The service rifle forged receiver is a weapon mod sold in Fallout: New Vegas.
This forged receiver attachment for the service rifle increases the weapon's condition by 50%, thereby increasing the number of shots before breaking from 1995 to 2995, from full condition.
Sold by:
- Alexander, 188 Trading Post
- Arms merchant, 188 Trading Post
- Blake, Crimson Caravan Company
- Cliff Briscoe, Novac
- Dale Barton, Fortification Hill
- Great Khan armorer, Great Khan armory in Red Rock Canyon
- Vendortron, Gun Runners kiosk
Prior to patch, the forged receiver was only worth 250 caps.
player.setweaponhealthperc 150. [verified]
If this attachment is applied then weapon repair kits can reduce condition instead of improving it, this only happens when the CND bar is more than two thirds full. The mod does not increase the base condition value, but increases the rifle's maximum health to 150%, causing the weapon repair kit to always try to restore it back to 100% of the base value. PC users can fix this with the console command