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Fallout Wiki

Repair the PA/Klaxon system was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. It is located in Denver, and can be completed at one of the repair stations.

Quick walkthrough[]

You can repair the PA system klaxons at one of the repair stations to sound alarms or broadcast messages throughout town.

Character type completion breakdown[]

Science Boy - Is the winner.[1]

Journal Entries[]

Normal Journal[]

1 I've found a half-working set of public address speakers all over Denver. It looks like they were used for alarm klaxons from before the War.
2Quest finishedI got some of the alarm klaxons repaired.
3Quest finishedI've fixed all the alarm klaxons in Denver.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Me find big electric horns in Denver. They broken.
2Quest finishedMe fix some Denver electric horns.
3Quest finishedDenver electric horns all fixed.

