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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Reginald Stone's journal, entry 712 is a holotape in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.


The tape can be found in Vault 79, in a side room slightly north of where the Vault Dwellers first encounter Slick. It is to the left of the large staircase leading up to the reactor area. After Secrets Revealed is completed, most sections of the vault become inaccessible and this item can no longer be retrieved.



Regs: All the gold is safely stored and accounted for. Two years of back breaking work schlepping those heavy bars. We had a little celebration, but then its back to the grind. The paperwork won't fill itself out. Nobody else seems to think its important, but am I the only one who knows that it is? When the government comes looking for their gold, I don't want there to be any issues.


See also[]
