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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Recipe: Pumpkin pie is a recipe in Fallout 76.


  • Located on the countertop of the Pumpkin House, next to the sink.
  • Has a low chance to be awarded for completing daily/repeatable quests and events in the Forest and Toxic Valley.
Obtainable from
Events Daily/repeatable quests
A Real Blast
Bots on Parade
Dropped Connection
Dogwood Die Off
Grafton Day
Jail Break
Patrol Duty
Protest March
Swarm of Suitors
Back on the Beat
Collision Course
Feed the People
Fertile Soil
Fly Swatter
Leader of the Pack
Project Beanstalk
Tea Time
The Path to Enlightenment
Retirement Plan
Big Game Hunter
Buried with Honor
Pass the Buck
Target Rich Environment
Thrill of the Grill
Vital Equipment
Ecological Balance
Strange Brew


Name Locations
Yasmin Chowdhury Ally


The recipe unlocks crafting of pumpkin pie at a cooking station.
