Rory's holotape is a holotape in Fallout 76. It is recorded by Rory.
It can be found at the Pleasant Valley cabins, on the bed in the small cabin with the red door.
I found the mother lode, baby. Some bunker tucked away in the swamp. I bet it's got supplies for at least a couple years stashed away inside. Now it's just a matter of breaking in, but that damn girl holed up in there's got some sort of terminal controlling the locks on the door. If I didn't suck at hacking I'd be in there by now. Four tries and you're locked out. It's bullshit. But I ain't gonna let anyone else know.
That place and everything inside is all mine. No sharing here! Just a matter of getting that damn password. I just gotta wait for that Abbie chick to leave and come back. Then I sneak in the door behind her, and BAM. She's dead, and I'm living the dream.