cost, 10% faster sprint speedIncreases Sprint speed at additional Action Point cost.-10+17.5%+80%Adhesive x15
Aluminum x15
Fiberglass x15
Nuclear material x8
Stable crimson flux x4
Plan: T-60 overdrive servos001D0244


  • Material modifications are available after purchasing the necessary entitlement in the Atomic Shop. All paints require 2 oil, 2 plastic, and 2 steel per element.
  • Any exceptions to this rule are noted in the description field. The list does not include cosmetic transformations, which are covered separately. These include:
Name Appearance Description
Blackbird (carbon coating) Soar across the Wasteland with this sleek Blackbird Paint Set for your Power Armor.
Camouflage Become one with Appalachia with these Camouflage Paints for your Power Armor.
Hot Rod Everything with flames is automatically cooler - just like this Hot Rod Power Armor Station.
Inferno Mark I The Inferno Mark 1/2/3 Power Armor Paint Set.
Inferno Mark II
Inferno Mark III

Hide in the night, and stalk your enemies with the Mothman Power Armor Paints and a Mothman Red Headlamp.

Nukashine Speak easy and carry a big Power Armor! Who knows where you will end up with this blacked out Nukashine paint set.
Outcast Paint ? Feel like you don't belong with these Outcast Paints for your Power Armor.

Nuclear Winter reward.

American Patriot Show Appalachia that democracy will never be defeated by sporting this American Patriot Power Armor Paint Set!

For the times you want to unleash your inner child - as a force of destruction! It's Playtime!

Tricentennial paint A set of Power Armor Paints celebrating 300 years of American freedom!
Vault-Tec paint
Vault-Tec engineer paint Join the ranks of Vault-Tec's engineers with this paint for your Power Armor.
Wasteland Walker Hide in plain sight with these Wasteland Walker Paints for your Power Armor.
West Virginia

Continue the Mountaineer spirit with this set of West Virginia-themed paints for your Power Armor.

Winter Wanderland Blend in with the ashes of Nuclear Winter with the Winter Wanderland Paints for your Power Armor.
Woodland Warrior Blend into the bush with these Woodland Warrior Paints for your Power Armor. Includes a unique paint for each of the T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01 Power Armors.

Brotherhood paints[]

The player can collect Brotherhood rank paints for their set of T-60. Numbered from BOS I-VII, each is a potential quest reward for completing Forbidden Knowledge. You can only obtain a paint after the prior one has been learned. As of now, Initiate paint can no longer drop from Forbidden Knowledge. Note that the BOS IV paint will drop before BOS III, however, learning it will not effect any future paint rewards. BOS I was removed from the drop pool and is legacy contentFallout 76 legacy content.

  • (BOS I) T-60 BOS initiate paint: A light grey suit with white details and an initiate rank emblem on the left forearm. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest. It is legacy contentFallout 76 legacy content.
  • (BOS II) T-60 BOS knight paint: A dark grey suit with white details and a knight rank emblem on the left forearm. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest.
  • (BOS IV) T-60 BOS knight CPT paint: A dark grey suit with white details and a knight captain rank emblem on the left forearm. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest.
  • (BOS III) T-60 BOS knight SGT paint: A dark grey suit with white details and a knight sergeant rank emblem on the left forearm. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest.
  • (BOS V) T-60 BOS officer paint: A matte black suit with orange details. It does not have a rank emblem. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest.
  • (BOS VI) T-60 BOS paladin paint: A matte black suit with orange details and a paladin rank emblem on the left forearm. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest.
  • (BOS VII) T-60 BOS elder paint: A matte black suit with orange details and an elder rank emblem on the left forearm. It bears the Brotherhood of steel symbol on its chest.





  1. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The T-60 series of Power Armor saw extensive use by the United States Army after the Battle of Anchorage. In fact, soldiers in T-60 Power Armor were among those trying to retain order on October 23, 2077 - the day America fell to atomic war..."
  2. Fallout 76 loading screens: "The most advanced suits of Power Armor to see extensive use were the T-60 models. By the time of the Great War, they were a common sight in all U.S. military engagements."


  1. The Art of Fallout 4 p.13: "Our primary goal with the power armor was to make it feel less like a suit that you'd wear and more like a vehicle you'd operate. this design began as a reimagining of the T-45d, but it was different enough that we dubbed it the T-60. This way we could bring the T-45 back as its own variant. Although the look was settled on early, some details and proportions were revisited when we adapted the power armor to work as a modular system of plates that attached to a standardized endoframe. In this early version, the arms and legs needed more bulk to make room for the operator and the frame."
  2. Fallout - A Special LIVE Report from Galaxy News, ~45:50