A silver pocket watch is a junk item in Fallout 76.
A Walktronic brand silver pocket watch.
The silver pocket watch can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting:
- Two can be found around Clarksburg.
- One can be found in Jimmy's room at Camp McClintock.
- One can be found inside a trailer at the south end of Flatwoods.
- One can be found inside a TNT dome at the Black Mountain Ordnance Works.
- One can be found at the Garrahan Estate.
- One can be found in Lewisburg.
- One can be found at the Mountainside Bed & Breakfast.
- One can be found at the Moth-Home.
- One can be found in a cabin full of destroyed bicycles south of the Gulper lagoon.
- Can commonly be found on deceased feral ghouls.
- Can commonly be found when digging up treasures from treasure maps.