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Fallout Wiki

Skyline Valley is the nineteenth major update for Fallout 76. It released on June 12, 2024.[1] It was preceded by America's Playground as part of Expeditions: Atlantic City,[2] and was followed by Milepost Zero.

The update included a map expansion, introducing a new southern region known as Skyline Valley.



A map expansion into Shenandoah was first teased in a letter to players from director Jonathan Rush in December 2023.[3] Lead designer Carl McKevitt took a research trip to the real-life Skyline Drive in 2023, and teased its eventual appearance in-game on Twitter after Rush's letter was published.[4] Skyline Valley was announced on the Duel with the Devil community calendar, revealing its name and stating that it would release alongside season 17.[2]

The Public Test Server for the update first opened on April 18, 2024, implementing the region itself, as well as the events Dangerous Pastimes and Neurological Warfare. Story quests were added to the Public Test Server in another update on May 2, 2024. Testing concluded on June 11, 2024. Although the release of the Public Test Server was staggered, Skyline Valley launched as one complete update on the live game on June 12, 2024.[1][5]


This section is transcluded from Fallout 76 characters. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Adept Scarlet Dialogue 0075A755 Old Crimora Mines
Alex Guerra Dialogue 0073E8C6 Old Crimora Mines
Alfie 007734D3 00788851 Vault 63 atrium lower level
Alyssa Dialogue 0072A0A6 006FAF4A North of Sutton
Annie Yes 0077F84C 0077F86D At a cliff SE of the Trading Post
Audrey Stolz Dialogue 00719E6F 0076AFFC Vault 63 meteorology sector
August Stolz 0076E90C 0076E90F Vault 63 organics sector
Disciple Blair Dialogue 0075D1EE Old Crimora Mines
Caleb Yes 0077F84D 0077F86C At a cliff SE of the Trading Post
Cannibal Dialogue 0075D5CB 0075D61B NE of Rapidan Camp
Cassidy Stolz 007611AA 007828BB Vault 63 atrium upper level
Catty 006E3187 006E31A7 Skyline Drive: Entrance
Communists Dialogue 006F7D91 Camp Liberty
Craig Dialogue 00745BDA 00745BDC Skyline Drive: Entrance
Daniel Smith Yes 0072A145 0076C9B2 High Knob Lookout
David Shuffleworth Dialogue Thunder Mountain substation TM-03
The Electrician Dialogue 0074812B Random encounter
Eliza Yes 00745C66 00745C8D Old Crimora Mines
Eugene 00766AA9 ????????
Kevin Harris Dialogue 00727CE4 00773FD4 Ranger station bunker
Gumley Dialogue 006F8F5F 00768F5A The Brown House
Harry Edwards Yes ???????? ???????? South River Bridge
Hikers Yes 007444B9 007444CA Various
Hilda Stolz Dialogue 007611A8 00767493 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Hogarth Hendricks Yes ???????? ???????? Shenandoah Visitor Center
Hugo Stolz Dialogue 0072EE30 00754738 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Hunter Yes ???????? ???????? Old Crimora Mines
James Yes 006FC21F 00780F8D SW of Thunder Mountain substation TM-03
James Oberlin Dialogue 006FBF9B 007352E6 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Jewel Yes 006FC21E 00780F8B Shenandoah Visitor Center
Jim Yes 00787C9A 00787C9B South of Rapidan Camp
Joyce Yes ???????? ???????? Old Rag Lookout
Julio Dialogue 0072C018 0072C50A Vault 63 atrium upper level
Laurence Dialogue 0072C019 0072C50B Vault 63 atrium upper level
Manny 00774B70 006E3C0F Vault 63 meteorology sector
Margaret Dialogue 0072C01A 0072C50C Vault 63 atrium upper level
Miles Yes 0077176D 0073DF9B Makeout Point
The Mole Dialogue 00754F6C Random encounter
Murry Dialogue 006E2658 006F16F4 The Trading Post
Mystical junkie merchant Cut content 006F61AB
Ornithologist Yes 0076A9AA 0076AA23 East of Research Site Bavaria
Park rangers Yes ???????? ???????? Various
Patrick Yes 00745C64 007739D1 Old Crimora Mines
Elder Pepper Dialogue 0073E8C5 Old Crimora Mines
Rob Yes 0077176C 0073DF92 Tunnel south of Makeout Point
Scientists Yes 006DF28E 006EB291 Vault 63 organics sector
Security Dialogue ???????? ???????? Vault 63
Shoe Shine Johnny Cut content 0072984E -
Trading Post venderIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Yes 0074F99A 0074F9A2 SW of Old Rag Lookout
Tunnsley Cut content 006E7A50 006E7A6E Vault 63 engineering sector Cut content
Vault doctor Dialogue 00720946 00720997 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Vault 63 dwellers Dialogue 00720946 00720997 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Wesley Yes 006FC21D 006FC219 The Trading Post




Armor and clothing[]



This section is transcluded from Fallout 76 holotapes. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Name Quest Editor ID Form ID
Sound Daniel's holotape Double-Crossed Wires Storm_MQ09_Dan_Holotape 0076C9B5
Sound Goodbye my love Cut content Storm_Holotape_Cassidy02 0075E136
Sound Situation report S-487 The Calm Before Storm_MQ03_OberlinsHolotape 00735240
Sound Vault life Cut content Storm_Holotape_Cassidy01 0075E135


This section is transcluded from Fallout 76 notes. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Name Quest Editor ID Form ID
Text A father's lament Storm_AFathersLament_Bus 0076DCA1
Text A long day Storm_Atrium_LongDayAtWork 00726E6E
Text A warning Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_Optional5 0072EE21
Text Accident Storm_WeatherNote_notToPlan 00768EDB
Text Accusation Storm_SkyboundTower_Accusations 006E8F60
Text Alfie's journal Housekeeping for Hire Storm_MQ07_AlfiesJournal 0076FFB2
Text All dead Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_FinalNote 007454ED
Text Anniversary letter Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_AnniversaryLetter 0075DE1C
Text Art lessons Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_ArtLessons 0075DE19
Text Audrey's diary page Storm_WeatherLab_AudreyConcernsAboutOberlin_Note 0076C9AC
Text Bee's diary pages Storm_SteelJackNote_01 00746233
Text Bee's final note Storm_Bees_finalNote 00746238
Text Being watched Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_Note2 007454F0
Text Ben's diary entries Storm_Scout_Diary_Bus 006DF052
Text Betty's diner Storm_BettysDiner_RedRocket 006E2D6A
Text Birthday letter from dad Storm_BirthdayLetterFromDad_Bus 006DF051
Text Birthday letter from mom Storm_BirthdayLetterFromMom_Bus 006DF050
Text Blaire's notes Oldest Trick in the Book Storm_MQ06_BlairsNote 00786C90
Text Braille note Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1_BrailleNote 0075DE1D
Text Camp fire tale Storm_GhostStory01_Camp 0075379D
Text Camp recruitment drive Storm_Notice01_Camp 0075379E
Text Camp rules Storm_SkyboundTower_Peace 006E8F5F
Text Cassidy's journal Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_CassidyJournal 0072EE24
Text Charleston Herald: Mystery Disappearance Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_Optional2 0072EE23
Text Chef's memo Double-Crossed Wires Storm_MQ09_RaiderNote 0076C9AE
Text Concerned about Victor Storm_V63Organics_ConcernedVictor 0076DD04
Text Construction delays Storm_HCave_note 006CADBA
Text Convoy driver's diary entry Storm_Note_ManorGroundsCarPark 0074E68F
Text Cultists sermon notes Seeking Shelter Storm_MQ05_CultistsSermonNotes 0077152B
Text Current orders Storm_Manor_GuardsNote 0077F050
Text Date night Storm_MakeoutPoint_FatherlyLove 006F7A2E
Text Dead subject Storm_V63Organics_DeadAnimal 0075E5C2
Text Dead woman's note Storm_TradingPost_JewelsNote02 00713F94
Text Dear Audrey Cut content Storm_WeatherNote_DearAudrey 00768EDD
Text Dear diary Storm_SkyboundTower_DiaryEntry 006E8F61
Text Debt collection Storm_DebtCollection_Motel 006E2D6C
Text Disturbing Moe notes Cut content Storm_Moe_RandomEncounter_Note01
0078DCC7 (Note 01)
0078DCC6 (Note 02)
0078DCC8 (Note 03)
Text Easy read stress test Cut content Storm_Test_EasyReadStressTest 007299FA
Text EYES OPEN Storm_WoodstockTower_Supermutant 007464E4
Text Fasnacht mask donation basket Fasnacht Day Fasnacht_Mask_Donation_Basket_Note 00786DF2

Text Final words Storm_FinalWords_Camp 0076DD03
Text Freezing rules Storm_V63Organics_Freezer 006EDEDC
Text Getting worse Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_Note3 007454EE
Text Handle with care Storm_V63Organics_Traincart 006EDEDB
Text Harvester risks Dangerous Pastimes Storm_E01_Harvester_Concerns 0074E692
Text Hiding out Storm_HiddenMoney_Motel 007677B9
Text Hugo must pay Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_AlexJournal01 006F9B9E
Text Hunger strike Storm_WeatherNote_Snacks 00768EDF
Text I miss her Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_AlexJournal02 00787A91
Text Instructions for hitman Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1_InstructionsForHitman 0075DE18
Text James' last words Storm_TradingPost_JamesNote02 00713F93
Text James' note Storm_TradingPost_JamesNote01 006F8E4A
Text Jewel's note Storm_TradingPost_JewelsNote01 006F8E4B
Text Johnny's note Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_JohnnysNote 0076FFB1
Text Leader's journal Double-Crossed Wires Storm_MQ09_Leader_Journal 0076C9AF
Text Leave a mark Storm_HighKnobFireTowerInterior_Painting 0072FA49
Text Love letter Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1_LetterFromAlexToAudrey 0075DE1B
Text Love, mother Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_OldMiner 00745C69
Text Mad ramblings Storm_V63Organics_MadRamblings01 0076DCFF
Text Manor gardener's diary entry Storm_Note_ManorGroundsGardens 00754D17
Text Mary's diary Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_Optional4 0072EE22
Text Memo Storm_SkylineDriveEntrance_Note01 006E6ED9
Text Mother's last note Storm_LostChild_POI 0073E787
Text Mothman sermon Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_Sermon 0076D9EF
Text Nash Hope's set list Storm_Music_Motel 007468D3
Text New decoration Double-Crossed Wires Storm_MQ09_TheNote 0072A142
Text New family, new army Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_AlexJournal03 00787A92
Text Note for Tim Storm_NaturalGas_TerminalRepairNote 006FB2B2
Text Note from Jim Storm_Ransom 0074F999
Text Notes on lightning harvesters Dangerous Pastimes Storm_E01_Harvester_Breakdown 0074E691
Text Notice Storm_WoodstockTower_Note01 006F03A6
Text Oberlin's report Double-Crossed Wires Storm_MQ09_OberlinsReport 0077E726
Text Operation "Sleeping Giant" Storm_SleepingGiant_Camp 006F5791
Text Operations Storm_WeatherNote_NearlyReady 0076AEDE
Text Orders (Big Meadows gas well) Storm_NaturalGas_AssassinNote 007504DD
Text Orders (Stony Man Lookout) Storm_WoodstockTower_Orders 007464E3
Text Ozymandias verse Storm_OzymandiasVerse_Manor 0076DCA2
Text Password sheet Oldest Trick in the Book Storm_MQ06_CultistTunnelsPassword 0073E8BE
Text Pioneer treasure hunt end Storm_TreasureHunt_Camp_End 007589ED
Text Pioneer treasure hunt start Storm_TreasureHunt_Camp_Start 007589EF
Text President test note Cut content Storm_PresidentalNote 006E31B9
Text Prison incident report Storm_PrisonReport_Camp 007539D2
Text Prisoner's note Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_Prisoner 00744CCD
Text Propaganda leaflet Storm_MakeoutPoint_CommunistPropaganda 006F7A2C
Text Proposal Storm_WeddingProposal03 0075D5C5
Text Public shaming Storm_Toilet_Motel 006FA2E1
Text Quiz Night invitation! Storm_Garden_QuizNight 00726FA0
Text Ransom note Storm_RansomNote 0074F997
Text Rob's journal Into Lands Unknown Storm_MQ02_PersonalEffects02 0076DAA2
Text Ruben's fantasy Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_Optional1 0072EE20
Text Secretary of Interior visit Storm_RapidanGrounds_SecretaryVisit 00769611
Text Security guard's final goodbye Storm_Note_ManorGroundsSecurity 00726E5A
Text Security Incident 382 Storm_Atrium_SecurityIncidentWriteup 00726E5A
Text Shenandoah Halloween Spooktacular Storm_RapidanGrounds_HalloweenSpooktacular 00769613
Text Shenandoah New Year's Eve party 2077 Storm_RapidanGrounds_NewYears 00769612
Text Slumber Mill Motel poker tournament Storm_PokerTournament_Motel 006E2D6B
Text Smash and grab Storm_RadioactiveWasteDump_Loot 0076DA82
Text Snack cake rations Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_Optional3 0072EE1F
Text Southern route Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_Note1 007454EF
Text Special visit itinerary Storm_RapidanGrounds_StateVisitItinerary 00769BB0
Text Stocklist Storm_HKFT_ChefsNote 006DDBF7
Text Stony Man Lookout assault Storm_Notice02_Camp 0075379F
Text Supply run Storm_SupplyRun_Motel 0076DD05
Text Thank you Between The Lines Storm_MQ04_ThankYouLetter 0075DE1A
Text The Poultry Enthusiasts Guide to Shenandoah Storm_Landmark_Birdwatcher 0076A83B
Text Torn note Storm_WeddingProposal01 0075D5C3
Text Vault-Tech supply order Storm_SupplyOrder_VaultTechConvoy 00754B27
Text Vault 63 terminal note Storm_HugoNote 007902FD
Text Welcome to the Rapidan Camp Storm_RapidanGrounds_StateVisitWelcome 00769BB1
Text Wesley's note Storm_TradingPost_WesleyNote 006FC221


This section is transcluded from Fallout 76 keys. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Img Name
(Editor ID)
Opens Found / in possession of Related quest Form ID
Generic keycard Alfie's room keycard
Alfie's room in Vault 63 atrium, lower level On a cart with a red toolbox on top, directly under a spotlight Housekeeping for Hire 0072A152
Generic keycard Bartending license ID card Cut content
Vault Boy key Cave gate key
Cave gate Vault 63 organics sector, in an empty planter in the greenhouse's dirt section The Powerhouse of the Cell 006F1607
Quantum key Cultist prison key
Prison In a duffle bag in the Old Crimora Mines 0073FB73
Vault Boy key Cultist quarry key
? Cultist tunnels quarry door 006EAC6B
Quantum key Dark Hollow security key
Bunker door at Dark Hollow Manor Vault 63 atrium upper level 0075D284
Four key chain High Knob basement key
Door in the basement Blood Eagle leader at High Knob Lookout Double-Crossed Wires 0077E727
Toy rocketship key Kitchen key
Security gate High Knob Lookout 0073BF8E
Lost hand
Hand scanner in Dark Hollow Manor Obtained during quest The Calm Before 0073B038
Generic keycard Room keycard
Sliding doors Vault 63 atrium, upper level 0072EAA8
Quantum key Visitor's Center key
Door in Shenandoah Visitor Center Obtained during quest Seeking Shelter 0072C0B1
Visitor's Center shelter key
Security gate at Shenandoah Visitor Center Obtained during quest Seeking Shelter 007731DE
Generic keycard Vault 63 access keycard
Sliding door in the Shining Creek Cavern James Oberlin The Powerhouse of the Cell 00727C6D
Generic keycard Vault 63 Bio Wing keycard
Vault door in the Vault 63 organics sector Obtained from Hilda after returning to her with the unusual fungus samples. The Powerhouse of the Cell 0077F3A6
Generic keycard Vault 63 Chem Labs keycard
Vault door and sliding door in the Vault 63 organics sector Automatically added after listening to Hilda Stolz over the intercom after dealing with the first Lost subject. The Powerhouse of the Cell 0077F3A5
Generic keycard Vault 63 Chem Wing keycard
Vault door in the Vault 63 organics sector Obtained during quest, from Hilda Stolz The Powerhouse of the Cell 0077F3A4
Generic keycard Vault 63 Fluid Handling keycard
Sliding door in the Vault 63 organics sector Automatically added after listening to Hilda Stolz over the intercom after dealing with the second Lost subject. The Powerhouse of the Cell 0077F3A7
Generic keycard Vault 63 Vat Control keycard
Sliding door in the Vault 63 organics sector Obtained during quest The Powerhouse of the Cell 0077F3A8
Generic keycard Wall safe key
Wall safe in Hugo's office at Vault 63 atrium Obtained during quest Between The Lines 0072EE26



Dangerous Pastimes[]

Neurological Warfare[]

From quests[]

Fasnacht Day[]

Daily Ops[]

Pioneer Treasure Hunt[]

  • Plan: Totem Pole Ornament

Holiday Scorched[]

  • Plan: Atomicset Ltd. Handbag Backpack
  • Plan: Giant Red Brontosaurus
  • Plan: Jitterbug Judy Outfit
  • Plan: Laser Chainsaw Paint
  • Plan: Peppermint Backpack Flair
  • Plan: Plastiform Snowman
  • Plan: Plastiform Vaultboy Elf
  • Plan: Snowman Head Backpack Flair




  • Plan: American Dagger Moth Souvenir
  • Plan: Beautiful Wood Nymph Moth Souvenir
  • Plan: Black Wood Bead Curtain
  • Plan: Bone Chill Skull Mask
  • Plan: Bone Wood Bead Curtain
  • Plan: British Redcoat Army Hat
  • Plan: British Redcoat Army Outfit
  • Plan: Communist Totem Pole
  • Plan: Corrupted Handmade Skin
  • Plan: Crude Skull Mask
  • Plan: Cryptid Hunter Outfit
  • Plan: Cryptid Throne
  • Plan: Deathclaw Backpack
  • Plan: Deathclaw Outfit
  • Plan: Giant Leopard Moth Souvenir
  • Plan: Gulper Hat
  • Plan: Gulper Outfit
  • Plan: Gulper Plushie
  • Plan: Hammered Skull Mask
  • Plan: Head Mirror
  • Plan: Io Moth Souvenir
  • Plan: Jack In The Box Backpack
  • Plan: Lederhosen Outfit
  • Plan: Lightning Pod Wall Lamp
  • Plan: Luna Moth Souvenir
  • Plan: Moe the Mole Plushie
  • Plan: Moths of West Virginia Display Cabinet
  • Plan: Moths of West Virginia Mounting Board
  • Plan: Nature Trail Sign Dinosaur Footprints
  • Plan: Nature Trail Sign Natural Bridge
  • Plan: Nature Trail Sign Steel Jack
  • Plan: Nature Trail Sign Water Features
  • Plan: Pheasant Foot Backpack Flair
  • Plan: Pheasant Taxidermy
  • Plan: Pipe Quiver Backpack
  • Plan: Plushie Bat Backpack
  • Plan: Prefabricated Home Building Set
  • Plan: Prism Wood Bead Curtain
  • Plan: Pumpkin Throne
  • Plan: Rad Turkey Outfit
  • Plan: Radpheasant Plushie
  • Plan: Roast Turkey
  • Plan: Scarecrow Outfit
  • Plan: Scoutmaster Collectron
  • Plan: Severed Arm Weapon Rack
  • Plan: Slumber Mill Motel Sign
  • Plan: Specimen Jar
  • Plan: Stargazer's Telescope
  • Plan: Steel Jack Statue
  • Plan: Steel Jack Statue Ghoul
  • Plan: Storm Power Armor Helm
  • Plan: Storm Power Armor Left Arm
  • Plan: Storm Power Armor Left Leg
  • Plan: Storm Power Armor Right Arm
  • Plan: Storm Power Armor Right Leg
  • Plan: Storm Power Armor Torso
  • Plan: Taxidermy Fox
  • Plan: Taxidermy Opossum
  • Plan: Taxidermy Owl
  • Plan: Taxidermy RadBeaver
  • Plan: Taxidermy RadBeaver Standing
  • Plan: Taxidermy RadPheasant
  • Plan: Taxidermy RadRats
  • Plan: Taxidermy Squirrel
  • Plan: Thrasher Egg
  • Plan: Thrasher Mask
  • Plan: Thrasher Outfit
  • Plan: Turkey Backpack Flair
  • Plan: Turkey Plushie
  • Plan: Vault 63 Door Display
  • Plan: Vault Boy Backpack
  • Plan: Vault Girl Backpack
  • Plan: Vault Power Armour
  • Plan: Virginia Creeper Moth Souvenir


This section is transcluded from Fallout 76 quests. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.


Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Editor ID Form ID
FO76 exp astormiscoming An Unlikely Invitation Vault 63 crash site (north of Sutton)
Vault 63
Vault-Tec broadcast Plan: Pip-Boy 2000 burnt paint
Various aid
Storm_MQ01_Breadcrumb 0072A2A8
FO76 exp astormiscoming Into Lands Unknown Vault 63
Skyline Drive: Entrance
Dark Hollow Manor
Entering Vault 63 Plan: Shenandoah park sign
Various aid
Storm_MQ02_IntroPt1 00734C6B
FO76 exp hugo The Calm Before Dark Hollow Manor
Vault 63
Entering Dark Hollow Manor Plan: Vault 63 burnt jumpsuit
Various aid
Storm_MQ03_IntroPt2 00733833
FO76 exp hugo Between The Lines Vault 63
Hawksbill weather station
Vault 63 meteorology sector
Hugo Stolz Plan: Cassidy's favorite painting
Various aid
Random plan
Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1 0072EE0A
FO76 storm oberlin Housekeeping for Hire Vault 63 Hugo Stolz V63 Shock Baton
Various aid
Pulse mines
Storm_MQ07_OberlinPt1 0072C01B
FO76 exp hugo Seeking Shelter Vault 63
Shenandoah Visitor Center
Ranger monitoring bunker
Audrey Stolz Ticket to Revenge
Various aid
Railway spikes
Storm_MQ05_HugoPt2 006F8B09
FO76 exp hugo Oldest Trick in the Book Vault 63
Old Crimora Mines
Audrey Stolz Plan: Cultist monarch outfit
Plan: Cultist monarch mask
Various aid
Storm_MQ06_HugoPt3 0073D7C1
FO76 storm oberlin The Powerhouse of the Cell Vault 63
Shining Creek Cavern
Vault 63 organics sector
James Oberlin Plan: Severed Lost hand
Various aid
Storm_MQ08_OberlinPt2 006FBF34
FO76 storm oberlin Double-Crossed Wires Vault 63
High Knob Lookout
James Oberlin Shattered Grounds
Various aid
5.56 rounds
Storm_MQ09_OberlinPt3 006FBF37
FO76 exp finale Gathering Clouds Vault 63
Research Site Saxony
Research Site Bavaria
Research Site Rhineland
Completing Double-Crossed Wires and Oldest Trick in the Book Plan: Vault 63 hazmat suit
Various aid
Storm_MQ13_Finale 00745597
FO76 exp finale The Eye of the Storm Vault 63
Hawksbill weather station
Vault 63 meteorology sector
Completing Gathering Clouds V63 Zweihaender
Various aid
300 Caps
Storm_MQ13_Finale_Pt2 0075A8F1


Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Editor ID Form ID
Icon gray x Pioneer Treasure Hunt Camp Liberty
Shining Creek
Pioneer treasure hunt start Plan: Totem pole ornament N/A N/A

Public events[]

Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Editor ID Form ID
FO76 QuestIcons Storm DangerousPastimes Dangerous Pastimes Thunder Mountain substation TM-03 David Shuffleworth Storm_E01_Dangerous 00733DB5
FO76 QuestIcons Storm NeurologicalWarface WorldBoss Neurological Warfare Hawksbill weather station Nuking a location in Skyline Valley Storm_RegionBoss 006AD506




Keyart and banners[]



External links[]


  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 Fallout 76 season 17 community calendar (June - September 2024)
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 Fallout 76 season 16 community calendar (March - June 2024)
  3. ā†‘ Fallout 76 in 2024 - A New Year Approaches!
  4. ā†‘ Carl McKevitt on Twitter (archived): "Can finally share this little research trip I took... #Fallout76 #CountryRoadsTakeMeHomeToThePlaceIBelong"
  5. ā†‘ FO76SV Carl McKevitt Skyline Valley release scheduleCarl McKevitt on the official Bethesda Game Studios Discord: "Nope, just PTS is in two parts-- the quests have a few more bugs we want to iron out before we open it up for testing, but when this goes live for real, it all goes at at once.
    You'll see the quest content for 52 in the May PTS update. There is quest content."
Skyline Valley