Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Damn tourists...— The head of the Vault Dweller

The Talking Head is a special encounter in Fallout 2. You can "meet" him randomly in the Wastelands.


He is a talking version of the big stone head of the Vault Dweller in the Arroyo village center. If one tells him they are the Chosen One, he disagrees and begins an argument back and forth that lasts for 12 hours. He will then concede that the player has proven themself to be the Chosen One and give them a monument chunk as a reward.

If one steals from the big stone head, one can find three or more monument chunks as a reward. However, if the player's Steal is less than 95%, they will not get very far with it, as the Vault Dweller's head deals around 14,000 points of damage. This can be circumvented if one starts combat immediately after stealing, walk towards the exit grid, finishes combat before running out of action points and immediately starts combat again and so on, until one reaches the exit grid. This works because a complete turn counts as five seconds, but if the player exits combat without completing it, it is as if no time has passed.

