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Fallout Wiki

The refined beta wave tuner is a weapon mod for several energy weapons in Fallout 76.


An energy weapon equipped with this mod will have improved accuracy when firing from the hip, not when aiming down the sights, and deal additional fire damage to the target, burning them for several seconds after the initial shot hits.

Learn chance[]

Weapon Plans Learn chance
Enclave plasma gun Unlearnable
Gatling laser Plan: Gatling laser refined beta wave tuner
Laser gun Plan: Laser gun refined beta wave tuner
Plasma gun Plan: Plasma gun refined beta wave tuner
Ultracite Gatling laser Plan: Ultracite Gatling laser refined beta wave tuner
Ultracite laser gun Plan: Ultracite laser refined beta wave tuner


Gatling laser
Laser gun
Plasma gun
Ultracite Gatling laser
Ultracite laser gun

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
Enclave plasma gun mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 0018C70A miscmod_mod_Enclave_PlasmaGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 003293EA
Gatling laser mod_GatlingLaser_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 00312AF8 miscmod_mod_GatlingLaser_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 00312AF9
Laser gun mod_LaserGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 003129D6 miscmod_mod_LaserGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 003129DE
Plasma gun mod_PlasmaGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 0018C46E miscmod_mod_PlasmaGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 00329423
Ultracite Gatling laser mod_Ultracite_GatlingLaser_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 00312B2F miscmod_mod_Ultracite_GatlingLaser_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 0039E6EB
Ultracite laser gun mod_UltraciteLaserGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 00312A6C miscmod_mod_UltraciteLaserGun_Receiver_Burning-HipAccuracy 003ACC5E

