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Survival caches are small duffle bags found in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts which contain a random quantity of miscellaneous loot.


Six survival caches can be found in Zion National Park, primarily in booby-trapped caves. They look like duffle bags and contain various items including ammunition, weapons, and apparel. The caches were apparently left behind by Randall Clark, "the Survivalist," whose diary entries can usually be found in the vicinity.

The challenge Survivalist's Bounty requires finding all six caches.


  • Stone Bones cave: Head through the cave, and watch out for the bear traps, trip wires and a plasma mine. When you reach a fork, take a left. Inside the chamber you will find a reloading bench, workbench and workbench crate, a campfire and some crates. The bag is on the elevated area behind the reloading bench, underneath a bit of rock directly to the right of the bedroll. If you are next to the terminal you have gone too far—it's in the corner of the L-shaped platform.
  • Morning Glory cave: Fight through or evade the giant spore plants in the main chamber and head up the rocks to the southern part of the cave. After picking the lock and going inside, you will find the bag next to a bedroll. Also inside is a terminal and the Grand Staircase map for The Grand Staircase quest.
  • Fallen Rock cave: From the main entrance, head through the cave, and watch out for rigged shotguns activated by trip wires and a few mines along the way. When you reach a fork, take a right, head down and watch out for the trip wire triggering a large explosion. There will be an open area to your left and the stash will be inside. There are two rigged shotguns guarding the area so just watch out for them. Inside is a workbench and workbench crate, reloading bench, some crates, a terminal and a campfire, and the bag itself is located at the head of a wooden bed behind the campfire.
  • Two Skies cave: Once you are inside the cave, head down to your right and you have two options to get to the stash, swim underwater, disarm the electric fence (repair 50), or decrypt an average terminal to shut down the electrified door. Alternatively an easier way is to shoot the generator on the left hand side of the door through the wire fencing, doing so cuts the electricity and opens the door. If you choose to swim, then you will have to pick an average lock to get inside. Once you are inside the hideout, in the upper area you will find a campfire sack, a shelf which has some various boxes and the bag in the upper area, and in the lower back area you will find another shelf, a few more crates, a terminal, and a reloading bench.
  • Cueva Guarache: Once inside the cave, either take the first left you can and head down, or make your way through the bushes and traps ahead and pick a hard lock to get inside. If you head left, inside a large room you will encounter spore plants and various types of spore carriers. Defeat them and head up the ramp at the back of the room. Once on top, you will encounter three more plants before you can get access to the cache. Before entering the back area, there is a mine on the floor, so be careful. Once inside there is a terminal, campfire, workbench and workbench crate, gun case, and the bag is next to the bed on the floor.
  • Angel cave: Travel through Angel cave and exit out the back entrance. Head west until you reach the cliff and it's on the ground to the right underneath a hand print.


  • A 50% check for one of these:
  • One of these:
  • A 40mm grenade, with 6 75% checks for one additional grenade each. Scrounger applies.
  • One of these:
    • 60 flamer fuel plus 32 75% checks for an additional 1 flamer fuel each. Scrounger applies.
    • 10 microfusion cells plus 10 75% checks for an additional 1 microfusion cell each, as well as a 10% check for a single Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
  • One of these:
    • 16 energy cells plus 16 75% checks for another energy cell each, as well as a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
    • A .22LR round with 8 75% checks for another round each. Scrounger applies.
    • A .357 Magnum round with 12 75% checks for another round each. Scrounger applies.
    • A 9mm round with 12 75% checks for another round each. Scrounger applies.
    • A 5.56mm round with 10 75% checks for another round each. Scrounger applies.
    • A 20 gauge shotgun shell and 4 75% checks for another shell each. Scrounger applies.
  • A 50% check of one of these:
    • A 10mm round with 12 75% checks for another round each. Scrounger applies.
    • 60 flamer fuel with 32 75% checks for another one flamer fuel each. Scrounger applies.
    • 10 microfusion cells with 10 75% checks for another one cell each, plus a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
    • A 5.56mm round with 30 75% checks for another one round each. Scrounger applies.
    • 16 energy cells with 24 75% checks for another one cell each, plus a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
  • A 25% check of one of these:
    • 60 flamer fuel with 32 75% checks for another one flamer fuel each. Scrounger applies.
    • 10 microfusion cells with 10 75% checks for another one cell each, plus a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
  • A 50% check for one of these:
  • A 50% check for one of these:
    • A bobby pin, with a 25% check and a 15% check for another bobby pin each.
  • A 75% check for one of these:
    • A bobby pin, with a 25% check and a 15% check for another bobby pin each.
  • One of these:
  • A 50% check of one of these:
    • A suit of leather armor between 15% and 35% condition. Appears 25% of the time.
    • A suit of metal armor between 15% and 35% condition. Appears 12.5% of the time.
    • Either a merc adventurer, grunt, cruiser, veteran, troublemaker, or charmer outfit, between 30% and 55% condition. Appears 12.5% of the time.
    • Either a wasteland settler outfit, wasteland wanderer outfit, or a brahmin-skin outfit, between 30% and 55% condition. Appears 62.5% of the time.
    • A suit of reinforced leather armor, between 15% and 45% condition. Appears 12.5% of the time.
  • A 50% check of one of these:
  • One of these, as well as two 50% checks for one of these each:
    • 50 electron charge packs, with 30 75% checks for an additional one pack each, as well as a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
    • 60 flamer fuel, with 48 75% checks for an additional one fuel each. Scrounger applies.
    • 10 microfusion cells, with 15 75% checks for an additional one cell each, as well as a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
    • 16 small energy cells, with 32 75% checks for an additional one cell each, as well as a 10% check for a Stealth Boy. Scrounger applies.
  • One of these, along with a 75% check, 50% check, and 25% check for one of these each:
  • A 50% check for one of these:


The Survivalist's duffle bag can be found at the Red Gate, next to Randall Clark's skeletal remains. This is a unique duffle bag which contains the Survivalist's rifle and the holotape Year: 2124, but it is not considered a survival cache and does not count for the challenge.

