Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Stephanie Lemelin is an actress who voiced The Mechanist and Anise Ciroletti in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron, as well as the robobrains in Fallout 76.


Stephanie graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and is currently based in Los Angeles. She has held a number of roles in cartoons, video games and films.


Fallout series[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2016AutomatronThe Mechanist
Anise Ciroletti (uncredited)
2018Fallout 76Robobrains

Other work[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2010-13, 2019Young JusticeArtemis Crock / Catherine Cobert
2012Call of Duty: Black Ops IIAbigail "Misty" Briarton
2013WerClaire Porter
2014Sunset OverdriveFemale Player Character
2015-17Dawn of the CroodsEep
2018Spider-ManScrewball (uncredited)
2018Spider-Man: The City That Never SleepsScrewball
2022Saints Row (2022)Idols