The RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal entries are entries found on terminals within the RobCo Sales & Service Center in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron.
Brain extraction terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Brain Extraction Workstation 02
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Once again, thanks to equipment failures, we're getting pretty backed up in this department. The brain extractors were never made to operate at this capacity - I think they've been running around the clock for the last few weeks. We usually end up with a popped blade from slicing through a particularly tough skull, or the hydraulics in the pulling arm seize up when the spinal cord isn't fully severed and the brain is pulled too early. I hope that Ciroletti doesn't yell at us again - this really isn't our fault.
We all had a pretty good laugh around the extraction department today. Ansel tried mixing some fresh bio-gel with a little bit of grenadine and vodka and dared us all to drink it down. It turned out to be pretty good - kind of thick and sweet with just the right amount of kick. We came up with a little game to try and name the drink. A whole bunch of stupid ones came up of course, but we finally settled on the "Extractor Sunrise." Too bad we can't share with the other departments, but the bio-gel costs like a thousand bucks a pint, and I don't think Ciroletti would appreciate us drinking down some of her budget.
Today was Halsti's birthday, so we made him a brain-shaped cake. Well, sort of. We actually just took one of the extracted brains and covered it with frosting. Of course, we didn't tell Halsti that - the look on his face when he bit down on the slice we gave him was pretty hilarious. It was a waste of a decent subject brain, but the prank was totally worth it! We really have some good times down here. I sincerely hope that they don't reassign anyone away from the department - we're working well together and our efficiency rating can't get much higher.
Wommack over in sanitation made an offhand comment that his job having to grab what was left of our test subjects and dispose of them in the furnace felt "wrong." Then, not a day later, I was sharing lunch with some of the personnel from the assembly division and they asked me if pulling the brains from our test subject's heads ever bothered me. I told them that it didn't. I'm not sure why some of the people on this project are having problems with what we're doing. Maybe they should look for work somewhere else.
Broken terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
ROBCO Model RX-6550 Terminal System
Terminal unit systems have been stopped.
Please verify that all necessary hardware and software is properly installed.
If problems continue, contact your nearest RobCo Sales & Service Center for immediate assistance.
Cerebral reconditioning terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Cerebral Reconditioning - Anise Ciroletti
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Reconditioning Transcript 32B776[]
Subject A22
Extraction: Successful, No Damage
Original Age and Gender: 34, Male
Ciroletti: "Hello? Can you understand me?"
A22: "What? Who... who is that? Where are you? I can't see! Oh my god, what have you people done to me?!"
Ciroletti: "Calm down. Calm Down."
A22: "I can't feel my body... I can't feel anything! What's going on?! Please... this is horrible!"
Ciroletti: "A22, if you don't calm down, I'll have to turn you off."
A22: "Turn me off? You mean kill me? For the love of god, tell me what the hell you've done!"
Ciroletti: "Terminating A22. Subject too unstable."
Reconditioning Transcript 32B888[]
Subject: A57
Extraction: Possible Frontal Lobe Damage
Original Age and Gender: 22, Female
Ciroletti: "You are designated unit A57. Understood?"
A57: "Yes, A57 ready to accept commands."
Ciroletti: "Excellent, A57. Initiate command diagnostic Zeta."
A57: "Understood."
**2 Minutes Pass with no input**
Ciroletti: "This is taking too long. Please respond."
A57: "Error. No command was provided and awaiting unit desgination ."
Ciroletti: "Damn it. I think this one's short term is shot to hell. Dump it in the furnace and let's try another."
Reconditioning Transcript 34C192[]
Subject: A110
Extraction: Successful, No Damage
Original Age and Gender: 30, Female
Ciroletti: "All right. Do you have any memories before your service at this facility?"
A110: "Negative, ma'am."
Ciroletti: "Are you certain? Do a deep scan of your memory banks. It's been reported that you are acting irregularly."
A110: "Scanning now. Please, stand by."
A110: "Error. Unknown fragment detected. Err..."
A110: "Wh...what? This can't be real. My arms... my legs... they're gone! What's wrong with me?!"
Ciroletti: "Switching off."
Ciroletti: "Ah-ha. There is it is . That was quadrant A98786756 in the temporal lobe. Can we get a tech in here to clear out the long term? And tell them to stop being so sloppy about it."
Reconditioning Transcript 35X795[]
Subject: A124
Extraction: Successful, No Damage
Original Age and Gender: 36, Male
Ciroletti: "Recording now. Repeat that again."
A124: I said that if you don't put me back in my body, I'm going to kill you - then everyone else in this place."
Ciroletti: "Interesting. You do realize that you're simply a brain attached to a vocal interface? That you don't have the capability to perform those actions."
A124: "I don't care. I'll find a way. And when I do, you'll be the first to die."
Ciroletti: "Wonderful, simply wonderful. The lack of your original body doesn't disturb you?"
A124: "No. It doesn't matter. Whatever it takes, I'll end all of you."
Ciroletti: "Switching off."
Ciroletti: "Excellent. As soon as we flush the long and short term, this one will be ready. Recommend sending it along to Rawlings' tactical team as soon as it's fitted in a chassis."
Chief engineer's terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Engineering - Thomas Harkin
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Maintenance Issue 09007889-AB[]
Maintenance Issue 09007889-AB
After dome implantation, the brain on the above subject started exhibiting physical changes. The subject's dura turned some kind of a mottled brown color, and started to break down after only twelve hours in the solution.
Turns out, the bio-gel was tainted with sulfuric acid runoff from the dome polishing compound and a reaction was occurring when they met. Unfortunately, this subject is a total loss. We'll have to just write it off as bad luck and switch polishing compounds immediately.
Maintenance Issue 09008112-AB[]
Maintenance Issue 09008112-AB
We're continuing to have issues maintaining cohesion between the neural interface and the spinal column nerve endings. The nerves reject the connections faster than we can rebind them. I know we were hoping to keep the spinal columns intact for the Robobrains, but it's obviously not going to happen.
I'd suggest we revert back to the original plan - the good old brain in a jar prototype. It will reduce the amount of life support subsystems significantly, as well as cut production time almost by a third. I'll submit my findings to the brass in Washington tomorrow.
Maintenance Issue 09008777-AC[]
Maintenance Issue 09008777-AC
We got the first batch of Robobrains back from testing, and they're a mess. Cracked domes, thrown treads, overloaded fusion piles, fried circuits - the list goes on and on.
This particular issue is troubling though. According to field users, some of the Robobrains are misinterpreting commands. The on-board brain seems to almost overthink these instructions and "decide" to rewrite them for efficiency purposes. Most of the time, this results in property damage or even a few civilian fatalities.
I've gone over every square inch of the faulty units and I can't find a thing wrong with them. I'm going to have to send this issue over to research and see what they can shake out. At least our department is in the clear on this one.
Maintenance Issue 09009113-AR[]
Maintenance Issue 09009113-AR
One of the Robobrains rolled off the line with a "faulty" voice module. When it speaks, it's speaking in reverse. This troubled me, so I had them shut down the line for almost eight hours while I checked the software for issues and then gave the audio output assembler a thorough diagnostic. I didn't find any issues, so I gave the all clear to resume assembly and marked it down as a glitch.
I have no idea what would cause such a ridiculous issue, but if you ask me, I think one of the guys upstairs thought it would be funny.
Facilities management terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Facilities Management - Tony Delano
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Unit tasks[]
Assignment: Scrap Retrieval
Status: Aborted
Assignment: Repairs
Status: Ongoing
Assignment: Loading Dock
Status: Ongoing
Assignment: Disposal
Status: Completed
Repair orders[]
P-875 Protectron
Request: Experiencing voice distortion. Check speakers or hardware.
Assigned: NONE
G-421 Mister Gutsy
Request: No optic readings from center eye stock. Needs replacement.
Assigned: J. McDaniel
P-466 Protectron
Request: Eval needed. Left leg lost in assembly accident. Replace? or decommission.
Assigned: T. Delano
Facility requests[]
September Production Orders [Approved by T. Harkin]
- 500 FT copper wire
- 100 60x120 steel sheets
- 8 high temperature air filters
- 2 RobCo Model E-601 terminals
September R&D Orders [Pending Approval]
- 200 autoclave bags
- 2 sharps bins
- 50 units isopropyl alcohol
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851 Unite Designate: Hubris
HUBRIS: Welcome, Isabel. Please make a selection.
Mechanist Logs[]
HUBRIS: Accessing files for Mechanist logs...
HUBRIS: Please select an entry.
Log 1[]
Today marks the dawning of a new age for the Commonwealth. No longer will the innocent settlers need to fear the cruel and savage nature of the Raiders and Gunners. My robots will ensure the safety of the people by targeting and eliminating all threats.
The day is near where we can truly focus on rebuilding the Commonwealth without the threat of surrounding dangers.
Log 2[]
The Robobrains report a significant decrease in my robot allies. For the good of the Commonwealth, I've increased production. I won't allow my efforts to be destroyed by such criminal scum.
Log 3[]
Somewhere in the Commonwealth, a true villain has risen. The loss of my robots is no longer acceptable. I must now focus on defense improvements to my Sanctum. I cannot run the risk of this new scourge gaining control of my resources.
Robotics Records[]
HUBRIS: Accessing files for Robotics Records...
HUBRIS: Please select an entry.
Robot Ally Testing Series 1[]
First test runs on the robot allies inside a controlled environment. Went fairly well when it came to detecting and scanning other robots in the area and determining if they were hostile or not. Following tests will be a bit trickier. I'm not even sure how to manage a live test right now. The whole idea kinda freaks me out. I've never intentionally killed anyone, and these bots are sort of built to do that...
Robot Ally Testing Series 2[]
Initial testing was brutal, but it's improving. The allies could detect and analyze the threat of a weapon pretty well, but once you have one in the hand of an innocent, they immediately designate them as hostile. I need some better detection methods. It's possible they'll miss some hostiles judging by appearance, but better safe than sorry.
Robot Ally Testing Series 3[]
I think I got it. Testing group was able to pick out the dummies I created based on clothing and hostile actions. I think I spent a good week on creating different scenarios. Now I just need a live testing spot... I really don't even want to think about it.
Robot Ally Testing Series 4[]
I did it. Live testing. I had a recon bot go out and find a Raider camp based on the specs I uploaded. Lucky for me, all these groups tend to have a consistent look to them. The allies went in, eliminated the threat, and even noted in the data that two lives were saved in the process.
While I'm really excited about the two lives saved... I'm not sure if I'll sleep tonight. Raiders may have murdered a lot of people in my old settlement, but for me to be responsible for taking lives?
Medical observation terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Holding Block A - Medical Observation
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Cell door malfunction. Please notify security and initiate lockdown protocol.
Subject A22[]
Subject A22
Cell: B-3
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Convicted of serial killings in the DC area. Not to be visited alone. Security personnel required for all interviews.
A22 shows higher brain function but weak constitution. We've been giving him a high protein diet and started sessions of electrotherapy to treat his muscles. It shouldn't be long until his brain survival rate for the procedure is no longer at risk.
Subject A53[]
Subject A53
Cell: B-4
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Convicted for arson. Burned down a court house leaving 3 dead. Only approach when sedated.
Family medical history of dementia. Brain health is likely to decline or skew data. Recommended for termination.
Subject A57[]
Subject A57
Cell: B-6
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Convicted for murder of a waitress. Prone to sudden outbursts of violence. Recommend subject be restrained at all times or sedated.
Highly emotional. Currently on a cocktail of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety. Dr. Astleford is starting phsychiatric sessions to further see if she's a good candidate.
Subject A72[]
Subject A72
Cell: A-4
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Convicted of 2nd degree murder while under the infuence of alcohol.
Subject displays high intelligence and knowledge of tactics. Slight signs of PTSD. Dr. Astleford to evaluate for treatment.
Subject A88[]
Subject A72
Cell: A-2
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Ex-military. Convicted of second-degree manslaughter. Assault resulting in hospitalization and later death of the victim.
Subject is highly intelligent and proved to be mentally sound. Approved for candidacy.
Observation terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Observation Room 1
This terminal may only be accessed with an R-30 Alpha clearance. By accessing this terminal the viewer acknowledges that the appropriate clearance is held. Violations are a punishable offense subject to military jurisdiction.
Site Report 0.244-A[]
Today marked the first official meeting of the minds within the new facility. General Rawlings met with the representatives from General Atomics, Anna Karim and Gregory Adler. I firmly believe having the U.S. Military working side-by-side with these brilliant scientists will yield some amazing results.
Getting the government to work with private industry is going to be a challenge. The project will either prove to be ingenious or a completely wasted effort. But I think we're already seeing promise. Their personal need to one up each other may be the best motivation yet.
Site Report 0.373-A[]
The test subjects have arrived. I've been watching the staff closely for any signs of compromise. Psych evaluations aside, many become risk factors when dealing with their own kind as subjects.
Military personnel didn't even flinch, but several concerning verbal arguments have broken out. It seems we're dealing with a lot of trickle-down when it comes to the department heads' critical nature of each other. Karim and Adler aren't even on site, but the way their people act, you'd think they were right there with them.
The following are being put on watch:
- General Atomics: Carson Samuels
- General Atomics: Maura Hauer
Site Report 0.628-B[]
Rawlings brought in Dr. Kara Asante today. Chief Scientist Ciroletti is very excited to be working with her, but our cyber-robotics technician seems a bit put off. I think Mr. Samuels may know his job is at risk.
He's been more compliant lately. Maybe the realization of what it would take to safely leave this project has sunk in.
And I've just been informed that an extremely irate Gregory Adler is on the phone. I'm guessing Rawlings didn't bother to tell him or Karim about his new addition to the team.
> Safe Control[]
Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED/UNLOCKED
Disengage Lock[]
...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..
Engage Lock[]
...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...
Power substation A terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Power Substation A - Brandon McDaniel
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Log 077: What A Waste[]
I've been done here almost four months now and I'm already getting bored. I thought it would be exciting to sign up and work for the robotics program, but when I finally got my departmental assigmentMr. Handy or Protectron down to its base parts in under two hours, and they stick me here. What a goddamn waste of time.
, I almost quit. Power Substation A? Are you kidding me? Four years of electrical engineering school and they have me babysit a bunch of generators? I can strip aLog 080: Cunning Plan[]
After talking to Sharpley during my smoke break, I thought of a way to turn my isolation into an advantage. I've got a buddy in the civilian service who works for a vending company and he reckons that I can make a few bucks if I stick one of his cigarette machines down here. It would save everyone a trip all the way to the surface if they're out of smokes and give me an excuse to say hi to any of the ladies that happen to wander in to purchase some. I'll tell you, Sharpley's a goddamn genius. I might even have to comp him a few free packs for his help.
Log 082: Substation B[]
I took all the trouble to sneak that machine into my substation, just to have Banks over at Substation B start complaining about the smoke. At first I thought he was just jealous that all of the ladies have been hanging around my new cigarette machine during their smoke breaks. Then he showed all his cards when he told me he's going to "lodge a formal complaint with Delano" if I don't "make him happy." He doesn't care about the smoke, sneaky little theif just wants a cut of the cigarette sales. I might have to pay him off to keep the brass of my back.
Log 090: Official Approval[]
Finally got official approval to keep the cigarette machine in my substation. I'm pretty sure the free cartons that found their way onto the General's desk may have had something to do with it. Now Banks can't do a damn thing about it and he isn't getting a single penny. Looks like this electrical engineer just came out on top for once.
Production control terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Production Control
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Personal Log Entry: Lt. Justin Green, U.S. Army Robotics Division
Entry: 0D77-HR056
Status: Encoded
Got transferred over to run Production Control today. The idiot from General Atomics got pulled after he let the department efficiency drop below ninety percent. Private sector buffoons have it so easy... imagine being content with such a crappy rating and not even having to account for the shortfall.
I'm going to start getting things back on track down here and show those civilians how the U.S. Military runs the show.
Personal Log Entry: Lt. Justin Green, U.S. Army Robotics Division
Entry: 0D77-HR078
Status: Encoded
It took a while, but I finally weeded out the last of those General Atomics ingrates from my department. Who the heck did they think they were anyway? I've never seen a lazier bunch of good-for-nothing layabouts in my life. Lost paperwork, mislaid supplies, inferior assembly work - you name it, and these clows were the cause.
Then there was Sara Wolliczek. She was supposed to be G.A.'s pride and joy down here. I caught her hooking up the Robobrain heads to one of our recompilers and trying to have a conversation with it. Asking it "was it sad" and "could it feel pain" Are you kidding me? I fired her on the spot.
How a private company gets anything done without discipline I'll never know.
Personal Log Entry: Lt. Justin Green, U.S. Army Robotics Division
Entry: 0D77-HR078
Status: Encoded
I'm pleased to report that the department is back up to one hundred percent efficiency. Now that the section is staffed entirely by soldiers, the work is getting done on budget, on time and without mistakes. That's how you run a damn assembly line.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, General Atomics.
RobCo E-330 terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
ROBCO Model E-330 Terminal System
The ROBCO Model E-330 is the most reliable client terminal ever developed. When connnected to a ROBCO-brand Mainframe, your 33 is c p le of ov r 100 @$ #%5 \\
STOP: Multiple errors detected.
ERR 0xFA770171: Segmentation fault.
ERR 0x0D890102: Boot sector invalid/corrupt.
ERR 0xFFF11011: Memory fault.
ERR 0xC0001011: Critical failure.
ERR 0x00001001: Critical failure.
Please contact a ROBCO Certified Technician for assistance.
RobCo E-601 terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
ROBCO Model E-601 Terminal System
The ROBCO Model E-601 Terminal System is a new, streamlined terminal for the business-minded individual. You'll be sure to climb the corporate ladder by staying organized and on the ball with our state-of-the-art calendar, contact manager, and messaging system!
The examples below show some of the customization and detail the E-601 is capable of.
Daily Itinerary[]
Our Daily Itinerary will pull directly from your messages and calendar. It practically generates itself!
09:00: Budget meeting
Summary: Fourth Quarter Review
- VP Accounting
- VP Sales
12:00: Business lunch with Operations Management
15:00: Board meeting for global merger.
Summary: Benefits of global expansion
Keep track of significant dates with our customizable calendar. Never forget a birthday or anniversary again!
--- October ---
02: Anniversary!
18: Dentist Appointment
30: Jerry Adam's Birthday
31: Halloween Party
--- November ---
16: Doctor's Appointment
25: Thanksgiving
Store detailed information for your contacts. Add that personal touch to your business!
--- A ---
Adams, Jerry
Telephone: 123-456-7890
Address: 123 Street, Quincy, MA 12345
Occupation: Engineer at Mass Fusion
Relation: Client
Wife is Isla Adams. Boy and girl, Thomas and Mandy.
--- J ---
Lee, Veronika
Telephone: 123-456-7890
Address: 123 Street, Cambridge, MA 12345
Occupation: CTO General Atomics Interational
Relation: Work Colleague
Birthday is 4/13/2060. Recently engaged. Two dogs. Allergic to cats.
--- M ---
Mehdi, Ahmed
Telephone: 123-456-7890
Address: 123 Street, Boston, MA 12345
Occupation: President Greentech Genetics
Relation: Friend
Into sports. No pets. Good connections at CIT.
--- S ---
Sanchez, Julianna
Telephone: 123-456-7890
Address: 123 Street, Boston, MA 12345
Occupation: Contractor, Department of Defense
Relation: Client
Extremely professional. Dislikes small talk.
New messaging system will automatically time stamp corporate intramail and confirm when the message is opened. Say goodbye to the old excuses!
To: Mark Kim
From: Albert Cunningham
Sent: October 12th, 2077 at 8:27 AM
Status: Opened on October 12th, 2077 at 8:33 AM
Subject: Halloween
Let's schedule a meeting to discuss this year's Halloween party. We'll need to vote on whether or not costumes should be mandatory, and decide the final catering list.
- Albert
RobCo RX-6550 terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
ROBCO Model RX-6550 Terminal System
Finally, a personalized home computer for the whole family to enjoy! Keep track of activities and tasks, and maintain privacy by adding passwords to logins.*
*Passwords currently not applied.
Error. System cannot locate files.
Error. System cannot locate files.
Error. System cannot locate files.
Error. System cannot locate files.
RobCo RX-9000 terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
ROBCO Model RX-9000 Terminal System
The future of gaming has arrived! Impress your friends with the new ROBCO RX-9000.
This terminal features an upgraded processor and cutting-edge graphics unlike any other terminal on the market. Please see a sales associate for a compatible game demo holotape.
RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal[]
Welcome to the ROBCO Industries (TM) Sales Network
ROBCO Sales & Service Center, Store #271
Please remember that all employees are under a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement. Violations will not be tolerated.
To: All Staff
From: Mark Kurchfield, General Manager
As a reminder, all RobCo Sales & Service Center Employees are to adhere to the following standards of conduct.
- There will be no tampering with any shipments labeled RB-2851. I believe all employees are aware of what our typical shipments look like. Any so-called "accidental" opening of these shipments will not be tolerated and result in immediate termination, followed by extensive questioning by our friends downstairs.
- Employees are expected to wear official name tags. Name tags should be highly visible and attached to the top right corner of your uniform shirt. Please wear your proper nametag. No swapping.
- Customers, friends, and family are no longer allowed in the back service area.
Service Requests[]
Service Requests
Henrietta Blanche[]
Status: OPEN
[T. Sanchez] Ms. Blanche claims her terminal just "suddenly stopped working". She's getting the default error message. Said it started crashing over time and now it won't even try. So much for "suddenly". From the look of her, I'm guessing there's about a whole cat's worth of hair in that terminal. Probably overheating.
[Work order in progress.]
Bronwyn Sullivan[]
Status: CLOSED
[K. O'Conner] Miss Sullivan claims that her E-601 was connected to her office network but never sent out any of her intramail. She also said there was a complete failing in the notifications systems we set up for when purchased. Not sure what the issue is. She says her IT department checked the computer and wasn't sure why it isn't working.
Brought it back here, threatening to sue. I guess it really screwed up some important meetings for her...
[P. Benson] Looks like Carmike sabotaged this computer before he quit. I don't know if it was personal or his last hurrah. I think I can see what he did there, but I don't want to make any promises. I recommend replacing this terminal with a new one, so it's guaranteed to be uncompromised.
Calvin Crenshaw[]
Status: CLOSED
[K. O'Conner] Crenshaw is back with his ancient terminal. It's at least 7 years old at this point. Crashing when he tries to play Red Menace.
[S. Lee] Calvin's going to have to cave and buy a new terminal. This old NX-12 is only good for writing up documents or playing text based games at this point. He'd need more memory which this terminal can't even support. Basically, all new insides or a brand new terminal. Take your pick.
> Safe Control[]
Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED/UNLOCKED
Disengage Lock[]
...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..
Engage Lock[]
...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...
Robobrain production terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Robobrain Assembly
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Contamination detected in the extraction room. Please notify Facilities and the Chief Medical Officer immediately.
View Batch Status[]
Please select Batch for status.
Batch 1[]
Batch 1
Stimulation: PASSED
Extraction: PASSED
Analysis: PASSED
Insertion: PASSED
Focus: Initial assembly of robobrain units.
Batch 2[]
Batch 2
Stimulation: PASSED
Extraction: PASSED
Analysis: PASSED
Insertion: PASSED
Focus: Hardware updates and modifications to improve energy efficiency.
Batch 3[]
Batch 3
Stimulation: PASSED
Extraction: PASSED
Analysis: PASSED
Insertion: PASSED
Focus: Updates to preservation fluids to maintain longevity shown in Batch 1.
Batch 4[]
Batch 4
Stimulation: PASSED
Extraction: PASSED
Analysis: PASSED
Insertion: PASSED
Focus: Updated visual cortex connections for higher recognition. Hoping to remedy failings of Batch 3 where motor skills and spacial awareness was extremely poor.
Batch 5[]
Batch 5
Stimulation: PASSED
Extraction: IN PROGRESS
Analysis: NA
Insertion: NA
Assembly: NA
Focus: Updates to hardware and software to allow for smoother communication between brain and CPU. Addition of tactical combat capabilities.
> Security Door Control[]
MaxLock Security Door Control Interface
STATUS: Locked/Unlocked
Open Door[]
Security lock released. Opening doors...
Close Door[]
Security lock engaged. Sealing doors...
Security office terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Security Desk 12
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Authorization Policies[]
All personnel must pass through decontamination when entering or exiting the Facility.
All personnel must display a Rank 22 (at minimum) Security Badge with updated photo ID. Failure will result in immediate security lockup until the person may be questioned and confirmed.
Guests must present a signed letter of approval from General Rawlings and employee point of contact. All guests must display a guest badge with limited access. Guests must be accompanied at all times. Guests found unattended will be held for questioning, and the point of contact will be responsible for their actions.
Security Protocol Reference[]
The Security Protocol Database has been corrupted. [4/219] files recovered. Displaying files:
(045): Class-V Counter-Espionage Procedure[]
Class-V Counter-Espionage Procedure
If the Facility Administrator has probably cause to suspect a breach of security by a foreign intelligence operative (including, but not limited to, Chinese agents or sympathizers), the Administrator shall activate the Class-V Counter-Espionage Procedure.
In the event of a Class-V Alert, the Facility will enter a minimal-security lockdown. All staff are to report to their stations and await further instructions from security personnel. Anyone failing to report in a timely manner, or found absent thereafter, shall be considered a suspect and may be shot on sight.
Security teams are to escort the members of each department to the Research Labs on Level 3 for processing. The Chief Scientist shall prepare a Mesmetron-equipped Robobrain to aid in the interrogation process. Due to the experimental nature of this technology, some casualties are to be expected due to spontaneous cranial eruption (on the order of 10-15%).
Should any agents be discovered, the Administrator is authorized to subdue them by any means necessary and turn them over to the Research Staff for experimentation. After completing the interrogation process, the Administrator may terminate this Alert at his discretion.
(074): Gamma-IX Security Alert[]
Gamma-IX Security Alert
In the event of a coordinated escape attempt and/or hostile action by the test subjects, any Class-I or Class-II supervisor is authorized to declare a Gamma-IX Security Alert.
A Gamma-IX Security Alert will initiate a maximum-security lockdown of the Research Wing, and a minimal-security lockdown elsewhere. Within the Research Wing, all security and defensive systems will activate, all local and remote terminal functions will be disabled, and all security doors in the cell block areas will be sealed.
The Facility Administrator is advised to treat this Alert as a field test opportunity, and to deploy all available experimental robots to secure the Research Wing. Casualties among the test subjects are to be expected; a complete purge is authorized at the Administrator's discretion.
Security teams are to perform a methodical sweep of the Research Wing before issuing an All-Clear and terminating this alert. The Administrator must submit an RM-13 incident report, as well as request for replacement test subjects, to the Military Robotics Oversight Committee.
(087): Epsilon-VI Security Alert[]
Epsilon-VI Security Alert
In the event of a fault in the CODE Conditioning Protocol ('CCP', [021]) resulting in a mass uprising of the robot janitorial staff (see definitions, Appendix III), any Class-II supervisor is authorized to declare an Epsilon-VI Security Alert.
If such an alert is initiated, all security and defensive systems will activate, remote terminal functions will be disabled, and the Control Center will enter an automated lockdown state. Facility staff are advised to arm themselves and shelter in place. An external review will be conducted by the Military Robotics Oversight Committee ('MROC') within ten (10) business days to determine the appropriate course of action.
This alert may be terminated: [1] By remote authorization from the MROC, or [2] By the Facility Administrator, from the Master Control Terminal in the Control Center.
As a failsafe, if the Control Center has been compromised, a limited manual override can be initiated from the elevator access terminal in Security Room 3. Voiceprint identification of three registered Class-II supervisor-level employees is required to activate the override.
(219): Omega Protocol[]
Omega Protocol
In the event of confirmed nuclear detonations, the Facility Administrator (or, in his absence, the highest-level supervisor on duty; hereafter Acting Administrator) shall institute a temporary lockdown and order all staff to shelter in place.
A Loss of Contact (LOC) with the military chain of command is to be expected.
After a period of no less than twelve (12) hours from the LOC event, the Acting Administrator shall attempt to reestablish contact (see Emergency Communications Protocols, Appendix IX). Any instructions transmitted pursuant to those communications are to be followed and supercede this protocol.
In the event that communications cannot be reestablished within twenty-four (24) hours from LOC, the Acting Administrator shall initiate an orderly shutdown of the Facility. Test subjects are to be secured in their cells. Facility staff remaining on-site are to delete any sensitive files and records, close down their stations, arm themselves, and collect their personal belongings.
If communications have not been reestablished by thirty (30) hours from LOC, the Acting Administrator shall activate Lockdown Mode Omega. This will provide a ten (10) minute window for staff to evacuate the Facility. This evacuation should be presumed to be permanent. Once initiated, the lockdown can only be terminated via remote autorization from the Military Robotics Oversight Committee.
Watch station terminal[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
RB-2851: Holding Block A Watch Station
An Epsilon-VI Security Alert has been declared. All systems have been locked down. Secure your station and await further instructions.
Personal Log Entry: Msg. G.C. Broadrick, U.S. Army M.P. Division
Entry: 0L68-CBGT044
Status: Encoded
They're offloading another set of "subjects" to us today. I don't know what these men and women did to deserve being sent here, but since they were transferred from civilian penitentiaries, I can only assume they're the worst society has to offer. I don't think these people have any idea what's about to happen to them. One thing's for sure, these prisoners would have been better off serving their time elsewhere.
Personal Log Entry: Msg. G.C. Broadrick, U.S. Army M.P. Division
Entry: 0L68-CBGT052
Status: Encoded
I'm starting to hear rumors around the block that I don't like. Esteban told me that he overheard two of the eggheads saying that the prisoners are having the brains cut out of their heads or something like that. I know that the brass is running experiments on these inmates, and that they were pretty intense, but I didn't know they were literally cutting them open. I'm not sure how I feel about that - after all, I joined the military because I wanted to serve my country and protect my fellow Americans. I guess I'll keep it to myself for now.
Personal Log Entry: Msg. G.C. Broadrick, U.S. Army M.P. Division
Entry: 0L68-CBGT057
Status: Encoded
The rumors floating around the block are getting worse. One of our informants said that the prisoners are talking about rioting. If the things that they're saying are true - that inmates are getting dissected and the parts used for robots - I almost can't say that I blame them. Esteban said we should go right to Gamma-IX status, but I don't want to push the panic button unless I absolutely have to. I've decided to take this all the way to the top and meet with General Rawlings. Criminals or not, these experiments are wrong and they need to be stopped before it's too late.
Personal Log Entry: Msg. Raymond Esteban, U.S. Army M.P. Division
Entry: 0L68-LLRM001
Status: Encoded
Broadrick got reassigned out of the facility today. I think they have him scrubbing toilets at some backwater listening post in Anchorage now. They put me in charge of the cell block and I initiated Gamma-IX status. After two days, the threat of rioting has ended and everything is back to normal. The brass gave me the go ahead to start sending people to the medical section, and everything is proceeding as planned.
If we have any hope of beating the enemy at their own game, we need to get these robots online - who cares what happens to a few lousy inmates. I told Broadrick he needed to fall in line, but he wouldn't listen. Of all people, I would have expected him to understand that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.