Springhill feedback is a holotape in Fallout 76.
The tape can be found on the grounds of the Whitespring Resort, in the resort cabin behind the maintenance building. It is on a table in the first room on the left, and is only collectible during the miscellaneous quest Collect and hold Whitespring holotapes.
Henrietta Winchester: Mr. Ainsley. I wanted to remark upon the fascinating design of your new Springhill golf course. You appear to have seven holes. Seven. What a curious number. Nine, I could understand. Or perhaps six, played thrice. But... seven. Most courses put ever so much effort into varying their holes. You appear to have liked your third so much, you repeated it immediately. Or take the cart paths. One normally takes such little note of them.
I had a wonderful chance to reflect on that during the three-mile drive from the fifth hole to the sixth. And then, seven. Ah, seven. Such a slope. It would make a fabulous ski run. Not that teeing off with a four hundred yard putt wasn't a unique experience. I confess, when I heard you had carved up your championship golf course for housing tracts, I was concerned it might have impacted the quality a little. Clearly, I underestimated the scope of your ambition. Cordially yours. Henrietta Winchester.