Roofus was a lead farmer in the Fallout TV series.
Roofus was one of the three children of Adam that was killed
Fallout TV series[]
The Radio[]
Roofus was mentioned by the Ghoul when he questioned Adam about the number of kids he had. Adam claims that he had an older son, but they haven't heard from him since he associated himself with the Madwoman two years ago. However, the Ghoul reveals via a letter that Roofus wasn't the only one involved with the Madwoman, but Tommy as well.
According to the letter, Roofus sent Tommy a stash of caps to pay a courier for, "the safe transport of an Enclave Defector" to the very same Madwoman in the hills, Moldaver. However, when the Ghoul fetched the letter from Roofus' body, he found it difficult to read the letter in its entirety because of the blood-splattered hole in the center.
After the Ghoul learns about Madwoman Moldaver's location, he asks Tommy if he really will allow him to leave without him retaliating against him after killing his older brother.
Roofus was only mentioned in the Fallout TV series episode "The Radio."