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Squires are characters in the Fallout TV series.


In this Brotherhood of Steel chapter operating from a pre-War Air Force base, squires, promoted from among aspirants, are Brotherhood soldiers tasked with assisting power armored knights. Aside from various unnamed squires, they include Maximus, Dane and Thaddeus.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

The squires are seen standing beside their assigned knight and listening to their assignment from Elder Cleric Quintus. Once the assignment order is finished, they follow their knight to their Vertibird and ride off.


“He’s a squire,” Nolan says. “This is a drawing on the classic Arthurian Knight legends where life was cheap and you had a squire as long as they were useful. They had to prove their worth, they had to prove their valor and their strength, and if they didn’t, they were kind of cast aside.”— Jonathan Nolan on Maximus, Fallout First Look
  • In the TV series, squires seem to be specifically aspirants assigned to assist a knight, as stated by Jonathan Nolan in the above quote. In past series entries, the rank of squire was only used to refer to child trainees in the Brotherhood, with older combat-ready trainees being called initiates instead.
    • Fallout 76 indicates this was a conscious decision by the original founder Roger Maxson, as some adult recruits considered it insulting for them to use a title traditionally reserved for children.[1]


The unnamed squires appear in the Fallout TV series episode "The End."

Behind the scenes[]

  • Unnamed squires are portrayed by uncredited extras.
  • It is currently unknown whether all Brotherhood soldiers wearing the grey/black uniform coat are squires or whether only ones assigned to a knight use that title. During the Battle of Griffith Observatory in "The Beginning", they are referred to as just "soldiers" in the episode's audio description.


Fallout TV series characters