The following is a transcript of J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game. Please do not alter the contents. |
The following is based on J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG and is not canon. |
A little slower, but a little bigger. You may not hit as often, but they will feel it when you do! Your combat sequence is -4, but your damage with melee and unarmed attacks are increased by 2.
Chem Reliant[]
You are more easily addicted to chemicals. Your chance to be addicted to chemicals is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects.
Clean Living[]
You try to avoid the quick thrills of chemical enhancements. Chemicals only affect you half as long as normal, but your chance to be addicted is half normal.
Fast Shot[]
You don't have time to take aim because you're too busy firing off shots as fast as possible. During the charge phase, you can fire a firearm instead of charging (eliminates you from the action phase of that round), but your critical hits with firearms always come in 6 point increments.
Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You don't do as much damage, but you cause more critical hits. -2 to damage, +2 to attack rolls for purposes of determining critical hit results.
You are naturally superior to those around you, but you often rely on your natural talents instead of putting effort into mastering a variety of skills. You gain +7 points to spend on primary attributes, but you earn perks only once every four levels.
Good Natured[]
You're a friendly person and are hesitant to employ violence to solve problems. You have +2 to Medic, Persuasion, and Science. However, your combat sequence is -4.
Increased Metabolism[]
Your metabolic rate is increased. This means that you are much less resistant to radiation and poison, but your body heals faster. -10% to radiation and poison resistance, +2 to healing rate.
By not paying attention to any threats, you can rush in where angels fear to tread. You are easier to hit, but you act earlier in combat. -2 to Evade, +4 to Combat Sequence.
Night Person[]
When performing actions at night (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.), you do things better. During the day, however... It has nothing to do with the level of light, just the time of day. You're not a morning person. +2 to all skill checks at night, -2 to all skill checks in daytime.
One Hander[]
You excel with one hand, but two-handed weapons cause a problem. +2 chance to hit with one-handed weapons, -2 to hit with two-handed weapons.
One In a Million[]
You're not particularly lucky or unfortunate, but when lightning strikes, it strikes hard! Whenever you critically hit or fail, a second check is made at five times the base chance to see if it actually happens. If it does, the result on the critical chart is bumped up +30 points in severity.
Since you spent more time improving your skills than a normal person, you gain an additional Tag skill. However, you gain -1 skill points every level because you often spread yourself too thin.
Small Frame[]
You are smaller than average. It's hard for you to carry heavy loads, but it's easy to avoid the lumbering giants of the wasteland. -50 to Carry Weight, +2 to Evade.