System recording: Vault 11 solution is a holotape in Fallout: New Vegas.
It can be downloaded from the vault central computer mainframe, found in the Vault 11's sacrificial chamber.
All right, I know you can hear me, so listen up. There's five of us left. Five. Out of... I don't know how many. So... it's over. We've talked and it's over. We're not going to send anybody to die anymore. So shut off our water or gas us or do whatever it is you're programmed to do. But we're done listening to you.
Related quest[]
- Downloading this holodisk completes the unmarked quest Democracy Inaction.
- The voice heard on the holodisk is voice 1 on system recording: Vault 11 front entrance, the Vault 11 survivor, voiced by Peter Renaday.