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Fallout Wiki

Riverside Manor terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in Riverside Manor in Fallout 76.

Cryptos terminal[]

Fabricator terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Fabricator Terminal)

|    The Order of Mysteries    |
|-Automated Fabrication System-|

Fabrication System Instructions[]



Hello, ladies. Meet the newest addition to our Production Facility: the Order of Mysteries Automated Fabrication System. I think it's our best invention yet.

Lately, we've been spending more and more time making the routine items you all need: your weapons, veils, garb. Happy to do it, but it's been keeping up from working on anything new.

So we've built this little guy. Just select the item you want, insert the components, and it should be able to assemble your standard gear in a couple of minutes. It's all hooked into Cryptos, too, so it knows what you're authorized to make, and the system can automatically report successful missions.

Supplies are limited, so you can only make each item once. Let me know if you want an override on that, or if you need something custom. Always happy to help.

- Frederick

Fabrication Services[]

With Order of Mysteries login in inventory:


Welcome, Initiate.

You are authorized to fabricate the following items:
|RANK      |ITEM

During the quest Initiate of Mysteries:

Initiate |Veil of Secrets[]

With a worn veil in inventory:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...found: Damaged Veil of Secrets

Accessing Fabrication Database... done.
Selecting repair procedure... done.
Performing repairs... done.
Fabrication complete.

During the quest Novice of Mysteries:

Novice |Garb of Mysteries[]

With a tattered dress in inventory:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...none required.

Accessing Fabrication Database... done.
Fabricating [1] Garb of Mysteries... done.
Fabrication complete.

Novice |Swing Analyzer[]


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...none required.

Accessing Fabrication Database... done.
Fabricating [1] Swing Analyzer... done.
Fabrication complete.
Displaying Operating Instructions:

Novice |Phantom Device[]

Without a Stealth Boy or HalluciGen gas canister:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...

ERROR. You lack the components to fabricate this item. The required components are:
[1] Stealth Boy
[1] HalluciGen Gas Canister

With both a Stealth Boy and HalluciGen gas canister:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...found: Stealth Boy
...found: HalluciGen Gas Canister

Accessing Fabrication Database... done.
Fabricating [1] Phantom Device... done.
Logging Fabrication with Cryptos... done.
Fabrication complete.

Novice |Blade of Bastet[]

Before killing six different kinds of hostiles during the quest Forging a Legend:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...found: Swing Analyzer (Incomplete)

ERROR. You lack the components to fabricate this item. The required components are:
[1] Historic Sword
[1] Swing Analyzer (Complete)

After killing six different kinds of hostiles during the quest Forging a Legend:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...found: Historic Sword
...found: Swing Analyzer (Complete)

Accessing Fabrication Database... done.
Fabricating [1] Blade of Bastet... done.
Logging Fabrication with Cryptos... done.
Fabrication complete.

Novice |Voice of Set[]

Without the Project Siphon holotape uploaded to the terminal:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...

ERROR. You lack the components to fabricate this item. The required components are:
[1] Experimental Weapons Research Data

If your data is on a holotape, please insert the holotape and upload the data for analysis. If your data is on paper, please speak with Frederick for assistance in programming it into the system.

After uploading Project Siphon holotape to the terminal:


|Automated Fabrication System ONLINE|

Authenticating with Cryptos... done.

Verifying Components...
...found: Project PULSAR Research Data

Accessing Fabrication Database... done.
Analyzing research data... done.
Developing fabrication plan... done.
Fabricating [1] Voice of Set... done.
Logging Fabrication with Cryptos... done.
Fabrication complete.

Frederick's terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Frederick’s Terminal)

|      Frederick Rivers     |

To-Do List[]



- Hall of Trials: Finish Repairs - URGENT
- Hall of Trials: Safety Review
- Cryptos: Mission Reporting System
- Cryptos: Automated Missions
- Fabricator: November Tuneup
- Prototype: Swing Analyzer Improvements
- Prototype: HalluciGen Gas Grenade
- Prototype: Ballistic Weave

Holotape Correspondence[]



Please select a holotape to view:

Kent Connolly, 3/8/77[]



Date: 3/8/77
From: Connolly, Kent
To: Fred
Subj: RE: Mistress of Mystery

From Kent[]


This is really something. When you said you had a whole base laid out, I expected a couple of sketches, not architectural diagrams.

I mean, look, I'm no electrician. I can't critique your wiring. But this looks incredible. The Hall of Trials is spot-on with the training montage from issue #102. The color scheme is right out of the comics. The detailing's phenomenal.

Let me stick to what I can comment on. I've got some notes on your last round of proposals. Love to hear what you think.

RE: Phantom Device[]


I like your second approach better. Why integrate the cloaking device and the gas when just wiring the gas release to the field switch will do? Sure makes assembly easier. Getting the explosive-release valve right is going to be tricky, but this should cut down on potential leaks.

You sure you want to use HalluciGen Gas though? Their HQ is up my way, and word on the street is that stuff's bad news. If you decide to try this out, make sure you've got enough ventilation, just in case.

Veil of Secrets[]


If you're thinking about building that Phantom Device, you need to make sure your Veil has built in gas filtration.

Much as I hate to admit it, you'll want to use the mask from the Mistress' new costume. The traditional one would never give you a good enough seal. Try a multilayered asbestos liner. Activated charcoal would work better, but there's no way you can make that work in a cloth veil.

RE: Garb of Mysteries[]


Really? You're seriously going with the new Garb? I mean, look, I get it. It's more practical than the traditional dress. But it just isn't her! The Mistress of Mystery has always worn a full-length gown! (Except for the Scourge of the Sahara arc. Let's not go there.)

I'm putting together a letter-writing campaign about it. I'm even going to write Shannon Rivers (the voice actress for the Mistress). If we can get her on board, Hubris is bound to listen. You're obviously as much of a fan of the Mistress as I am. You mind writing her too?

Zack Hayes, 6/15/77[]



Date: 6/15/77
From: Hayes, Zack
To: Rivers, Frederick
Subj: RE: Cryptos

From Zack[]


Really? Just like that? I have to say, giant multimillion-dollar mainframe systems are usually a harder sell. Not that I'm complaining.

For an order like this, a rush installation is no trouble at all. I'll have my team out at your place on the 23rd. You did say you wanted this delivered to your house, right?

I've got a copy of the manual on the tape. Look it over; give me a call if you have any questions. Pleasure doing business with you, Fred, as always. Looking forward to hearing all about your project.

Cryptos User Manual[]


File not found.

Kent Connolly, 7/22/77[]



Date: 7/22/77
From: Connolly, Kent
To: Fred
Subj: RE: Mistress of Mystery

From Kent[]


What do you mean 'you built it'?

Look, Fred, that's a little much, even from you. I've seen those plans, remember? I mean, sure, you got all the details down. You're as into this as I am. But you're never going to get that kind of hardware. Military-grade mainframe? Combat simulator? It'd cost millions! You have a fortune you haven't been telling me about?

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see whatever it is you've built. A model? Some kind of get-up in your garage? Mail me some photos along with your next tape. Always great talking with you.

RE: Garb of Mysteries[]


Yeah, I know it's what they're using in the TV show. And believe me, I'm looking forward to it. The Silver Shroud is my all-time favorite hero! I just don't think it's the right call for the Mistress.

One way or the other, though, you should think about adding some kind of protection to the costume. I saw an article in Guns and Ammo about a new concept for ballistic weave. You've got connections. Any chance you could get your hands on it? If you do, could you send some my way?

RE: Voice of Set[]


God, don't get me started on this. Yeah, sure, incendiary cartridges would work. So would resonance ammo, or hypersonic shot, or even EMP bullets.

We've complained about the Voice for years, but Hubris just keeps retconning it. If you want a gun that can handle whatever crazy thing they come up with next, your best bet might be to build a stable hollow receiver so you can swap out the mechanics.

Personal Journal[]



Please select an entry to view:



Frederick Rivers, Personal Journal - 6/26/77

What do I even write here? Shannon always was into journaling, but I've never seen the appeal. No one's going to care about my memoirs.

Let's see. We finished off the basement with two days to spare. I might even have time to squeeze in that little folding screen I've been toying with.

Zack and his boys got the mainframe online this morning. I let him test out the Hall of Trials while I put it through its paces. Worked like a dream. Laser turrets are still a mite touchy, though. Burned that toupee clean off.



Frederick Rivers, Personal Journal - 6/27/77

I still remember the day I met her. It was at a benefit dinner for the engineering institute. She was supposed to be a celebrity guest, but it was before her career really took off. No one knew her. I found her in a corner, started babbling on about my work on fabrication algorithms. And she actually cared. She was interested! No one was interested in my work!

Her fans never give her enough credit. They only know her as an actress. But she's brilliant. She has vision. She understands my work, understands the value in exploring new ideas, new designs, without being subject to some giant corporation trying to exploit people for a quick buck.

We've always had an arrangement. Sometimes my projects bring in a little money. Sometimes they don't. It doesn't matter. She loves acting, and her royalties more than cover my costs. I get to dream. I get to experiment. I get to build things beyond her wildest imagination. And then we get to share them. Her reaction, her approval, means more to me than any profit or prize ever could.



Frederick Rivers, Personal Journal - 6/29/77

She loved it. I've never seen her so happy.

It's been a long year, working on the design, swapping ideas with Kent, making sure I got all the details right. It cost - god, I don't even want to think about it. But it's done.

And right now, it's what she needs. She's been so worried about that damn television show, worried about 'making the jump' to TV. We don't need the money. But she wants to keep acting. It's what she loves. And if there's anything I can do to support her, I will.



Frederick Rivers, Personal Journal - 10/6/77

Shannon's off to Boston, so it's just me and Olivia again. She's been kind of sullen lately. I think the stress is starting to get to her. I can't even keep up with all the tutors she has these days.

Her mother and I expect a lot from her. Maybe too much. But she's a phenomenal young woman. The best at whatever she sets her mind to. I see that potential. I just want to help her reach it.



Frederick Rivers, Personal Journal - 10/21/77

The first thing you learn as an inventor is to recognize failure. I never remember to update this damn thing, so I'm giving it up. I got a fresh pallet of holotapes in today, so I'm going to try audio logs instead. Maybe I'll have more luck with that.

Guest bedroom terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Guest Bedroom Terminal)

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

| Riverside Manor - Guest Bedroom |

Miss Rivers[]


Miss Rivers reminds me of my grandma. She seems all stern and serious, but when you're alone with her, she's really nice. Cora and I had a hard time after grandma died. I'm glad Miss Rivers was willing to take us in. I'm glad to have a family again.

- Alexis



Remember: Everyone is expected to help out with chores around the house. The signup sheet goes up on the fridge at six every morning. No one is too young, too old, or too busy. If you aren't sure how to do something, ask one of the older girls to show you. We need everyone to do their part.

P.S.- Do NOT allow Mr. Rivers to sign up for cooking duty again. The last time he did, it took us three days to air out the common room.

Wanna trade?[]


Anyone wanna trade beds? Sara snores.

I'll even take a couch. Gotta be better than this.

Sick Days[]


Winter is coming up, and that means it's cold season. There are a lot of people in this house, so we need to do everything we can to keep colds from spreading. No one wants another dysentery outbreak.

We're going to use the corner bedroom as our sick ward again this year. If you're not feeling well, check in with Alana or me. We'll move your things over and have your food brought up to you. Wash your hands, drink plenty of water, and get some rest. If things get worse, call me.



Anyone seen Olivia? She was supposed to be my partner this afternoon, but I haven't been able to find her anywhere. This is the third time this month she's ditched me. I'm getting tired of this.
- Brigette

Hall of Trials control terminal[]

FO76 Hall of Trials Control Terminal

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

|       The Order of Mysteries         |
|         - Hall of Trials -           |
| Status: ***OFFLINE***                |
| Training Program: -NONE-             |

About the Hall of Trials[]


The Hall of Trials is my masterpiece: a fully-automated combat training arena. Hydraulic walls and floors to reshape the space! Robot and turret fabricators! A whole warehouse of traps and obstacles pulled straight from the comics!

It was perfect for Shannon's training. And it's perfect for yours. There's no better place for you to hone your skills, to challenge yourself and your sisters, all in a safe and controlled environment. I'm proud to think my little project has made all of this possible. - Frederick

Select Training Program[]



Due to the recent incident, all Hall of Trials training programs have been suspended until further notice.

Classes will continue to be held in the Hall. Please report to the Mistress of Novices for your training schedule.

Begin Program[]



No training program selected. Please select a program to continue.

Infirmary terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Infirmary Terminal)

| The Order of Mysteries |
|      - Infirmary -     |
CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER: Mistress Natasha Hunt
MEDICAL OFFICER: Mistress Alana Roderick
AIDE: Seeker IsabellaIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Cole
AIDE: Novice Cora Belmont

Infirmary Orders[]



Please select an order to view:

Emergency Care[]



Limit emergency care based on your qualifications.

None of us are doctors. None of us have any real medical training. We've learned a lot over the past few years, but all the textbooks in Charleston won't make you a surgeon. Just because you can rip the arms off of Protectron Medic doesn't mean you can use them to resuscitate someone.

In an emergency, take a step back and assess what kind of care you can safely provide. Do that. You can be a hero everywhere else.

Antibiotic Restrictions[]



Reserve antibiotics as a last-line treatment.

The dysentery epidemic exhausted our stock of antibiotics. There's another supply run to AVR Medical up on the mission board, but that place has been picked clean over the years. I asked the Headmistress if we could reach out to the Responders for help. You can guess how that went.

Until we can replenish our supplies, focus on providing supporting and palliative care, and use herbal remedies where possible.

Stimpaks & Dehydration[]



Monitor for dehydration following Stimpak use.

While not mentioned in the medical literature, dehydration appears to be a serious side effect of repeated Stimpak use. Patients receiving Stimpaks as part of their treatment regimen should be monitored for dehydration and administered additional water and/or IV fluids.

Where possible, Members should avoid the use of Stimpaks in the field, and instead report to the Infirmary for treatment.

Chem Lockup[]



Chems are to be kept locked in the Infirmary safe at all times.

The use of Chems for performance enhancement is strictly forbidden. Chems produce dependency and addiction; recovery can be long and painful in the absence of Addictol, and hampers mission readiness.

Infirmary Logs[]



The following audio logs are available:

Infirmary Log - 9/17/86, 22:47[]

Medical Records[]


All medical records on file have expired. For access to archival records, please contact Production.

Council Chamber terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Council Chamber Terminal)

| The Order of Mysteries |
|  - Council Chamber -   |
| Recording Status: OFF  |

Recording Controls[]


| The Order of Mysteries |
|  - Council Chamber -   |
| Recording Status: OFF  |

Start Recording[]


Accessing Council Chamber Mic...

Unable to connect to the recording system. Please contact Production for assistance.

Recording Archive[]


| The Order of Mysteries |
|  - Council Chamber -   |
| Recording Status: OFF  |

The following audio recordings are available:


| The Order of Mysteries |
|  - Council Chamber -   |
| Recording Status: OFF  |

The following audio recordings are available:
- NONE -

Council Meeting - 10/5/86, 10:01[]


Exporting audio recording for 10/5/86, 10:01...

Olivia's terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Olivia’s Terminal)

|     Olivia Rivers     |

Personal Journal[]




|     Olivia Rivers     |

Data corruption detected. Out of [388] files in this directory, [10] were recovered successfully.

Please select an entry to view:



Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 9/30/77

We're actually going to miss the camping trip this year. I figured Mom was planning some kind of 'surprise', even if it was just for a weekend. We've been going to the same spot every year for as long as I can remember. It's always been our special place.

Those trips were the one chance we had to just be together. Where I didn't have to play the perfect daughter, the flawless student. Where I could just be myself.

I'm looking forward to college. I'm ready to get out of here.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 11/11/78

The whole 'hero' thing was cute for a while. Mother really is good at it. But it's gone to her head. Now she wants to adopt those rats she found rooting through our garbage? And train them?

I tried to argue with her. There are whole caravans of refugees on the road. We can't save everyone. Who do you help, and who do you pass over? Why take in three strangers, and send the Torrance boy away? We barely made it through last winter as it was. We have to think of ourselves, too.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 9/8/84

This is insane. Every month, mother slips further and further into this ridiculous delusion. We're an Order now. A 'sisterhood'. With ranks, titles, missions, a whole chain of command. God, we even have a mission statement.

It was all right at first. Supply run? Fine. Data collection? Sure, I suppose. At least I got a chance to get out of the house.

But that's not good enough. Not for her. Now I have to be her perfect, obedient little soldier, a role model for the rest of this brood. Take one step out of line, try to do something useful, and she chews me out. I'm sick of this.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 2/10/86

Clarissa is dead. Did she give her life for some grand, heroic cause? No. Just another pointless surveillance mission.

This is all a farce. Mother made a grand speech about keeping the raiders in check. But it doesn't matter how many we kill. There will always be more. This is a world of raiders now. People take what they need to survive. What good is heroism on an empty stomach?





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 5/22/86

In the past three years, I've killed over a hundred men. I've hit dozens of sites for supplies, intel, any scrap of useful material. And for what? What good are all of these shadow games?

What people need is order. They need leadership. The Responders are weak. The Brotherhood doesn't care about anyone but themselves. And the Order? We could do anything. We could rule Appalachia. Instead, we hide. We cower.

No more. The raiders may be hard, but they live in the real world, not this fantasy. What they do is real. It matters. It's time I came out of the shadows. And damn anyone who gets in my way.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 6/8/86

I found my opening. I've been taking checkpoint missions, trying to scope out the raiders. And I recognized one. Brody. Kid who used to live next door.

I put on a show. Took out his crew. Nicked his leg. And then offered to talk. I tell him about the Order, he tells me about the raiders. They're a mess, but that should make it easy to get in.

We're going to meet again next week, in the old cottage at Whitespring. Maybe we can come to an arrangement.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 7/12/86

I've been meeting with Brody every couple of weeks. We've struck up a little relationship, for as long as it's useful. If we play this right, we both get what we want.

His boss is dithering. I'm not some petty thug, here to work your checkpoints. I have plans. So I've made him a offer: I sell out the Order, and he gives me a blank check. Anything I want. No questions asked.

I've given Brody the details for one of the missions on the board, a little supply run on Summersville. He and his men can set up an ambush. That ought to be enough proof for them.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 7/24/86

Allison. God, why'd it have to be Allie?

When I heard she'd drawn the Summersville mission, I knew I had to tail her. If she broke the ambush, Brody would be left empty-handed, or worse.

One of the raiders jumped too early. She took two of them out, then turned on Brody. His gun jammed. I had to kill her myself.



Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 9/21/86

Three years ago, I was so excited by my first solo mission. It was a stupid little intel raid, but I took notes on everything I saw in Sugar Grove. That's how I found Project Siphon.

It was a risk. There was every chance someone would see me, or the program would crash, or trip some security failsafe. But it worked. A full copy of Cryptos on one holotape.

The raiders know every mission we're running for the next two months. They can pick and choose the targets they want. Even they can't fuck that up.





Olivia Rivers, Personal Journal - 11/13/86

One more week. One more week until this is over.

It's been hard watching the other girls leave on their missions, knowing most of them won't come back. Catherine. Janet. Sara. I don't hate them. But I need them out of my way.

The raiders have set up a staging area in Summersville. When it's time, I'll slip away, signal Brody, and he can move in. They're calling in every man they've got. No one gets out alive. And then, once we're done here, I'll head up to Pleasant Valley and settle in. Give me a month, and I'll be running that shitshow.



Study terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Study Terminal)

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
|     Ms. Shannon Rivers      |
| - The Mistress of Mystery - |

Professional Calender[]


06/25/77 - Mistress of Mystery: s08-e16 Recording
06/26/77 - Mistress of Mystery: Wrap Party
10/08/77 - Silver Shroud: Studio Tour & Cast Meet
10/11/77 - Silver Shroud: Dress Rehearsals Begin
11/01/77 - Silver Shroud: Season 1 Filming Begins
12/17/77 - Silver Shroud: Holiday Break

Fan Mail[]


Fan Mail Digest - Shannon Rivers
9/27/77 - Batch 94

Hello Shannon,

Here's your latest batch of mail. You know the drill: if you want to reply to any of this, type it up and kick me the holotape. Hope you're doing well. Break a leg in Boston!

Miriam Shaw
Shaw & Associates, Agents

my favorite hero[]


dear miss rivers,In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar

The mistress of mystery is my favorite hero. Wanna know why? All the boys want to be like Grognak and run around going 'graaaah' and hitting things, but the mistress is smart and fast and comes up with lots of neat ideas. And anyone who tries to pick on her always loses. I bet she could beat hairy old Grognak any day. I know you aren't really her, but I bet you like her almost as much as I do. Thank you for being so great on the radio too. Love you bye.

Karen Timms
Age 7

Eye of Ra Continuity Issues[]


Ms. Rivers,

I wanted to complain about the history of the Eye of Ra as depicted in Season 7, Episode 12, "The Thieves of Thebes." This episode seems to suggest that the Mistress may not have possessed the Eye during her second expedition to Egypt to vanquish the Cult of the Unseen Seer. As I'm sure you know, in Mistress of Mystery #141, a flashback shows the Mistress wearing the Eye at a museum gala that must have occurred between the first and second expeditions. The fan consensus is that she obtained the Eye during the first expedition, although I personally think it was among the relics she inherited from her father the archaeologist.

Your line could be taken to mean that she didn't have it with her at the time, but that seems unlikely,
since she wore it (or a similar brooch) in several panels near the beginning of the Sorcerous Plague arc, which is set only a few days later.

As a longtime fan of your work, I know how important maintaining the history and continuity of the Mistress' canon is to you, and I hope you will speak with the writers about being more careful with this in the future.
Kent Connolly

P.S. Like many fans, I was dismayed by the changes to the Grab of Secrets introduced in the most recent issue. While I understand the difficulty of actually fighting in a full evening dress in the upcoming television show (and possible feature films?), the full-length dress has been a staple of the Mistress' costume since her debut. I'm planning to organize a letter-writing campaign about this, and I'd appreciate your support.

P.P.S. I'm a huge fan of your work, and I'm looking forward to your appearance in the Silver Shroud show next year.

The 'Mistress' Must Go[]


Ms. Rivers,

I read with interest your June interview in Acting Age. While your conception and portrayal of the Mistress of Mystery has always been above reproach, I hope you understand that many of us feel the name 'Mistress' is an unnecessarily sexualized and loaded term in our patriarchal culture. On behalf of modern women everywhere, we hope you will join our petition to change the name of the character to the 'Sister of Secrets'.In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar

Sincerely yours,
Pauline J. Smith

Personal Journal[]


Please select an entry to view:



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 6/28/77

Back from LA. Season 8 was spectacular, but the mood at our wrap party was rather down. There's been no word on renewal yet. All of the attention at Hubris seems to be on television these days. They have less and less interest in radio.

Frederick and Olivia are doing well. Olivia was all packed for our annual camping trip to Seneca Rocks, but I've had to put her off. The poor dear was heartbroken. I do hate to break our tradition, but with the Silver Shroud show coming up, I simply can't spare the time.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 6/29/77

This morning, Frederick asked me to put on my costume veil and come down to the front parlor. He said he had a surprise for me.

It's incredible. His 'little project' is beyond anything the writers ever dreamed of. That man really can do anything. It's no wonder I love him.

My calendar for the next three months is booked solid. He's hired the best stunt actors, martial artists, military trainers, a cavalcade of experts, one after another, to make sure I master every technique I'll need for the screen. I don't know who they have playing the Shroud, but the Mistress of Mystery will be ready for her debut.



I'm heading out to Boston for rehersals and the first round of filming. I've never been more ready for a role in my life.

Frederick's busy with his projects again. Olivia's tutors say she's doing well; she should ace her University Exams. I'd expect nothing less. She's a bright girl; she has a great future ahead of her.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 10/22/77

Babowski played me for a fool. After a week of dress rehearsals, he called me in to say they'd 'made other arrangements' for the role of the Mistress. It wasn't hard to figure out who: he had a portrait of Claire Redelle, that airbrained strumpet, on his desk. He was planning this all along. I gave that bastard a piece of my mind.

I've been the voice of the Mistress of Mystery for twenty-six years. It's the role I cared about most. The character I championed, every time creative tried to set up another love triangle or damsel-in-distress plot. And now I'm being cut out. Vivi says corporate's already in talks to hire Redelle for next season's serials. Damn them.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 10/23/77

It's amazing what a day can do to your sense of perspective.

I'm so glad to be home. Frederick and Olivia are here. They're safe. Everything else, we can work out.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 7/8/78

I'm still shaking.

When the weather finally broke, we made for Charleston to replenish our supplies. On they way back, we were accosted by hooligans on the road. Frederick tried to pay them off: some fresh water, a few hundred dollars. They just laughed.

When they laid hands on Olivia, something in me snapped. I don't think they expected the 'old bitch' to put up a fight, but my training just took over. I didn't even hesitate. In less than a minute, they were all laid out on the ground. I think a couple of them were dead.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 7/9/78

We had a long talk about the incident. I expected Olivia to be as frightened as I was, but she was exhilarated, like I was suddenly a real hero. She wants me to train her.

I wish it wasn't necessary. But Frederick has a point. The world has changed. We won't be around forever. One way or another, she has to learn to defend herself.

But is that enough? What kind of future does she have if the world has fallen to pieces? And what about girls who don't have anyone to stand up for them?



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 8/21/78

I've been venturing out dressed as the Mistress. It still feels a bit silly, but the costume is an excellent disguise. And, strange as is sounds, it makes a difference. Another group of ruffians cornered some refugees on the road from Lewisburg when their caravan broke down in the mud. I don't know how I would react to that, but after all these years, I know how the Mistress would. And that confidence works. I saved them.

Frederick and Olivia are rather taken with the idea. Frederick has been working day and night on new tools for me to try. And Olivia is focused on her training. She wants to be a Mistress of Mystery just like me.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 11/11/78

This morning, Frederick heard someone in the garage, rifling through the garbage. Three someones, actually: Clarissa, Eve, and Amy, girls not even Olivia's age. All orphans.

It broke my heart. Frederick and I talked it over, and we've decided to take them in. Winter is coming on, and they need somewhere to stay. We've food and space to share. I can't bear to let a child suffer if there's anything to be done about it.



Ms. Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal - 4/29/79

Spring has finally come, such as it is. Every day, caravans of refugees pass by the house. Whole families, carrying everything they have. Old men. Children. It's horrible.

So many children have no one left. A few have been brave enough to come up to the house. I can't turn them away. I never in my life imagined running an orphanage, but what else can I do?

We had Olivia move her things out to the guest house so the new girls can take the rooms on this floor. I'm going to clear out the study and move into my suite downstairs. At this rate, we'll need all the room we can get.

Headmistress' terminal[]

FO76 Riverside Manor (Headmistress' Terminal)


From Olivia[]




That wasn't how this was supposed to go at all.

Two months ago, I copied Cryptos, handed it over to the raiders. Rachel finally caught on. She was telling Eve when I came in tonight. At that point, well, it was them or me. So I killed them. I killed them all.

It's finally over. I'm going to burn the Order, the manor, everything. Burn it all to the ground.

If you get this, if you want to see me again, meet me at our special place, on my birthday. You still owe me that trip.


Personal Journal[]




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Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

No major incidents this week. There have been surprisingly few brigands in the area this summer, although the Responders' radio chatter says the more organized gangs control the roads through the mountains now.

Training has been going well. I've begun sending the older girls out on supply and data collection runs in pairs. For now, I'm keeping the more dangerous missions to myself, but they're at the point where they can handle themselves if they have to.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

They got the dam.

We heard the explosion a little after midnight. There was no warning, nothing to be done. Charleston has been wiped out.

It's worse than the bombs. The Responders are doing what they can, but this is beyond them. Beyond anyone.

The raiders have already melted back into the mountains. They're a much bigger threat than anyone had realized.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

I've spent the winter surveying raider positions in the mountains, and having the girls gather what intel they can from the Responder radio network. It's bad. They have multiple bases, dozens of checkpoints and sniper posts. And they're growing.

It's more than I can deal with on my own. As much as I hate to do it, we can't afford to wait any longer. It's time for the Mistresses of Mystery to take the field.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

For the most part, this week's missions have gone well. The exception, as usual, was Olivia. Her raid against the Garrahan Outpost was flawless, but rather than report back, she went on to clear four sniper nests, a half-dozen beast dens, and a derelict military bunker before finally returning three days late. And she dragged her Initiate along for the ride. It was Rachel's first time in the field. Poor girl is still shaking.

Her debrief was another shouting match. Nothing I say seems to get through to that girl. She's too headstrong. Just like her mother.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

We found Clarissa's body last night.

I always knew this day would come, but that doesn't make it any easier. These girls are my daughters. Every time I post a mission, I know one of them might not come back. But we have to press on. The raiders are gaining strength. If we don't keep them in check, who will?

That's what I told them at the funeral. I gave them two days off. That's all we can afford.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

Things have been tense since Clarissa's death. Some of the girls have started to question our methods. Should we announce ourselves? Make contact with the Responders, or the Brotherhood? Try to forge an alliance?

Absolutely not. The Mistress of Mystery's greatest strength was always the element of surprise. A lone woman can do anything, because no one expects her to be a threat. If we were exposed, if the raiders knew we existed, they could fight back. They can't fight a shadow.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

I've appointed Eve the new Mistress of Novices. I need someone dependable and organized to handle training and mission assignments when I'm out in the field. For the most part, it seems to have gone over well.

For the most part. Olivia was furious. I have almost thirty girls in my charge now, and I have their safety to consider. If she thinks I'm going to favor her simply because she's my daughter, she needs to grow up.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

Lucia reports that the campaign against the Super Mutants in Huntersville has ended. If things go well, the alliance between the Brotherhood and Responders might finally be the beginning of a long-term security arrangement for the region.

All of the patrols moving through the mountains have suppressed raider activity over the past few months. I've asked the girls to be more careful as well. No sense drawing any unwanted attention.

The mission board has been relatively light, but Olivia has been taking far more than her share. She's rarely at home for more than a day or two at a time now. At first, I was glad she was becoming more dedicated to her work, but I'm starting to worry she's just using it as an excuse to avoid me.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

We buried Allison today.

After three years, hundreds of missions, only two of our sisters have fallen. With so much death and devastation all around us, that's an incredible testament to their skill and tenacity.

Olivia was particularly shaken up. She was the one who found Allie's body, carried it all the way back from Summersville. She went right to her room after the funeral. Poor dear.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

For years, we outclassed the raiders. Now, suddenly, they've found a way to turn the tables. Counting Allison, seven girls have been killed in the past three months. Now Kaylee is missing, too.

I've ordered Eve to accelerate our training program, and recorded holotapes to handle routine assignments and promotions. I hate to think of anyone getting promoted by holotape, but with all of our losses, I've been away so much it's beginning to become an issue.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

Three more girls are confirmed dead. Evelyn and Catherine are unaccounted for. Rachel barely escaped. And that's just in the past week.

How are they doing this? It's like the raiders have suddenly found a way to read our minds. They're lying in wait on almost every mission now.

As of today, I'm only allowing the most senior Mistresses out of the manor: Eve, Amy, Olivia, and myself. We can't risk losing anyone else.





Headmistress Shannon Rivers, Personal Journal

Olivia. Olivia, dear, what have you done?

I'm going out to meet her. If anyone finds this, if anyone is even still alive, please, don't try to follow me. The Order of Mysteries is finished. Take the skills you learned here. Join the Responders, the Brotherhood, anyone. Find some way to survive. That's all that matters now.

I loved you all. I'm so, so sorry.

Mission Roster[]




Week of 11/15

Rivers, Shannon - Ambush Investigation
Rivers, Olivia - Sentry Duty, Riverside Manor
Devoir, Eve - Training

[Unassigned] - Pleasant Valley Infiltration

All non-essential missions have been suspended until further notice by order of the Headmistress.

Cryptos Access[]


Connecting to Cryptos...
