Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Raven Financial Holdings, LLC was a pre-War shell company that served as a front for the Enclave.


Raven Financial Holdings was used as a financial front for the Enclave's acquisition of an Atomic Mining Services complex in the Ash Heap of Appalachia. The purchase of the mine upset its workers, who had no idea what Raven Financial Holdings was and were confused as to why they were moving in and forcing AMS out.[1] AMS supervisor Marcus Hodgins attempted to assuage the disgruntled miners before the mine was closed and the assets were liquidated.[2] At some point, an evacuation warning was issued requiring AMS personnel to leave the mine immediately, and that Raven Financial could not be held responsible for death or injury that occurred in the process of evacuation. Workers could also not retrieve their personal belongings, with no compensation given, and trespassers were warned that extreme litigation would be pursued from Raven Financial.[3] The mine purchased by Raven Financial Holdings was turned into an Enclave research facility for Ultracite experimentation, later known as the Gleaming Depths.


The name of the company appears to be an allusion to the Enclave's Raven Rock facility near Washington, D.C., appearing in Fallout 3 and mentioned in Fallout 76.


Raven Financial Holdings is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Gleaming Depths update.

