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Fallout Wiki

Rescue the Legion's Slaves was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. It is located at Denver.

Quick walktrhough[]

Check with Ciphers doc on whether or not the Ciphers slaves are here or not.

Character type completion breakdown[]

  1. DiploBoy - Can negotiate freeing them or purchasing them.
  2. Stealth Boy - Can sneak them out or sneak in to kill the slavers.
  3. Combat Boy - Is better off killing the slavers then freeing the masterless slaves.

Journal Entries[]

Normal Journal[]

1 I purchased the slaves from the Caesar's Legion slavers in Denver.
2Quest finishedI helped the slaves of the Caesar's Legion escape captivity.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Me buy slaves from Terrence in Denver.
2Quest finishedMe help slaves escape from Terrence in Denver.

