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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sammy.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Thanks for getting us out of there, mungo. We're gonna head back home now. 1
Neutral 50 I'd think twice about coming back here if I were you. These guys aren't going to forget you, y'know? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 We'll meet you outside, if you can make it! 3
GREETING Neutral 50 You got the gate, huh? Okay, we're outta here! 4
Neutral 50 Shoot a couple of those mungo ass-bag Slavers for me, will ya? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 You go take care of the bad guys. I'll just stay out here, and.... stay out of the way. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 I guess you decided to do this your own way, huh? 7
Neutral 50 Well, now you've really done it. They're gonna kill you if they can, so you better kill them all first. 8
Neutral 50 Get the key for the slave pen gate off of the boss mungo, or that Forty asshole. If you can unlock the gate, we'll make a run for it. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh man, they're gonna be mad at you! These Slaver guys are mean! 10
Neutral 50 Listen, you gotta help us. Me and my friends... We gotta get home. Can you help? Can you get us out of here? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 You gonna help, or what? Squirrel and Penny are still in there. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, I guess that's it. Thanks for getting us out of there, mungo. 13
Neutral 50 We're going back home now. You ever come out that way, you stop and say hi. I'll tell Mayor not to shoot you okay? 14
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, I guess that's it. Thanks for getting us out of there, mungo. 15
Neutral 50 We're going back home now. You ever come out that way, you stop and say hi. I'll tell Mayor not to shoot you okay? 16
GREETING Anger 50 Well, I guess this is one way to do it. We could've escaped, you know. 17
GREETING Anger 50 What the hell, lady? We're not going anywhere with you! You don't own us! 18
GREETING Anger 50 What the hell, mister? We're not going anywhere with you! You don't own us! 19
GREETING Anger 50 If we're going to leave, then let's get it over with. 20
GREETING Fear 50 Hey, mister. Can you get us out of here? 21
GREETING Fear 50 Hey, lady. Can you get us out of here? 22
GREETING Fear 50 So, you getting us free or what? 23
GREETING Fear 50 Oh God, mister. You gotta help us. You gotta get us out of here! 24
GREETING Fear 50 Oh God, lady. You gotta help us. You gotta get us out of here! 25
GREETING Fear 50 You gotta help. You just gotta. 26
Neutral 50 I can't keep talking to you, or else he'll shoot me. 27
GREETING Neutral 50 You ever make it to Little Lamplight, you come say hi. Okay mungo? 28
GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, mister. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 29
GREETING Anger 25 Thanks for getting us back here. We woulda got out before long, but you did really help. 30
Neutral 50 So, uh, thanks. 31
GREETING Anger 25 We didn't need any mungo's help getting outta there, you know? 32
Anger 10 But you did it, so, uh, thanks. {A little sullen, as if he's only thanking the player because he's supposed to.} 33
Disgust 25 But that means I gotta go back to guarding the back gate with Princess. Ugh. {Frustration at returning to a job he hates.} 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah, mister? 35
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah, mungo? 36
GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah? 37
LLClasses Do you like classes with Joseph? Anger 25 Yeah. What I don't like's being bugged when I'm trying to learn. 38
LLDirections Can you give me directions? Anger 25 Where to, mungo? {grudgingly} 39
LLGuarding Do you enjoy guarding the back gate? Neutral 50 No, because Princess always bosses me around and there's never nothing to gun. 40
Neutral 50 That's all I'm gonna say while she's around. 41
Do you enjoy guarding the back gate? Neutral 50 No, because Princess always bosses me around and there's never nothing to gun. 42
Neutral 50 She's always making fun of me just because she's angry all the time about her nickname and not being in charge and stuff. {Suddenly opening up now that Princess isn't around.} 43
LLPrincessNickname Can you tell me why Princess gets angry about her nickname? Disgust 25 So, a long time ago, Princess convinced everyone that she should be mayor. 44
Neutral 50 The first thing she did as mayor was try to insist that the title be changed to "Princess". 45
Happy 25 It was 5 minutes before MacCready punched her in the nose and got picked as the new mayor. It was awesome! 46
Can you tell me why Princess gets angry about her nickname? Disgust 25 So, a long time ago, Princess convinced everyone that she should be mayor. 47
Neutral 50 The first thing she did as mayor was try to insist that the title be changed to "Princess". 48
Happy 25 It was 5 minutes before MacCready punched her in the nose and got picked as the new mayor. It was awesome! 49
Can you tell me why Princess gets angry about her nickname? Disgust 25 No. We'll see how I feel about it tomorrow, huh? 50
LLPrincessNickname2A She was only mayor for five minutes? Happy 50 Yeah! MacCready said we needed someone to watch out for us, not to lord over us. Then he popped her one! She hasn't even tried since then. 51
Happy 25 That's why he stays mayor, too. I hope I can be that cool, someday. 52
LLPrincessNickname2B Does she still hold a grudge against them? Neutral 50 No way. I think she's got a crush on him. She's all weird for him. 53
LLPrincessNickname2C Thanks, Sammy. That's useful information. Neutral 50 Thanks. Maybe you can take her down a peg, huh? {chuckles a little at the compliment} 54
MQ07SammyGetLost Get lost, kid. Neutral 50 Thanks for nothing, ass. 55
MQ07SammyHostileGreet1 You're already out. Can't you just run home from here? Neutral 50 You saw what happened to that other guy. Same thing'd happen to me if I try to run away now. 56
Neutral 50 Collar would pop my head right off. And besides, I don't wanna leave without Squirrel and Penny. 57
Neutral 50 I'll hide out here. Can you go in and get them? 58
MQ07SammyHostileGreet2 Sure, what can I do to help, kid? Neutral 50 This collar. It's gotta get turned off, or else I can't get out of here. You saw what happened to that other guy. 59
Neutral 50 And then Squirrel and Penny... They're still inside, locked in the cage. You gotta get them out too. 60
Neutral 50 No way the slavers are gonna let them walk out, so you're gonna have to bust them out. Think you can handle it? 61
MQ07SammyHostileGreet3 Why is this my problem? In case you hadn't noticed, I've already got problems. Neutral 50 I just thought maybe you could do something, since they're all gonna shoot you anyway. 62
Neutral 50 Squirrel and Penny are still stuck in there, and none of us can leave while they got these collars turned on. 63
Neutral 50 If you can get the slave pen open, Squirrel and Penny can make a run for it, and we can get out of here. What do you say? 64
MQ07SammyHostileResponse1 I'll get you kids out of here. Neutral 50 You're okay for a mungo. Squirrel and Penny are still stuck inside. You need to get the key to the slave pen to get 'em out. 65
Neutral 50 That Forty asshole has one, and so does the boss guy, Eulogy. Go get 'em! 66
MQ07SammyHostileResponse2 Let me think about it. Neutral 50 Think about it? Come on, mungo. You can do it. 67
Neutral 50 Well I'm gonna hang out here until you make up your stupid mind. 68
MQ07SammyHostileResponse3 Sorry kid. You're on your own. Neutral 50 Thanks for nothing, mungo. 69
MQ07SammyHowDoIGetYouOut How can I get you out of here? Neutral 50 Can't you just shoot them all? 70
MQ07SammyLLNo Nope. Never heard of it. Neutral 50 Sure. Most mungos like you don't know where it is. We like it that way. 71
Neutral 50 But we gotta get out of here. If you can help us, I'll show you where it is. Maybe Mayor will even be nice to you. But only if you help us. 72
MQ07SammyLLYes Yeah, I've heard of it. Neutral 50 Well we need to get out of here and get back there. Right now. So you gotta help us, okay? 73
MQ07SammyLLYesMayor Mayor MacCready's the one who sent me to get you. Surprise 50 Really? I knew it! I knew he'd come to get us! {surprised, thrilled} 74
Neutral 50 Didn't think he'd send a mungo like you to do it, though. 75
MQ07SammyPlanToGetOut Don't worry, I've got a plan. Neutral 50 You do? Great! 76
Neutral 50 Whatever you do, make sure you turn off these collars. You saw what happened to that other guy. 77
MQ07SammyShootAnyOtherIdeas That's the best you can come up with? Don't you have any other ideas? Neutral 50 Well, I mean, Squirrel thinks maybe he could use the computer in here to turn off the collars. 78
Neutral 50 Squirrel's good with computers, and they don't know he made this one work again. But it's, uh... It's not connected or something. 79
Neutral 50 Hang on. I'll get Squirrel, and he can tell you what to do. 80
MQ07SammyShootNo No way. I can't take them all on. Neutral 50 No? You sure? 81
Neutral 50 Well, okay. I guess maybe we could try Squirrel's plan. He says it'll work, but I don't know. It means using computers and stuff. 82
Neutral 50 Hang on. Let me get him, and he can tell you the plan. I don't understand some of it, anyway. 83
MQ07SammyStage90Choice1 Pipe down, short stuff. I'm trying to get you out of here. Neutral 50 What? That's a load of shit. We're not stupid, you know. We've seen what you mungos are like. 84
Just follow me out of the complex. Then we can talk. Neutral 50 If you say so. 85
MQ07SammyStage90Choice2 Do you want to get rescued or not? Neutral 50 Rescued? This is a pretty stupid way to rescue anybody, mungo. 86
MQ07SammyStage90Choice3 MacCready sent me. I'm here to rescue you. Neutral 50 God, why didn't you say that? 87
Neutral 50 Come on, let's go before they change their minds. I don't like the way that mungo looks at me. 88
Don't make a big deal out of it. You'll blow our cover. Neutral 50 Yeah, yeah. Okay. 89
MQ07SammyStage90FineStayHere Fine. Would you rather stay here with the Slavers? Neutral 50 Well... No. You better be telling the truth, mungo, or else we're going to kill you in your sleep. 90
Neutral 50 So if you're serious, let's get moving. 91
MQ07SammyStage90KeepQuiet Keep quiet, will you? Let's get out of here, then we can talk. Neutral 50 What is there to talk about? I know what you're doing. You're going to take us somewhere and make us work for you... or worse. 92
Neutral 50 I'm telling you right now, as soon as we get out of here, we're making a run for it. You want to try and shoot us, you can. 93
MQ07SammyStage90Lamplight Look, I came from Little Lamplight. Neutral 50 You did? You better not be lying. Fine, let's go. 94
MQ07SammyWhoAreYou Who are you? Neutral 50 I'm Sammy. I'm from Little Lamplight. Me and Squirrel and Penny... We aren't supposed to be here. 95
Neutral 50 We gotta get back home. You gotta help us get out of here. 96
MQ07SammyWhyShouldIHelpYou Why would I help you? What's in it for me? Neutral 50 Look, we're not supposed to be in here. We live in Little Lamplight. Ever heard of it? 97
SpeechChallengeFailure Can you tell me why Princess gets angry about her nickname? Anger 25 No. Because I don't trust you. 98
Anger 50 She's a jerk, but she's still one of us. 99


I have to go now.
Stay cool, Sammy. Anger 10 Okay. {surly, just barely saying " 'kay"} 100
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 We're free! 101
HELLO Neutral 50 I wanna know more about shooting. 102
HELLO Neutral 50 Tell me more about shooting, Joseph. {Mumbled, a little plaintive.} 103
HELLO Neutral 50 What's your problem? 104
HELLO Neutral 50 You're funny looking. 105
LLBackGateConv2 LLBackGateConv2 Anger 10 What? {Mumbled, slightly sullen.} 106
LLBackGateConv2 Neutral 50 Yeah? {Mumbled, slightly sullen.} 107
LLBackGateConv4 LLBackGateConv4 Sad 50 Someday, you're gonna get yours, Princess. {Sullen, mumbled, and a little defeated.} 108
LLBackGateConv4 Sad 50 Big jerk. {Sullen, mumbled, and a little defeated.} 109
LLClassConv1 LLClassConv1 Neutral 50 I wanna know more about shooting. 110
LLClassConv1 Neutral 50 Anything you can teach me about shooting, Joseph? {Mumbled, a little plaintive.} 111
LLClassConv4 LLClassConv4 Neutral 50 Yes, teacher. {A little frustrated at being told what he already knows.} 112
LLClassConv4 Anger 25 I know, I know. {A little frustrated at being told what he already knows.} 113
LLMayorDailyCheck1 LLMayorDailyCheck1 Disgust 25 Everything's okay out back, Mayor. Same as ever. {bored} 114
LLPrincessBullyResponse LLPrincessBullyResponse Sad 50 Nothing, I guess. {mumbled, sullen.} 115
LLRandomConv1 LLConversation1 Anger 25 Hello. How's it going? {mumbled, apathetic} 116
LLRandomConv2 LLConversation2 Anger 25 I'm fine. {mumbled, sullen.} 117
LLRandomConvEnding LLRandomConvEnding Anger 25 Fine. Bye now. {mumbled} 118
LLSammyLunchDelivery LLSammyLunchDelivery Sad 50 Here's food, Princess. {A little sullen} 119
LLSammyLunchDelivery Anger 25 Here, happy? {A little frustrated.} 120
LLWhatsUp1 LLWhatsUp1 Anger 25 Hello. What's up? {mumbled, as in " 'lo. 'sup?"} 121
LLWhatsUp2 LLWhatsUp2 Anger 25 Nothing. {mumbled} 122
MQ07SammyFetchSquirrelTopic Neutral 50 Hey, that's the mungo. Go talk to him. 123
Neutral 50 Hey, that's the mungo. Go talk to her. 124