The player has the opportunity to learn the scaven-picker's language through Hank, who has been dealing with the strange people for several decades. An IN > 4 will teach the basics of the scaven-picker's language, and an IN > 7 will get the player full comprehension. Understanding Klik is beneficial because she will have a few optional quests for the player.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Don't have to be a genius to understand the basics.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Same
Science Boy – Should be a piece of cake depending on IN.
Quest flags – "Gibberish_Scaven"
0 = not started
1 = player has heard scaven-picker gibberish
2 = player asks Hank to teach
3 = player learns bare essentials
4 = player fully learned gibberish
Rewards -
Player may communicate with Klik. Opens new quests.
If the player has established communication with Klik, and has the Pharmacist perk, he can offer to teach Klik how to make her own version of Rad-X using ingredients from the Reservation region and a science kit. Of course the player would have to give a science kit to Klik. Another main ingredient is cockroach guts.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – If the player learned even the basic version of the Scaven-picker's language, has a science kit, cockroach guts, and has the Pharmacist perk (or Science skill >100), then he will be able to teach Klik how to make a version of Rad-X.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Same
Science Boy – More suited to Science Boy since most of the prerequisites are already part of his "class."
Quest flags – "Klik_RadX"
0 = not started
1 = player has Science > 100
2 = player has Pharmacy Perk
3 = player offers to teach Klik
4 = player starts lessons but does not have all the ingredients.
After the player earns Klik's trust, she will offer to teach the player their unarmed fighting style.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Player can earn Klik's trust through getting the Rad-X formula from Marty, so the player does not need to be a science wiz to open up this option, though it is easier for the science wiz.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Same
Science Boy – If the player earned Klik's trust, then she'll teach it.
After the player earns Klik's trust, she will offer to teach the player their melee fighting style.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Player can earn Klik's trust through getting the Rad-X formula from Marty, so the player does not need to be a science wiz to open up this option, though it is easier for the science wiz.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Same
Science Boy – If the player earned Klik's trust, then she'll teach it.
The Scaven-pickers are a major sore in the sides of the Reservationghouls. Measles will explain to the player that half the time the Scaven-pickers show up in the Trading Post, something, or a bunch of things wind up missing. This doesn't sit well with Measles. Normally he'd just waste the ones that come into the Trading Post, but once wind of the slaughter hit the rest of the Scaven-pickers, Measles and crew could expect major retaliation. In addition, Measles has no idea how many Scaven-pickers there are, so he is afraid of "waking a sleeping giant."
Measles will take a chance on the player and hire him to find a way to get rid of the Scaven-pickers. Measles does not care how the player goes about this; he just wants it done, as long as there is no connection to himself and the Reservation. Accepting this quest will get the player access to the Town and Sub-Levels 1 and 2. Measles' thinking is that the player is working for him and he (the player) should have access to the ghouls' best equipment. Measles will also remind the player that he will be watched 24/7, so no funny business.
Of course, the player can blow everyone away at the Reservation and gain access that way, or sneak through the town gate, following the herded slaves, but that's a different quest.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Take the straight forward approach – seek and kill. After accepting this quest, or after speaking with Klik and learning the Scaven-picker's language, a script flag is set that will allow the random encounter, Scaven-picker Camp Encounter, to pop up during world travel more frequently than "rare." The player will get this encounter more than once if he chooses to skip it earlier in the game, so there is always a chance to complete the quest. Killing all the members in the camp is the road to success.
Diplomacy Boy – This boy can take a more diplomatic approach. If the player learned the Scaven-picker language, then he can try to convince Klik to take her nomads to another location. By either lying and saying there is a great big stretch of land to the west that is covered in salvageable debris ripe for the taking and that they should go there to get rich, or by telling the truth and giving another location the player has been to and sending them on their way. With either choice the big cookie is that they would no longer need Rad-X and they would not need to interact with the ghouls.
Stealth Boy – Sneak into the camp at sleepy time(the starting point of the map should be far enough away to do this), slit Klik's throat, and plant the bloody knife on another Scaven-picker. When the tribe wakes up, chaos will ensue and will eventually break up the tribe. Or the player could do the "Sell smooch to the Scaven-pickers" way.
Science Boy – Science Boy can use a science kit and the recipe for Rad-X as a bargaining tool. The player will give Klik the science kit and recipe if she and her nomads leave the area of the Reservation. Klik may be weird, but she has honor, and she will honor a pact to leave for the recipe and science kit.
Quest flags – "Eliminate_Scaven"
0 = not started
1 = player knows of Measles' quest
2 = player accepts
3 = player kills all Scaven-pickers via combat
4 = player lies to Klik about great debris field in the west, but she goes anyway.
5 = player murders Klik in her sleep, frames another
6 = player gave Klik science kit and Rad-X recipe to leave.
7 = player killed off Scaven-pickers with smooch addiction.
Initiator – Marty (Measles via the "Eliminate the Scaven-picker pests" quest)
Importance (Minor - Major)
Scope – Medium
Description –
After the player meets Marty and learns of his extracurricular activities of creating smooch, the player can sell some to the Scaven-pickers leader, Klik. Since the Scaven-pickers have very addictive tendencies, addiction to smooch will be almost instantaneous. This is a good thing for Marty, since he wanted to get his product outside the Reservation. Marty will maintain the contact with Klik after the player stirs up business, and will cut the player in on some of the profits.
Unfortunately, the long term effect of the Scaven-pickers smoking smooch is fatal. The Scaven-pickers will develop a higher addition to smooch and forget about taking their Rad-X. After a few months, all the Scaven-pickers will die off.
This is also a means to help complete another quest, "Eliminate the Scaven-picker pests." While this approach is not instant, it will eventually do the job.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – If the player does not feel like wasting all his ammo on the Scaven-pickers, then this is a good passive aggressive way to get rid off them.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Same
Science Boy – Also
Quest flags – "Smooch_Scaven"
0 = not started
1 = player learns of smooch's addictiveness
2 = player offers to sell smooch to Klik.
3 = Klik accepts sale of smooch, award XP.
4 = Scaven-pickers are dwindling
5 = Scaven-pickers are dead, set variable "Eliminate_Scaven" to 7.
Rewards -
Player makes a small profit and earns income for two months.
There are a few ways to gain access, but the global trigger that will give the player dialogue options to gain access to the Town is when the player enters either Hoover Dam or New Canaan for the first time. When the player returns to the Reservation, Measles will always ask the player, if the player chooses to speak to Measles, what towns he has visited. Once the player responds with New Canaan or Hoover Dam (or both), then Measles will ask the player if he would like to be an ambassador for the Reservation. Measles will do the hard sell to the PC, saying that since the humans are fearful of the ghouls, a human ambassador of good will would do a lot to open dialogues. Measles will also allow the PC access to the Reservation Town where the PC may speak with Colonel Green and acquire drastically discounted ammo and better quality firearms for the dangerous journey ahead. In addition, Colonel Green will supply Rad-X, Rad-Away, Med-kits, Stimpacks, etc., all at a drastically reduced price. If that does not work, then Measles will add a monetary reward. If that still does not work, Measles will ask the PC to speak with Dr. Willem Clark, via computer screen, so he may plead the ghouls' case. Willem will come across as kind, intelligent, and give the impression that all he wants is friendly interaction and trade with an established and well organized (even if it's just perceived) human town. If this still does not convince the player, then they will back off and wait until the player pulls his head out of his ass later in the game (when the realization that "hey, maybe I should find a way to get deeper inside the Reservation."
If the player is just a psycho, he can try to gain access "Pulp Fiction" style. However, he better be the biggest, baddest mutha-fuckah in da wasteland, 'cause ghouls don't be taken to no Rambo shit, dig? The ghoul guards are easily as tough, if not tougher in some cases, as NCR troops, BoS, and Enclave. They are heavily armed and have plenty of ammo to fill the PC's body. I'm not saying it isn't possible for the PC to shoot his way into Town, but I am saying he's going to need a small army and be rather high level himself with REALLY great combat skills, great armor, and a really good gun – unless he's Duncan McCloud from the clan McCloud, melee and unarmed would be really tough here (nigh impossible), especially with the three gattling guns.
For a particularly sneaky player with the Deceive skill (Deception > 100), the player can sneak (Sneak > 120) into and infiltrate the herd of slaves held up in the slave tent in the Trading Post. When the slaves are herded through the town gates, all the player needs to do is stay in the middle of them, or at least close to the middle. The player would then transition to the Town map and can slip away behind a building until Horatio and company are out of sight. Should Horatio spot the player, then he and his guards will use the player's bones to pick what's left of their teeth. Also, the player will not be able to sneak with the slaves into the sub-levels – the elevator is too cramped and the guards will be too close.
If the player does sneak his way into Town, he can still go to pop in on Colonel Green. Green will not shoot first and ask questions later. Instead, he will be impressed with the player's skill at infiltrating the high security compound of the Reservation and will propose a deal with the player. Colonel Green will tell Dr. Willem Clark that he found a suitable ambassador for the Reservation to seek out established human communities. The player would need to interact with Measles and Willem on this count. However, Colonel Green will have a hidden agenda the player would need to do. The player will need to get close to Willem and find out all his plans about interaction with outside communities and relay those plans back to Green. The player will then have the option to accept Green's proposal, or get shot in the face by ten ghoul guards hovering over the PC.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Either "Pulp Fiction" style or just agree to work with Measles and Willem.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Can sneak in, but better be damn good at both Sneak and Deceive. Every time the PC wants to enter this way, he will have to go the slave herd route again. Better hope there's more slaves. However, if he made the deal with Green, then he's got regular access.
Science Boy – Same as Combat boy.
Quest flags – "TownGate_Access"
0 = not entered
1 = Access via agreeing to help Measles
2 = Access via agreeing to Help Willem (hard sell)
This is a simple quest with major repercussions for the player. When the player finds out that Betty has a crush on Hank (slip of the tongue from Betty), the player has the opportunity to play match-maker. With a player Persuade skill > 30 for talking to Betty, the player can squeeze a bit more solid info from Betty about what is holding her back from conveying her feelings for Hank. Once the player finds out that Hank has a crush on Jillian, his slave, and that Betty feels she does not have a chance with Hank with Jillian around, it's time for the PC to go to work on Hank.
When the player goes to talk to Hank about Jillian and Betty, the player will need a Persuade skill > 40 to get him to fess up about his feelings for Jillian. The player can then explain his need for Jillian pertaining to the Big MT (in limited detail), or lie and say he just needs this particular slave for "personal reasons," and that Hank would be better off going for Betty. Hank will be convinced and will give Jillian to the player – for a small fee. Hey, a guy has to make a living, you know! 1,000 of whatever is used for money in the game.
If the player failed to convince Hank to go for Betty (Persuade < 40), the player can still buy Jillian for 4,000 "whatevers."
If the player blurted out stuff about the Big MT, Measles will overhear and come talk to the player after the player deals with Hank. If the player wishes not to say anything about it, essentially telling Measles to mind his own damn business, then Measles will just walk away, telling the player to hurry with his business and leave. However, if the player gives up some information about the Big MT, then Measles will be intrigued and want the player to tell the information to his leader, Dr. Willem Clark. This is really a separate part of this quest, so look here.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – If the character has the Persuade skills, go for it. If not, too bad. You can shoot stuff, though.
Diplomacy Boy – Tailor made. Persuade is the main skill here, so use it.
There are several ways to acquire Jillian. The most peaceful, goody-goody way is through the quest "Hook up Betty and Hank by freeing Jillian." Another way is to blackmail Hank into releasing Jillian into the player's custody. The player will need to find out about Hank's dissenting ways and threaten to use this information against him if he does not release Jillian. Fearing the Endless Walk (see Betty, third paragraph), Hank will agree, provided the player has either Deception or Persuade > 50.
Still another way is to speak to Measles directly (Horatio will steer the player to Measles) and explain the need for Jillian (the Big MT story). Measles will be intrigued and want the player to speak to his leader, Dr. Willem Clark. If Clark says yes, then Jillian will go with the player. However, Willem will have a few favors to ask in return (other quests).
Of course, the final way is to go psycho on everyone and try to blow the filthy ghouls away. The player should be prepared for one hell of a fight, though, because there are several guards with assault rifles and three manned gattling guns to contend with.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – If the character has the Persuade skills, go for it. If not, too bad. You can shoot stuff, though.
Diplomacy Boy – Tailor made. Persuade is the main skill here, so use it.
If the player agrees to help Willem and be the ghouls' ambassador of "good will," either through Measles, Willem himself, or Colonel Green, Willem will ask the PC if he would be interested in taking Measles along so he may experience the outside world and be a ghoul representative/advisor to the PC in case there are questions about the ghouls the PC would not know how to answer. If the player agrees to take Measles, there you go. If not, the offer will stand for as long as the player is friendly with Willem.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Just say yes.
Diplomacy Boy – Ditto
Stealth Boy – Ditto
Science Boy – werd
Quest flags – "Measles_Companion"
0 = not started
1 = player is offered Measles
2 = player rejects
3 = Player accepts
Rewards -
Player gets a sneaky thief companion with great melee abilities
Florence never garnered much respect from her fellow ghouls. Even though she was part of the original Reservation ghouls, she was still looked upon like a loser. Maybe it's because Florence collects junk far beyond what most ghouls would even consider holding a minimum value; maybe it's because she insists on cleaning everything in her immediate area, despite the fact everything in her immediate area is charred and dirt imbedded from centuries of exposure; or maybe she still carries the stigma of being "that grumpy, old janitor lady." Whatever the case, the ghouls in the Reservation treat Floe like crap and she's sick of it.
The player may find Floe either cleaning her hopelessly ruined office space in the broken office building, or scavenging through the debris in the helicopter hangers. She will be quick to speak with the player, offering to trade her crap for the player's crap (she is a store, too, but a crappy store). If the player digs a bit through dialogue, he will learn of Floe's social dilemma. She will state that if she only knew how to fight (non-lethal unarmed or melee – ghouls killing other ghouls in the Reservation garners the Endless Walk), she could earn enough respect among her teasers so she may exist in peace and quiet. It would not be so bad if the other teasing ghouls simply left her alone, but they don't and Floe's life is fraught with day-to-day fear and loathing. If the player offers to teach Floe, she will be insistent on learning either Shinkpapa or Powpapa – the Scaven-pickers' unique combat styles. She will say she has seen this style first hand and is convinced there is no superior style. She will then tell the player if he is truly interested in helping her, then the player will need to seek out Klik, the Scaven-pickers' leader, and learn from her. The payoff for the player is not only learning a new in-game fighting style, but also Floe knows a few secrets about the Reservation and has even successfully snuck down into Sub-level 1. Floe will relay this info to the player only if the player learns the fighting style and then teaches her.
If by some chance the player killed the Scaven-pickers, then all is not lost. If the player has Unarmed > 120 or Melee > 120, then he can demonstrate what he knows, which should convince Floe that his style of fighting should be adequate for her needs. This option only comes up if Klik and her crew are dead or convinced to leave the area around the Reservation.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Just say yes to learning the Scaven-pickers' style, or if they are dead or gone and the player has Unarmed > 120 or Melee > 120, then he can demonstrate what he knows, which should convince Floe that his style of fighting should be adequate for her needs.
Diplomacy Boy – Diplomacy Boy has an alternative option to counsel Floe. If the PC's Persuade is > 100, then he may convince Floe that she does not need to learn to fight and that she does not need the approval of the ghouls who tease her. She can and should be happy with herself and ignore them. She will then say she will try it.
Stealth Boy – Stealth Boy has yet another option (if this exists in-game). Stealth Boy may offer his services to permanently silence the teasing ghouls through stealth and quiet assassination techniques, provided the PC has the appropriate Perks (TBD). There are three offending ghouls, each living their life in one of the shanty-town shacks – alone.
Science Boy – Florence has no interest in science and has nothing to fix. If this player does not have one of the above options, then oh well.
Quest flags – "Florence_Trouble"
0 = not started
1 = player knows of Floe's dilemma
2 = player accepts Floe's quest
3 = Player learns Powpapa
4 = Player learns Shinkpapa
5 = Player teaches Powpapa to Floe
6 = Player teaches Shinkpapa to Floe
7 = Player teaches own fighting skill
8 = Player kills three ghoul teasers
9 = Award XP, quest over
Rewards -
Player gets insider info about Sub-level 1
Player learns of Reservation dissenters and their names
This is a critical, multi-tiered quest. When the player first meets Colonel Green, he will seem like any other ghoul in regards to Willem Clark. However, Green is one of a few ghouls with independent thought and would like the player to find out in depth information about Willem's true plans for the Reservation's future. As it turns out, Green does not see eye-to-eye with Willem when it comes to contact with outside human communities. Green would prefer the ghouls remain somewhat isolationists and build up a formidable defense just in case anyone decides to attack the Reservation. Willem, on the other hand, wants to establish friendly contact with well developed outside human communities, or at least that is what Willem wants everyone topside to believe. What's fishy about this "friendly" scenario is that Green has always known Willem to despise smooth skins and has looked for ways to ensure the ghouls take over as the predominant sentient species on Earth. If, as Green suspects, Willem is being deceitful and looking for ways to take the battle to the outside communities, Green would like to find out about it and then try to stop it. His reasoning is that to attack an outside community would only set that community up as a martyr and earn the Reservation the wrath of all smooth skins. All out war is not what Green wants and he will try to convince the player to find out if that is Willem's true intent.
The first phase of Green's quest is for the player to "volunteer" to be the Reservation's ambassador of good faith. The player can find out about this position from Measles, Willem, and/or Green. In a nut shell, Willem needs a smooth skin liaison to communicate to the well established outside human communities about the Reservation's desire to build a rail system to further trade and quicken travel. Willem will offer trade in ammo, firearms, radiation removal, etc. If the player accepts the position, it is his job to convey these wishes to either Hoover Dam or New Canaan – the two most established human communities. Should either say yes (and they probably should), the player will return to inform Willem about the success. Next, Willem will ask the player to find a heavy duty lift cable so the lift at the Reservation can be made functional again (he'll actually convey the request for the cable at the same time the player accepts the ambassador gig). Doing these two things will grant the player access to Sub-Levels 1 & 2 so the player can have a radiation proof area to rest (level 1) and a place to modify weapons and make ammo (level 2).
Phase two entails finding dissenters to help the player gather information about Willem's plans. Two contacts are Marty, the chem. lab ghoul who's running side drug trafficking, and Fred, the oldest living slave in the Reservation. Both contacts will give hints as to dirty bomb research, a "super" cannon of some sort (Nuclear Nellie), and the procreation experiments. The player will be expected to convey this information to Colonel Green. The more dissenters the player can uncover and then tell Green, the better Green will feel about trying to later take over.
Stage three involves getting the player into Sub-level 3; the level where all the confirmative information rests. The best way is after the player returns the last prisoner to Tibbets Prison and learns of Fort Abandon being the central headquarters for the NCR troops, the player has the option of telling Willem about the NCR threat. Willem, concerned and intrigued with this new information, will invite the player to a personal meeting on Sub-Level 3, Willem's office. Here the player can try to convince Willem to use the dirty bomb on Fort Abandon, provided the player is convincing enough about the NCR danger (Persuade > 85). Willem is pretty hard to convince since he thinks an established community like Hoover Dam or New Canaan is a bigger, long term threat. Also, Willem is curious as to how the player found out about Nuclear Nellie and will insist on knowing how the player acquired the information. If the player spills the beans about Marty and Fred, Willem will show his thanks by allowing the player to live, but he will have to leave the Reservation and not look back. If the player includes Colonel Green in the tattle-tale, Willem will be most appreciative and agree to take out Fort Abandon before hitting either New Canaan or Hoover Dam.
The most optimum outcome for using Nuclear Nellie on Fort Abandon is for the player to first tell Colonel Green about the NCR threat at Fort Abandon – this is contingent on if the player already did stage one and two of this quest. Colonel Green would instantly know that the NCR at Fort Abandon is a threat to all ghouls and smooth skins and would then muster up the courage to overthrow Willem Clark. Green will ask the player if he would like to help in the upcoming battle and promises, if they are victorious, to use Nuclear Nellie on Fort Abandon as soon as possible. Colonel Green's men are extremely loyal to Green, so the player will have a formidable force to help with the battle against Willem Clark.
The battle between Green and Clark will start in the Town at the main elevator. Green will convey through floats that the Trading Post was already taken over by the gattling gun operators who were loyalists to Green, so the player needn't worry about that area. The elevator battle should be fairly short and sweet, with a handful of armed Clark loyalists shooting at the player and Green's men. The regular ghoul civilians will cower in their shanty tents, except maybe a handful of extremist zealots.
After the Town battle, the player's troops will go to Sub-Level 1 and get the occupants there to surrender after the four or five Clark loyal guards get shot in the eyes (or whatever other attack kills them). From there, the Green brigade will head down to Sub-level 2 and finish off the guards there. Once the last guard is wasted, Green will override the Sub-level 3 elevator and head down with the PC. There, Green, his men, and the PC will be met with more Clark guards in addition to two other born ghouls and Measles & Belle. If Measles is part of the PC's group, Measles will turn on the player at this time (what, you thought Measles would let the PC beat on daddy?). If the PC slept with Belle, she will not be in the battle. Instead, she will be hiding out in one of the shanty shacks awaiting the outcome of the battle (hey, we need that ghoul junior slide show for the end of the game).
Once the epic combat is over, the PC not only can get the full story about Nuclear Nellie, but also the whole ghoul procreation process. Also, since the PC accompanied Green in the battle and earned Green's respect, all the human slaves will be freed and given the necessary equipment to traverse the radioactive wasteland safely. The player may then access Willem's computer to get the launch codes for Hermes XIII, since Willem never locked out his computer. Lastly, Green will make good on his promise of firing Nuclear Nellie on Fort Abandon, and may even conduct actual friendly trade with the other human communities – for reals!
Now, if by some chance the player has a yellow streak down his back and does not accompany Colonel Green in the battle, Green will still win the fight, but all the slaves will not be freed, and two of the non-speaking Born Ghouls will have escaped the battle to meet the player in a later "random" encounter (cue sinister music). The player will still have access to Willem's computer, but will not have any bargaining power to negotiate the slaves' freedom. Also, Green will fire Nuclear Nellie on Fort Abandon, but he will resort to his original plan of isolationism for the Reservation ghouls.
If the player does not want to deal with all the above crap, he can choose the Commando approach. Of course, the player will have to be VERY high level to waste all these well trained ghouls – a level that would coincide with the second half of the game, close to or after the player returns all the prisoners to Tibbet's Prison.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – Just agree to work with Green. If the player hasn't shot any Reservation ghouls in the face, the offer will come up.
Diplomacy Boy – Not much beyond what is described in the Description. Green might give up his motivations a bit quicker than average.
Stealth Boy – If the player sneaks into Town and stumbles upon Colonel Green and his men, Colonel Green will make demands on the PC in exchange for the PC's life. Green wants the PC to "volunteer" himself as a good will ambassador for the ghouls. Willem Clark wants to supposedly establish friendly contact with the more established human communities in the wasteland, and Colonel Green will think the player a perfect fit. The catch is that Green also wants the player to discover any secret plans Willem may have devised. Green will sweeten the deal with less expensive, but much better weapons, armor, ammo, and of course MONEY! See Description for the rest
Science Boy – Same as combat boy.
Quest flags – "Greens_Quest"; "
0 = not started
1 = Knows of Greens terms
2 = Accepts Green's terms
3 = Rejects Green's terms (legitimate entrance)
4 = Rejects Green's Terms (sneaky)
5 = Made deal with Hoover
6 = Made deal with New Canaan
7 = Returned with lift cable
8 = Access to Sub-levels 1 & 2
9 = Turn in Green to Willem (end quest)
10 = Agree to help Green in battle
11 = Defeat Willem w/ Green
0 = Do not know about Ambassador gig
1 = heard/considering gig
2 = Accept Ambassador gig
3 = Hoover Dam agrees to trade and rail system
4 = New Canaan agrees to trade and rail system
Rewards -
Weapons, armor, ammo are much cheaper and better quality than regular stores at the reservation.
Marty loves his chemical experiments and usage. In fact, his greatest addition to the world of recreational drugs is "smooch" - think of smooch as a sticky, jelly-like version of marijuana, but ten times more powerful than Hawaiian Gold (not that I would know about such things). Smooch can be smoked, cooked into bread-like substances, or eaten raw – though the taste of raw smooch has been known to make even ghouls puke. The effects render the user in an ambivalent state of bliss and tired merriment. Not much work gets done when someone is flying on smooch, but they won't care, and feel damn good about it. The effects are the same for ghoul and human alike, except with humans the effects tend to last longer and humans become addicted to smooch almost twice as fast – which is a fine side effect as far as Marty is concerned.
Marty wants a distributor for his precious smooch. Currently, he does his own distribution in the Reservation town, but he would like to expand the popularity of his product to outside communities. So Marty will offer an exchange; he will give the player tidbits about what is going on in the sub-levels of the Reservation and in return, the player will need to establish smooch footholds in outside, preferably human communities. The player won't have to go back and forth every month to keep the supplies up because a little bit of smooch can go a long way, but Marty will ask if the player can make smooch runs every few months (basically whenever the player decides to head back to the Reservation after a three month wait) just so he does not lose his new clients. Marty will also throw in the added incentive of money – a 25% cut in the profits. Every time the player comes back to the Reservation to re-supply smooch to his customers (every few months, remember), Marty will give the player his cut of cash.
Aside from an interesting drug source the player can capitalize on and distribute to outside sources, Marty is also not so keen on Willem Clark's plans. Perhaps a byproduct of smoking too much smooch, Marty would like to have more interaction with friendly humans, and he is convinced if he had the opportunity to spread smooch around to the human settlements, the humans would become more accepting of the ghouls.
After the player learns of Marty's dissenting feelings, the player may use this information to his advantage and threaten to tell Willem about not only Marty's drug racket within the Reservation Town, but also his intentions of establishing a drug cartel with outside communities and risk exposing the Reservation and it's operations (Persuade of Deception|Deceive > 50). This should scare the hell out of Marty and get him to spill the beans about what he knows is going on in Sub-level 3. However, this will also leave bad feelings between the player and Marty, and any chance of dealing smooch to outside customers would be thrown out the door. That is, unless the player builds up his Persuade (> 75) and then begs Marty for a second chance. Marty is pretty forgiving, so he'll let the player deal his junk if the player wishes to make amends
However, if the PC lacks the Deceive or Persuade prowess necessary, then Marty will blow off the PC and tell him to get bent. The PC may then speak to Measles to initiate tattling with Willem, but Measles and Willem will not believe Marty is capable of such actions, and dismiss the PC's claims.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – If he's got the skills, then he's in. If not, then get bent.
Diplomacy Boy – If Dip-boy here does not have either skill, then he's a sad dip.
Stealth Boy – Same as combat boy
Science Boy – Same as combat boy
Quest flags – "Blackmail_Marty"
0 = not started
1 = Threatening Marty
2 = Success
3 = Second chance with Marty
4 = Failure
Rewards -
Quick and dirty way to get info about Sub-level 3 from Marty
The heavy lift for the equipment elevator on Sub-Level 3 is not working because it needs a new cable. Willem will request that the PC try and find a replacement cable for the elevator as a side to establishing friendly liaisons with outside human communities. The player may find this cable in Denver or Hoover Dam.
Yep, this is a fetch quest, but it is optional, and has far reaching repercussions. Retrieving the cable will allow Nuclear Nellie to be transported to the surface and mounted to the flatbed car for future use (see Colonel Green's Quest).
At some point in the game, particularly the second section of the game, the player will need to acquire the launch codes for the Hermes XIII space rocket. The only place these codes exist is in Dr. Willem Clark's warped head, and his personal computer in his office located on Sub-Level 3 in the Reservation. As with Colonel Green's quest, there are several ways to go about getting these codes.
The first is for the player to complete Colonel Green's quest. Doing so will allow the player free access to Dr. Willem Clark's personal computer. No pass codes are necessary to access the computer at this time since Willem did not think anyone would be able to get to it – ever!
If by some strange chance the player has never been to the Reservation by the time the second part of the game has started (all the prisoners have been returned to Tibbets and Odysseus has contacted B.O.M.B.-001), the PC can learn of the launch codes' whereabouts from the Mission Control computer at Bloomfield (once power is restored, the player will have free access to the Mission Control computers), or get the information from Bear. Once the player has this information, the PC may then explain to Measles, upon arriving at the Reservation, that all communities in the wasteland are at risk of destruction if the player does not get the codes. This intrigues Measles and he will let the PC speak with Willem through a computer terminal. The simple fact that the player speaks about B.O.M.B.-001 and the Hermes XIII gets Willem to perk up and listen. To verify the PC's claim, Willem will ask the player to take Measles with and go to Fort Abandon. This is purely a recon mission and Willem will stress to the player he only wants visual verification on the NCR troops before he turns over the launch codes (if the player has the room, Measles will join as a companion. If not, then Measles is a tag along who does his own thing and only follows the PC's group). Willem will not give the codes unless the PC agrees to show Measles Fort Abandon and the NCR troops.
Once the player arrives at Fort Abandon, Measles will ask the player to wait while he (Measles) sneaks to get a closer look. Fade out, fade in, Measles will return, confirm what he saw, and ask to go back to the Reservation. Once back, Measles will convey what he saw and Willem will give up the Hermes XIII launch codes. If the PC already has Measles as a companion at this point, he will remain as a companion if the PC chooses.
The above scenario can be done even if the player has been to the Reservation previously. The only catch is that the player must still be in good standing with Willem et al. Completing the prisoner quest is the trigger for the above option(s).
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – The PC has the option of gunning down everything at the Reservation in order to get the launch codes. By the time the player has returned all the prisoners to Tibbets, he should be high enough level to lay waste to a small nation. Good tactics will, of course, play a factor. Once Willem and his wackos are dead, the player will have access to Willem's computer.
Diplomacy Boy – It's a bit easier to convince Willem about the NCR threat at Fort Abandon. The bonus here is that if the PC has a Persuade skill > 130, he can skip leading Measles to Fort Abandon to prove his point.
Stealth Boy – Nothing really, here. Colonel Green's quest is probably the best route for Stealth Boy. Though any PC can do the scenario in the above description.
Science Boy – This boy can get a few bonuses similar to Diplomacy boy. With a Science skill > 140, this boy can spout out laws of probability, hypothetical explosion theories, etc., etc., and impress the hell out of Willem. Again, Willem will forgo the whole checking out Fort Abandon thing and just give the codes to the PC.
Aside from the extremely poor conditions the slaves of the Reservation must endure, the area with which the humans must breathe in is filled with toxic fumes and soot. Rarely does a slave live longer than a couple of years (Fred being the freakish exception). The ghouls are particularly unconcerned since the fumes do not affect them and human slaves are easily replaceable.
However, the player can find out from Fred about the misery the slaves go through and when a few die, it puts a huge burden on the surviving slaves until the dead ones are replaced. Production goes down, to put it coldly. So, the player may speak with the shop foreman, Milt. If the player explains to Milt that putting in an air filtration system might lessen the frequent deaths of the slaves, then the shops would not frequently fall behind and they could even save money and resources not having to buy and train new slaves. Milt is reasonable when it comes to business sense, sort of, and will give the PC the go ahead to try and find a way to get the filtration working. Evidently, there are air vents in each workshop which lead to a central fan unit that is located in the armor smithing facility, buried under piles of coal. If the player is feeling ambitious, he can use a shovel on the pile and clear out the area around the fan motor. Next, he can tinker with it to get it running again. The fan runs power from the facility itself, so power is not an issue. With a Mechanic skill > 60, the player can get the fan working again and the bad air will be sucked out and run through a filtration system somewhere inaccessible. In other words, it'll work and the player will not have to figure out why or how it works.
Character type completion breakdown –
Combat Boy – If he's got the skills, then he's in. If not, then get bent.
Diplomacy Boy – If Dip-boy here does not have either skill, then he's a sad dip.
Stealth Boy – Same as combat boy
Science Boy – Same as combat boy
Quest flags – "Air_Filter"
0 = not started
1 = Know about problem
2 = Agree to help
3 = Fixed air problem
Rewards -
Milt's prices will go down by 15%
Free ammo of choice (one time only, # of roundsTBD)
Medium XP
Journal Entries –
Quest Table
Quest Name
Log Stat
QA 100%
The Reservation
Map 1: Trading Post or Random Encounter – Scaven-picker Camp
Learn Gibberish
Map 1: Trading Post or Random Encounter – Scaven-picker Camp
Teach Scaven-pickers to make their own Rad-X
Map 1: Trading Post or Random Encounter – Scaven-picker Camp
Learn Powpapa
Map 1: Trading Post or Random Encounter – Scaven-picker Camp
Learn Shinkpapa
Map 1: Trading Post & Map 2: Town
Eliminate the Scaven-pickers
Map 1: Trading Post or Random Encounter – Scaven-picker Camp Map 3: Living Quarters