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Fallout Wiki

I'm in charge of the... I mean, I help run the Far Go Traders. If anyone messes with us, I'm the one they will answer to.

Rutger helps Butch Harris run the Far Go Traders in the Hub's Downtown district in Fallout.


Rutger is the nervous system of the Far Go Traders. While on paper he helps Butch Harris run the outfit, he's in fact the person in charge of its day to day operations. He is a veritable treasure trove of information on the caravans in the wastelands and hires caravaneers to protect the trade wagons on their way to their destinations.

Rutger is not known for visiting clients personally. When he does, they know something is amiss, such as when he visited Lost Hills to try and find the missing caravans of the Far Go Traders. The Brotherhood was of no help, aside from vague rumors about something near the Hub.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
Riding Shotgun
This character offers caravan jobs.



Apparel Weapon Other items
Leather armor (non-playable) Desert Eagle .44
10mm pistol
10mm JHP x48
Bottle cap x84


Rutger appears only in Fallout and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible.


  1. Darrell: "{195}{}{Yes, Rutger came here personally not too long ago, and that's not like him. He was trying to find out what had been happening to his caravans. I've no idea what it could have been. A few others say they saw something over near the hub, but it disappeared before they could get close enough. It's all very unnerving, I hope it's resolved soon.}"