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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sierra Petrovita.


DialogGirdershadeTLGrady Do you know someone named Grady? Happy 70 Nope! Sorry! 1
GREETING GREETING Sad 80 What do you want now? Come to make fun of me again? 2
GREETING Sad 80 No! You were mean to me! I don't know if I'll ever talk to you again... unless you bring me a Nuka-Cola Quantum. {Say the last part coy} 3
GREETING Happy 50 If you're here with some Quantum, I have caps with your name on them! 4
GREETING Happy 50 Please, tell me you have some of the good stuff. I need that Quantum! 5
GREETING Happy 50 Oh! I hope you're here with some Quantum! 6
GREETING Happy 50 Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Did you find any Quantum? 7
GREETING Happy 50 Oh! Did you need something else? 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Well? What do you think? Will you take my offer? 9
GREETING Happy 50 As promised... here is a little pick-me-up. An Ice Cold Nuka-Cola! Just look at the frost on the bottle. So cold and delicious! 10
Neutral 50 Pardon me... I tend to lose myself when I hold onto a Nuka-Cola. {Clear throat before line, like you're snapping out of a daze} 11
Neutral 50 Before I get to the little proposition I have for you let me tell you a little bit about Nuka-Cola Quantum. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 So, you ready to hear me out? I have a bit of a proposition for you. 13
Neutral 50 But before I get to that, let me tell you a little bit about Nuka-Cola Quantum. 14
GREETING Happy 50 Hang on, the tour's not done yet. Be patient. Your Ice Cold Nuka-Cola is only moments away! 15
GREETING Happy 50 Sierra Petrovita's the name. Good to see a new face in Girdershade! 16
Neutral 50 I take it you're here to check out my Nuka-Cola collection and take the tour? 17
GREETING Happy 50 Are you ready to take the tour of my collection? 18
GREETING Happy 80 There you go! I hope you like it. 19
GREETING Happy 50 Oh good, you came back to visit! 20
GREETING Happy 50 Yay! You're back! 21
GREETING Happy 50 Hiya! Whatcha doing back here? 22
MS05Bailout Let me ask you about something else. Happy 70 Okay! Shoot! 23
MS05FinTLLocalSights Is there anything else interesting to see near Girdershade? Fear 50 Well, to the east there are some nasty Raiders in Evergreen Mills. I'd stay away from there if I were you. 24
Neutral 50 Luckily, we're kind of hidden here under the old highway, so no one bothers us. 25
What can you tell me about Nuka-Cola Cocktails?
Tell me more about the Nuka Grenade. Neutral 50 I don't know a whole lot about weapons, but I do know that it's more powerful than the Molotov Cocktail. 26
Happy 50 It explodes in a huge blue flame too! How cool is that? 27
MS05FinTLNukaCola I have some more Quantum for you. Happy 50 You do! You darling! 28
Happy 50 Well, as always, I'll be glad to take them off your hands. And now that my machine is full I can drink these to my heart's desire! 29
I have some more Quantum for you. Happy 50 Goodie! I was hoping you'd bring me more! 30
Neutral 50 Keep it up, there's probably plenty more out there. 31
I have some more Quantum for you. Happy 50 I was just wondering when I'd see you again, and poof, here you are! 32
Happy 50 Ohhhh sweet Quantum, come to mama! 33
I have some more Quantum for you. Happy 50 I'm amazed you're finding so many more bottles of Quantum out there. Imagine that. 34
Neutral 50 Well, don't give up looking. Keep finding more and bringing it to me. 35
MS05FinTLNukaColaDeal01 Can't you see, Sierra? He just wants to sleep with you. Surprise 50 A sleepover? Awesome! We could tell bedtime stories and do each other's hair and all sorts of fun stuff. 36
Happy 50 I could even make some Nuka-Cola treats for when we get the munchies late at night. That would be fun! 37
MS05FinTLNukaColaDeal02 You bitch! That was supposed to be for me! Surprise 50 You can't expect me to get married without a gift for my future husband do you? That wouldn't be right. 38
Sad 50 And don't call me names like that, it hurts my feelings. 39
MS05FinTLNukaColaDeal03 Whatever. Neutral 50 Okay, well don't forget I'll still buy bottles of Quantum from you! 40
MS05FinTLNukaColaHappenedDeal What happened to our deal, Sierra? Neutral 50 Ohhhh... Ronald is SUCH a sweetheart! Do you know he went out like you did and found me 30 bottles of Quantum? 41
Neutral 50 He loves me! He really really loves me! Now I bet he'll ask me to get married. 42
Neutral 50 Oh! For my wedding present I'm giving him the super secret prize too! 43
MS05FinTLNukaCook What kind of recipes can you make with Nuka-Cola Quantum? Happy 50 Well, the stuff is so rare, I only know one. It's called Mississippi Quantum Pie. It's delicious! 44
Neutral 50 If you want me to make you one, I can. Just bring me some flour, vodka, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum. 45
Happy 50 I can whip it up in no time. 46
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 Sure! Just give me a second, and I'll have it ready for you. 47
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 Oops! I need some vodka to make the pie, sweetie. 48
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 Oops! I need some flour to make the pie, sweetie. 49
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 Oops! I need a Nuka-Cola Quantum to make the pie, sweetie. 50
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 You silly! I still need flour and vodka to make the pie. 51
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 You silly! I still need Nuka-Cola Quantum and vodka to make the pie. 52
Can you make me a Mississippi Quantum Pie? Happy 50 You silly! I still need Nuka-Cola Quantum and flour to make the pie. 53
Tell me again what you need for Mississippi Quantum Pie. Happy 50 If you have the ingredients, I can make a pie for you. All it takes is some flour, vodka and Nuka-Cola Quantum. 54
MS05FinTLRonaldBother Has Ronald been bothering you? Happy 50 Oh no, not at all. In fact, I've been getting lots of nice attention from him lately! 55
Happy 50 Ever since he brought the Quantum to fill my machine, he keeps whispering sweet nothings to me. 56
Happy 50 In fact, he told me he's going to "butter my muffin." Isn't that sweet that he'd do such a silly little chore for me? Now all I need are muffins... 57
Has Ronald been bothering you? Neutral 50 That sweetheart? Nah. Come to think of it, he hasn't even visited me in a while. 58
Happy 50 I wonder why. Ah well, I'm sure I'll see him soon enough! 59
Has Ronald been bothering you? Happy 50 Oh no. He's such a cutie pie. He never bothers me! 60
MS05SierraAngerFixed01 Yeah. I'm sorry, Sierra. Here's a Nuka-Cola Quantum for you! Surprise 100 Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! A real Quantum! Yummie yum yum! 61
Happy 50 Okay, I guess I can talk to you some more. Just be nicer next time! 62
Happy 50 Now, do you want to take the tour? 63
MS05SierraAngerFixed02 Here, maybe this will shut you up. <Give a Nuka-Cola Quantum.> Surprise 100 Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! A real Quantum! Yummie yum yum! 64
Happy 50 Okay, I guess I can talk to you some more. Just be nicer next time! 65
Happy 50 Now, do you want to take the tour? 66
MS05SierraAngerFixed03 I don't know, maybe. Sad 70 Well fine! Go away then! 67
MS05SierraAngerTrack01 Okay, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Happy 50 That's fine. We all get a bit crazy sometimes when we get that taste... the taste of a cold Nuka-Cola! 68
Happy 50 Let's pretend this never happened and start again. 69
Neutral 50 So, do you want to take the tour? 70
MS05SierraAngerTrack02 You don't like it? Tough! Anger 50 Humph! Well. I've never been so insulted before! 71
Disgust 50 And to think I was going to offer you the chance of a lifetime. Well, forget it now. 72
MS05SierraCT01 Nuka-Cola collection? Wow! Happy 50 I have one of the... no, THE best Nuka-Cola collection in the Capital Wasteland. 73
Happy 50 Heck, I've won the Nuka-Cola Fan Club Collection Award for the last ten years in a row! 74
MS05SierraCT02 Yes, of course! Happy 50 Well, come on then! Let me show you around! But no free Nuka-Cola until the end of the tour! 75
MS05SierraCT03 Nope. I'm not really interested in seeing your collection. Surprise 50 Oh! Really? Wow. 76
Neutral 50 Well, why did you come out here then? 77
MS05SierraCT03a I think I'd rather be smacked in the head with a blunt instrument. Surprise 80 What an odd way to make music, I'll have to try it sometime! 78
Neutral 50 Well if you don't want to take the tour, what are you doing here? 79
MS05SierraCT04 Ugh! I hate Nuka-Cola. That stuff is disgusting. Surprise 50 Disgusting?! 80
Neutral 50 It's the most delicious drinks ever created! It quenches your thirst, boosts your energy and even makes you smarter! 81
Happy 50 What's not to like about it? 82
MS05SierraCT05 There's a Nuka-Cola Fan Club? Neutral 50 Yep, I'm the President, the Recording Secretary and the Treasurer. 83
Happy 50 Once a year, we gather here in Girdershade to have a cook off using Nuka-Cola in the recipe. 84
Neutral 50 Last year I won with my "Poached Roach in Nuka-Sauce". Delicious! 85
MS05SierraCT06 What kind of stuff do you collect, exactly? Neutral 50 Well, look around you! Toys, banners, stools... anything I can get my hands on really. 86
Happy 50 My pride and joy is my perfect Nuka-Cola Machine. It's barely even scratched! 87
Neutral 50 Actually, I have to give credit to Ronald for donating some of it. 88
MS05SierraCT07 Wait a minute. How many members are in your club? Sad 50 Well... only two right now. Me and Ronald. 89
Happy 50 But membership is open to the public! You can join if you like! 90
MS05SierraCT07a Are you crazy or something? Sad 50 Hey that isn't nice! You should apologize right now! 91
Are you just completely insane, or what? Sad 50 What's the matter with you? Didn't your mom and dad ever teach you any manners? 92
MS05SierraCT08 Ugh, that sounds really disgusting! Sad 50 But Ronald said he liked it! 93
MS05SierraCT09 Who's Ronald? Happy 50 Ronald? Oh! I'm sorry, I figured you met him already. He usually chats with people who enter Girdershade. 94
Neutral 50 He's my neighbor and my protector as he calls it. Imagine if some nasty Raider wanted to take my stuff... he'd show them a thing or two! 95
Happy 50 He's such a sweetie, you should talk to him! 96
MS05SierraCT10 Wow, this conversation is getting boring... Happy 50 No, you're just thirsty! Come on, take a look at my collection and have an Ice Cold Nuka-Cola on me! Sound good? 97
MS05SierraCT11 I think you're crazy. Happy 50 Sure am! Crazy for the taste of Nuka-Cola! Hahahaha! 98
Happy 50 Look, we can just talk about it all day, or you can take my tour of the place and drink some frosty Nuka-Cola! You game? 99
MS05SierraCT12 Tell me more about this Ronald guy. Happy 50 He's a darling. Always watching out for me, and more importantly keeping the collection safe! 100
Happy 50 Like once, there was these Raiders that came by. There were three of them and their leader was named like Lug-Nut or something... 101
MS05SierraCT13 Yeah, he sounds great. So, you mentioned a tour or something? Surprise 80 I sure did! Want to take it now? 102
Neutral 50 How can you resist? This stuff is so cool! 103
MS05SierraCT13a I think I've had just about enough of this. Happy 80 You can never have enough of the refreshing taste of Nuka-Cola! He he he! 104
Neutral 50 Oh, don't be such a grump. You can go if you want to, but you're missing out... 105
MS05SierraCT14 Um... Sierra... Neutral 50 ... so they like kicked in Ronald's door and he was like "BLAM" with his gun and one of them got all splattered. 106
Neutral 50 Then the other one tried to like hit him all in his head with some club and Ronald was so cool how he dodged it and shot the guy in the face. 107
Neutral 50 Then the Lug-Nut guy was in Ronald's face with the "I'll kick your ass" stuff and Ronald was like "Hell no..." and he punched the... 108
MS05SierraCT14a Yoo-hoo! Anyone home? Neutral 50 ... so they like kicked in Ronald's door and he was like "BLAM" with his gun and one of them got all splattered. 109
Neutral 50 Then the other one tried to like hit him all in his head with some club and Ronald was so cool how he dodged it and shot the guy in the face. 110
Neutral 50 Then the Lug-Nut guy was in Ronald's face with the "I'll kick your ass" stuff and Ronald was like "Hell no..." and he punched the... 111
MS05SierraCT15 Sierra! Please. I get it. He's tough. Happy 50 Oh. Sorry! I get carried away sometimes. 112
Happy 50 Well, you should definitely talk to Ronald. I bet he'd like to meet you. He's such a sweetheart. 113
MS05SierraCT15a Shut up already... Disgust 50 Oh. Sorry! I get carried away sometimes. There's no need to get fresh about it though. 114
Lady, you've got some issues. Neutral 50 What's the matter with you? Didn't your mom and dad ever teach you any manners? 115
MS05SierraCT16 No reason. I was just passing through. Neutral 50 Oh. Well that's silly. 116
Neutral 50 If you don't want to see my collection then there really isn't anything else to see here. 117
Happy 50 Unless you think broken bridges are scenic. 118
MS05SierraCT17 I'm looking to make some cash. Any opportunities here? Happy 50 Actually, there may be. Tell you what, you take the tour of my collection and I promise to give you a proposition you won't want to say no to. 119
Neutral 50 So, do you want to take it? 120
MS05SierraCT17a Look, lady. I just want to get out of this nuthouse... Neutral 50 Oh, I think you came to the wrong place. I think there's someone in California that collects nuts. Or was it Nevada? Hmmm... 121
MS05SierraCT18SC Tell you what. You tell me first, and I'll consider taking the tour. Neutral 50 Well, I suppose. I really wanted you to see the tour, but you seem nice enough. 122
Neutral 50 Ever hear of Nuka-Cola Quantum? 123
MS05SierraCT19 Why a blue bottle if the soda is brown? That's just weird. Neutral 50 Aha! That's where you're wrong! 124
Neutral 50 Market research done in 2052 said that the blue color was the favorite in 86 people out of 100 polled. 125
Neutral 50 And the particular hue of blue is Dazzling Blue, scientifically proven to be the most pleasing of all blues! 126
MS05SierraCT19a Yeah, I guess you're right. It isn't that bad. Happy 50 See, I knew you were smart the moment you walked in here! 127
Neutral 50 So, enough with the small talk. Are you ready for the tour? 128
MS05SierraCT20 The taste... I could never get used to it. Surprise 50 No no no! You're mistaken! 129
Neutral 50 The flavor is the essence of seventeen different fruits mixed in just the right proportion to give the beverage that delicious taste. 130
Neutral 50 In fact, in the Great Passion Fruit Famine of 2044, people actually noticed the taste difference when the flavor was changed! 131
MS05SierraCT21 I just don't like it. Happy 50 Well, I guess everyone has their own opinion. Even if it's silly! 132
Happy 50 Why don't you take the tour of my collection? Maybe it will give you a new perspective on things. 133
Neutral 50 What do you say? 134
MS05SierraQuestBail Let me think about this, Sierra. Happy 80 Okay. But I bet you'll be back! 135
MS05SierraQuestGive01 Quantum? Never heard of it before. Neutral 50 Well, right before the bombs fell, the good folks at Nuka-Cola developed what they hoped was an improvement on the original formula. 136
Neutral 50 Calling it Nuka-Cola Quantum, it was said to have "Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine and twice the taste!" 137
So what's this Quantum stuff all about again? Neutral 50 Well, right before the bombs fell, the good folks at Nuka-Cola developed what they hoped was an improvement on the original formula. 138
Neutral 50 Calling it Nuka-Cola Quantum, it was said to have "Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine and twice the taste!" 139
MS05SierraQuestGive02 Just cut to the chase. What's this proposition? Surprise 60 So impatient! Wow! You must really want to get out there and start looking! 140
Happy 50 Anyway, for every bottle you bring me I'll pay you some caps. You know, for expenses. 141
Happy 50 But if you're super cool and find like enough bottles to fill my Nuka-Cola machine, 30 in all, I got a super secret cool prize for you! 142
MS05SierraQuestGive04 So, what went wrong? Neutral 50 Well, the flavor certainly wasn't the issue. The public was just split on the unique feature of the Quantum's appearance. 143
Neutral 50 You see, to make it stand out on store shelves and to give it that extra kick, the formula called for a mild isotope. 144
Neutral 50 The effect was a drink that not only boosted your energy, but also glowed with a bright blue light! 145
MS05SierraQuestGive05 That stuff sounds absolutely revolting. Neutral 50 On the contrary! The secret ingredient was an eighteenth fruit flavor which added just a hint of pomegranate. 146
Happy 50 Top that with a specially engineered isotope to boost the energy output and you have the perfect refresher for a hot summer day! 147
MS05SierraQuestGive06 Wait, did you say it has an isotope in it? As in it's radioactive? Surprise 50 Oh no, only ever-so-mildly! No ill effects were ever recorded. 148
Neutral 50 Well, it does have the unique property of making your... ummm... 149
Neutral 50 ...your pee glow. 150
MS05SierraQuestGive07 What's your interest in all this? Neutral 50 I love the stuff! I can't get enough of it! 151
Happy 50 I thought I was hooked on regular Nuka-Cola, but the Quantum beats it by a long shot! 152
Neutral 50 I've got to have MORE! 153
MS05SierraQuestGive07a Glowing pee? That sounds like dangerous stuff! Surprise 70 Oh no! Not at all! 154
Surprise 70 Nuka-Cola Quantum was made under the supervision of the Food and Drug Association. They would NEVER let harmful products end up in stores! 155
MS05SierraQuestGive08 So, that's where I come in, I guess. Happy 50 That's right! You bring me Nuka-Cola Quantum and I pay you... handsomely I might add. 156
Happy 50 For every bottle you bring me, I pay you some caps. You know, for expenses. 157
Happy 50 But if you're super cool and find like enough bottles to fill my Nuka-Cola machine, 30 in all, I've got a super secret cool prize for you! 158
MS05SierraQuestGive08SC Come on, Sierra. No secrets between friends! Happy 50 Oh, okay! I have a schematic for the Nuka Grenade... the only one in the whole Capital Wasteland. Bring me the bottles and it's yours. 159
Neutral 50 Imagine the look on the target's face when they are burning alive in an effervescent explosion of cola and fruit flavors! 160
Happy 50 So, what do you say? Will you bring me the bottles? 161
What's the secret prize? Happy 50 Nope, I'm not telling! It's a really cool surprise though. You're gonna love it, I promise! 162
MS05SierraQuestGive08a Okay, enough with the addict routine. Tell me what you want already! Happy 50 "You can't resist the taste that'll blow up in your face!" like Ronald always says. He thinks of the best Nuka-Cola jingles! 163
Happy 50 Anyway, for every bottle you bring me I'll pay you some caps. You know, for expenses. 164
Happy 50 But if you're super cool and find like enough bottles to fill my Nuka-Cola machine, 30 in all, I got a super secret cool prize for you! 165
MS05SierraQuestNoMean No way! I'm not scouring the Wasteland for some stupid soft drink! Surprise 80 Hey! It isn't just some stupid soft drink! 166
Neutral 50 It's only the most delicious thing man has ever conceived! 167
Sad 80 If you don't want to help me find some Quantum then fine... someone else will come along one day who will! 168
MS05SierraQuestTake Okay, Sierra. You've got a deal. Surprise 50 Oh goodie! I can taste the Quantum already! 169
Happy 50 Good luck to you, sweetie! 170
MS05SierraQuestWait Actually, I don't think I'm ready to do this now. Sad 50 Awww, come on! I told you everything there is to know about it! 171
Neutral 50 How hard could it be to just get some shipping manifests and then find me some bottles of Quantum? 172
Neutral 50 Come back to me when you're ready to change your mind I guess. 173
MS05TLLocalSights Is there anything else interesting to see near Girdershade? Neutral 50 Well, to the east there are some nasty Raiders in Evergreen Mills. I'd stay away from there if I were you. 174
Neutral 50 Luckily, we're kind of hidden here under the old highway, so no one bothers us. 175
MS05TLMoreAboutPlant What do you know about the Nuka-Cola Bottling Facility? Neutral 50 Well, the D.C. Facility was like their main factory just before the bombs fell. All the research they did was performed there. 176
Neutral 50 It was the only facility to ever produce Quantum. They were in a test market mode, and they would have expanded production if the drink caught on. 177
Sad 50 Too bad they didn't, otherwise Quantum would be as plentiful as regular Nuka-Cola. 178
MS05TLMoreAboutReward Tell me more about the Nuka Grenade. Neutral 50 I don't know a whole lot about weapons, but I do know that it's more powerful than a regular grenade. 179
Happy 50 It explodes in a huge blue flame too! How cool is that? 180
Come on, Sierra. No secrets between friends! What's the special reward? Happy 50 Oh, okay! I have a schematic for the Nuka Grenade... the only one in the whole Capital Wasteland. Bring me the bottles and it's yours. 181
Neutral 50 Imagine the look on the target's face when they are burning alive in an effervescent explosion of cola and fruit flavors! 182
MS05TLMoreAboutSoda What do you know about Nuka-Cola Quantum? Sad 30 Well, besides what I've already told you, not much. 183
Neutral 50 They were working on a way to prevent the glow from remaining once it passed through a person's system, but it was never perfected. 184
Neutral 50 I heard that the stuff they used to make it glow and give it that kick has a shelf life of over a thousand years. 185
Happy 50 Should make the bottles easier to spot! 186
MS05TLMoreAboutSoda01 What exactly does a bottle of Quantum look like? Happy 50 Well, the bottles are glass just like regular Nuka-Cola, except the glass is clear. 187
Happy 50 That way the glowy stuff inside shows through. You'll know it when you see it. 188
MS05TLMoreAboutSoda02 What happens when you drink a Nuka-Cola Quantum? Happy 50 Oh my! It's like a tidal wave of flavor washing all over your body! 189
Happy 50 Your head spins but everything is clear at the same time. It is quite a rush. 190
MS05TLMoreAboutSoda03Medicine Drinking that stuff can't be good for you if it contains radiation. Neutral 50 Well, I guess so. I heard that sometimes the radiation would remain in people's systems, but only in a few test cases. 191
Happy 50 All you'd need is a little RadAway and poof, the isotope is gone. 192
MS05TLMoreAboutSoda04 You seem kind of addicted to the stuff... Is it safe to drink? Happy 60 Addicted? Why would you say that? I can stop drinking it any time I want. 193
Happy 70 That's so silly to think I would get hooked on the most delicious soft drink ever devised by man... 194
MS05TLNukaCola Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 Ohhhh... Ronald is SUCH a sweetheart! Do you know he went out like you did and found me 30 bottles of Quantum? 195
Happy 50 He loves me! He really really loves me! Now I bet he'll ask me to get married. 196
Happy 50 Oh! For my wedding present I'm giving him the super secret prize too! 197
I have the last of the Quantum! Happy 50 You've done it! My machine is finally full! 198
Neutral 50 Well, like I promised, here's the schematic for the Nuka Grenade. You've sure earned it! 199
Happy 50 If you find any more bottles, be sure and bring them by. I'll be glad to keep paying for them. 200
I have the last of the Quantum! Happy 50 You've done it! My machine is finally full! 201
Neutral 50 Well, like I promised, here's your surprise.... the schematic for the Nuka Grenade! You've sure earned it! 202
Happy 50 If you find any more bottles, be sure and bring them by. I'll be glad to keep paying for them. 203
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 My machine's almost full you know. That's over 25 bottles of Quantum! 204
Happy 50 Get me to 30 and you'll have the surprise reward I promised! Hehe! I love surprises! 205
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 Over twenty bottles already? Incredible! Keep 'em coming! 206
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 Oh my word! Do you realize you've brought me back over ten of the Nuka-Cola Quantums? 207
Neutral 50 I knew you were the right person for the job. 208
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 Wow. I can't believe you've found over five of the Quantums. I've never even seen that many before. Good job! 209
Here's all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I'm carrying. Happy 50 Yay! I knew I could count on you! I promise to put them to good use. 210
MS05TLRonaldsOffer Did you know Ronald has offered to buy Quantum from me? Happy 70 He has? Ohhhh! That sweetheart! I knew he'd help me! 211
Happy 50 All that guy does is watch out for me all the time. 212
MS05TLRonaldsOffer01 No, I think he just wants to get into your pants. Neutral 50 That's so silly! Why would a man want to wear a pair of these filthy woman's pants? Doesn't make sense. 213
Happy 80 I bet you and him cooked up that line just to make me smile! Well, mission accomplished! 214
MS05TLRonaldsOffer02 Never mind. Happy 50 He he! You're so silly! 215
MS05TLRonaldsOffer03 Yep, you're right. He really cares about you! Sad 60 Awww, both of you are so sweet! How did a gal like me get so lucky in this messed up world to find you two? {Happy sadness} 216
Sad 100 Now you've gone and made me cry. (Cries a bit) {Cry at end} 217
MS05TLStartLooking Do you even have a clue as to where I can start looking? Happy 50 In fact, I do! Ha! Surprised you didn't I? 218
Neutral 50 Your best bet would be to find the ruins of the D.C. Nuka-Cola Bottling Facility. Find the shipping manifests inside. 219
Happy 50 With them in hand, you should have a good clue as to where the Quantum was delivered. 220
Neutral 50 While you're there, you may even be able to find some bottles of Quantum! 221
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Happy 50 Nope! Take the tour first. Then we talk about my proposition! 222
Neutral 50 So, you up for it? 223
SpeechChallengeFailure Happy 50 Nope, I'm not telling! It's a really cool surprise though. You're gonna love it, I promise! 224


GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 50 Good luck! Watch out for meanies! 225
I have to go now. Happy 50 Hurry back, maybe I'll make some of my legendary Quantum Sorbet! 226
I have to go now. Happy 50 That's okay, take your time and don't break the bottles! 227
I have to go now. Happy 50 Be careful out there, sweetie! 228
I have to go now. Happy 50 I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait! 229
I have to go now. Sad 50 Awww, sorry you got to go. 230
I have to go now. Happy 50 Bye bye, now. 231
I have to go now. Happy 50 Be careful out there, sweetie! 232
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Awww, sorry you got to go. 233
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Ice cold Nuka-Cola... there's nothing like it in the world. 234
HELLO Happy 50 Nothing beats the taste... the taste that'll knock you out! {Make up a ditty with these lyrics. Any tune. Sing it badly. Its a product slogan.} 235
HELLO Happy 50 Hope you met Ronald, he's such a sweetie! 236
HELLO Happy 50 I am so thirsty. I hope you have something for me. 237
HELLO Happy 50 Hey! Anything I can do to help, just ask. 238
HELLO Happy 50 Oh come on, what do you have to lose? 239
HELLO Neutral 50 Shhhh! The tour is in progress. 240
HELLO Happy 50 Well hey there, stranger! 241
HELLO Happy 70 Allow me to take you on my Nuka-Cola Tour. Won't take long, I promise! 242
HELLO Happy 50 Come on in and relax with a cold Nuka-Cola. 243
HELLO Happy 50 I knew you'd come back to visit. 244
HELLO Happy 50 Welcome back to Girdershade! 245
MS05RonaldConv MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 Yep, they sure were hard to get, and you got 'em you big 'ole teddy bear! Anyway, gotta' get these into the machine. Seeya, sweetie! 246
MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 Some of what? 247
MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 Well, maybe later. I have a lot of things to do now. Need to get all of this Quantum icy cold. 248
MS05RonaldConv Happy 50 What was that? 249
MS05RonaldConv Surprise 80 Oh my goodness! You absolute dear! You found the Quantum to fill my machine! 250
MS05SierraTour01 MS05SierraTour01 Happy 50 When Nuka-Cola was invented by John-Caleb Bradberton in 2044, it quickly became the world's most popular soft drink. 251
MS05SierraTour02 MS05SierraTour02 Happy 50 The wonder drink soon drew a dedicated following which prompted the Nuka-Cola Corporation to release many promotional items like these. 252
MS05SierraTour03 MS05SierraTour03 Neutral 50 By 2067, a Nuka-Cola machine such as this rare pristine model could be found on almost every street in America. 253
MS05SierraTour04 MS05SierraTour04 Happy 50 Even in today's crazy world, Nuka-Cola is still the number one choice of refreshment among Armageddon's survivors. 254