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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bottle and Cappy in Event: Spin the Wheel.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00647A71 00666916 The wheel has landed on red!
2 00666917 In accordance with the carnival's safety regulations, please do not die!
3 00668F7C 00668F7F And I'm Bottle! Whoops...I forgot the rules, can you explain them?
4 00668F7D 00668F7E Welcome to Spin the Wheel, the most Nuka-tastic show in all of America! I'm Cappy...
5 0066961D 00669627 Stay away from red!
6 0066961E 0066962D Spin the wheel!
7 00669620 0066962F EEUGHH!!
8 00669621 00669629 Oh no!
9 00669622 00669630 Oh yeah, and the different colors...mean different things?
10 00669623 0066962B Now, it's time to head to the stage and...
11 00669624 0066962E AND YELLOW...well, we'll leave that one up to the imagination! Now it's time to...
12 00669625 0066962A They sure do Bottle! Beware of blue...
13 00669626 0066962C Pressing the button will spin the wheel!
14 00678C31 00678C77 Spin the wheel!
15 00678C32 00678C9A Quick, destroy that wannabe!
16 00678C33 00678C7E Ugh, a Vim machine. That doesn't belong here!
17 00678C34 00678CA2 Get ready to spin the wheel again!
18 00678C35 00678C86 It's that time again folks. Step up and spin the wheel!
19 00678C36 00678CA8 Return to the stage and spin the wheel!
20 00678C37 00678C8C Golly, that was exciting!
21 00678C38 00678CAD It's time to spin the wheel again!
22 00678C39 00678C91 Oh boy! It must be the sound of the silly sound round!
23 00678C3A 00678CB1 Hey Cappy? What's that sound?
24 00678C3B 00678C95 Hey Bottle, did you know, red is a universal sign for DANGER?
25 00678C3C 00678C76 This round looks F-U-N fun, don't you guys agree?
26 00678C3D 00678C99 Red!
27 00678C3E 00678C7D In accordance with the carnival's safety regulations, please do not get hurt!
28 00678C3F 00678CA1 I do now. Watch out friends!
29 00678C40 00678C85 I think you mean scary!
30 00678C41 00678C9D Gee...I hope it's not a scary one.
31 00678C42 00678C81 Something big is coming! Watch out friends!
32 00678C43 00678CA5 Red!
33 00678C44 00678C89 Something seems a bit off about them...
34 00678C45 00678CAA Aww look at those cute lil critters!
35 00678C46 00678C8E These bad guys are super fast!
36 00678C47 00678CAE Gee Whizz, I can't keep track!
37 00678C48 00678C92 Time for a food fight!
38 00678C49 00678C73 Let's make these guys share their Nuka-Cola!
39 00678C4B 00678C78 Best keep moving for this round...
40 00678C4C 00678C9B ...or things will get messy!
41 00678C4D 00678C7F An imposter! Find it, quick!
42 00678C4E 00678CA3 Aww, all these little Cappys are so cute...except that one!
43 00678C4F 00678C87 Look at that armor! You should aim for the head to beat these foes!
44 00678C51 00678CA9 Cappy hunt! Find the gold Cappys before time runs out!
45 00678C52 00678C8D I hope you won't be a target!
46 00678C53 00678C97 Get ready for some fireworks!
47 00678C54 00678C7A Ooh, pretty!
48 00678C55 00678C9E Come back and spin the wheel again soon!
49 00678C56 00678C82 What a Nuka-tastic display of skill!
50 00678C57 00678CA6 Wowee! Great job everyone!
51 00678C58 00678C8A Golly, you guys did just great!
52 00678C59 00678CAB Oh boy! Congratulations!
53 00678C5A 00678C8F F-fantastic contestants that were just unlucky! You'll get 'em next time folks!
54 00678C5B 00678CAF Unlucky! Don't worry folks, the wheel eagerly awaits your return!
55 00678C5C 00678C93 Better luck next time!
56 00678C5D 00678C74 Well gee, looks like you guys are total failu...
57 00678C5E 00678C96 That's game folks!
58 00678C5F 00678C79 Aw shucks.
59 00678C60 00678C9C Quick, catch those critters before the time is up!
60 00678C61 00678C80 Quick, catch those critters before the time is up!
61 00678C62 00678CA4 I think our pets have escaped...
62 00678C63 00678C88 I think our pets have escaped...
63 00678C64 00678C7C Look, the thieves are getting away! Someone stop them!
64 00678C65 00678CA0 Uh oh, our Nuka-Cola stand has been robbed!
65 00678C66 00678C84 Get them out of the area before the timer runs out!
66 00678C68 00678C8B Aw golly, the animals have escaped from the petting zoo!
67 00678C69 00678CAC Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting one...
68 00678C6A 00678C90 What's in store this time?
69 00678C6B 00678CB0 Ooh, blue! I wonder what we'll see this time.
70 00678C6C 00678C94 Speaking of blue, have you tried our new Nuka-Quantum?
71 00678C6D 00678C75 Good luck friends!
72 00678C6E 00678C98 The wheel has landed on blue!
73 00678C6F 00678C7B Blue!
74 00678C70 00678C9F Attention guests, Spin the Wheel is now starting over at the circus tent!
75 00678C71 00678C83 Come one, come all, to the big top tent for the marvelous Spin the Wheel event!
76 00678C72 00678CA7 Brought to you by Nuka-Cola Quantum!
77 0067A34A 0067A34D What's the deal with this round Cappy?
78 0067A34B 0067A34C I think our friends are in for a big shock!