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Fallout Wiki

Ryder journal page is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


The note can be found at the Neapolitan Casino, in room #104 of the hotel wing, on a desk in the corner.


Chapter 12 - Neapolitan Nitwit

While documenting the incredible journey of my life, It'sIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar important for me to document both my triumphs, and my failures. And boy howdy is this one triumphant failure.

I should have known there was no way I was going to pull a stunt like that on Quentino's sister without consequences. Things were going so well too. I gave her the ol' Ryder charm after my show. The plan was to give her my patented shoulder rub, and that'd be my chance to lift the key.

I blew it though. She saw right through my bullshit, and caught me making a grab for the vault key. Last thing I see is the butt of a gun clocking me in the skull.

They kept me in a dark room and beat the names out of me. Soon as they started hitting the moneymaker, I cracked real quick. I have no regrets. That mafioso and that sorry Muni fella would have done the same. Frankly, I'm just grateful those thugs didn't break anything too important. I can get by on crutches for a long while.

I've been blacklisted from the Casino Quarter. So I'm heading back to Showmen's pierIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. Maybe they'll take pity on me and let me sing the opening to that game they're always running.

After writing it all out, maybe this one shouldn't make it to the autobiography.

