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This is a transcript for dialogue with Raul Tejada.


BMRaulGoodbye You'll do fine. Farewell, mi amigo. Anger 50 If by some chance you want to find me again, and if by some even greater chance coyotes haven't picked my bones clean, I'll be at my shack. 1
BMRaulJoinMe Actually, do you want to tag along with me? Happy 50 Anything's better than staying here. Let's go. 2
Actually, do you want to tag along with me? Neutral 50 Sorry boss, but as much as I'd like to risk getting killed by your side, you seem to already have some help. 3
BMRaulOkayByMe It's okay by me. Enjoy your freedom. Sad 100 Alrighty then, I'll just head out. Alone. By myself. Into the dangerous wastes. 4
FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder Happy 50 You're the boss, boss. 5
It's time for us to part ways.
Raul, I think I need to head on without you. Surprise 50 Good call! I mean, if that's what you really want, boss. 6
On second thought, stick with me for a little longer.
On second thought, you've been pretty useful so far. Forget what I said. Disgust 50 Your decisiveness is truly a wonder to behold, boss. 7
Yes, I'm sure.
I think it's for the best. Sad 50 That's why you're the boss. You always make the right decisions. I'll just head home. Home to my lonely, abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere. 8
I'd like you to go back to the Lucky 38 for now.
It is. We'll meet up at the Lucky 38. Happy 50 Hey, as long as you're not asking me to go back to Black Mountain, I'm a happy old man. 9
I think we should travel together.
Come, Raul, adventure awaits! Neutral 50 Sorry boss, but as much as I'd like to risk getting killed by your side, you seem to already have some help. 10
Come, Raul, adventure awaits! Pained 50 Words cannot contain my excitement at the chance to throw myself headlong into danger with you again, boss. 11
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Happy 50 Right behind you, boss. 12
FollowersOverburdened FollowersOverburdened Pained 50 {Under heavy strain, being sarcastic} Hey, don't worry about it, boss. The decrepit old man can easily carry all your stuff for you. Really. 13
FollowersStealthing FollowersStealthing Pained 50 Keeping quiet... unless my creaking knees give us away. 14
FollowersStealthing Disgust 50 Sure, boss. The old man will crawl around in the dirt to keep hidden. 15
FollowersStealthing Pained 50 This crouch-walking is hell on my back, boss. 16
FollowersStealthing Disgust 50 Right, because a ghoul in a vaquero outfit is really going to blend in with the scenery. 17
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Disgust 50 Oh, this should be good. I mean, what's on your mind, boss? 18
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Surprise 50 In what way, boss? 19
FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Disgust 50 Just like you said five minutes ago. Don't worry, boss, I got it. 20
I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Happy 50 Shoot first, poke bodies later. Got it, boss. 21
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Happy 50 Whatever you say, boss. 22
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Happy 50 You got it. 23
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. Disgust 50 Right. Got it. I'll just stop using this melee weapon and instead use a melee weapon. Good idea, boss. 24
Switch to a melee weapon. Fear 50 Sure, I'll stop using my rather effective gun and switch to, ah, this piece of metal tubing here. Great plan, boss. 25
FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Disgust 50 I'm already doing that. 26
I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Surprise 50 That's sounding dangerously close to a plan, boss. 27
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. Disgust 50 You mean like the one I'm already using, boss? 28
I want you to use ranged weapons. Happy 50 Sure thing, boss. 29
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Pained 50 Am I stepping on your shoes or something, boss? 30
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Neutral 50 Any closer and you'd need a Rad-Away, boss. 31
Stay close to me. Disgust 50 Oh, I wouldn't dream of getting too far away, boss. 32
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Disgust 50 I'm always eager for more of your scintillating conversation, boss. 33
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Happy 50 Right behind you, boss. 34
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Surprise 50 You mean like the last time you told me to do that, boss? 35
Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Happy 50 Got it. I'll be way back here, boss. 36
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Surprise 50 Don't strain yourself, boss. 37
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Happy 50 I'm sure you'll be fair and equitable, boss. 38
Let's trade equipment. Disgust 50 I expect to be awed by your dizzying mercantile sense, boss. 39
FollowersWait Wait here. Disgust 50 Okay, boss. I'll just wait here, alone, while my heavily armed companion goes out of earshot. I'm sure nothing will happen. 40
GREETING GREETING Disgust 50 Charging a casino full of heavily-armed gangsters was a great idea, boss. Definitely not the kind of thing that could have gotten us both killed. 41
GREETING Disgust 50 Not to worry, boss. I'm sure killing the boss of one of the Families will in no way lead to savage, bloody reprisals against you and your loved ones. 42
GREETING Disgust 50 If we run, we might still catch Benny! Well, you might. I'll just be wheezing along behind you. 43
GREETING Disgust 50 You really enjoy dragging me into situations where I get shot at, don't you boss? 44
GREETING Happy 50 Ahh, overly-elaborate mob schemes to take over Vegas. Reminds me of the days before the War. 45
GREETING Fear 50 {Hushed, slightly awed and actually not sarcastic for once} I can't believe we're allowed inside the Lucky 38. That place has been a legend since before the War.... 46
GREETING Happy 50 Angry soldier robots with bazookas. I'm sure they'll be a good police force. 47
GREETING Disgust 50 Maybe I'm just old and tired, but being locked in a cool, dark pod to sleep for a few centuries doesn't sound so bad. 48
GREETING Disgust 100 {Vaguely grossed out by seeing a guy's body explode} Eesh, boss. Just... eesh. 49
GREETING Happy 50 Don't worry boss, I'm sure Caesar just wants to invite you over for coffee or something. That's all. 50
GREETING Pained 50 Hey boss, that surgery reminded me of something: I got this funny lump right down here... think you could take a look at it? 51
GREETING Disgust 50 I'm glad you decided to off one of the most powerful men in the Mojave. Life was getting boring anyways. Really. 52
GREETING Disgust 50 Yeah, Caesar, let's give you brain surgery in a tent. That can't possibly go wrong. 53
GREETING Surprise 50 Caesar's death reminds me of an old saying. I can't quite remember it now, something like "sic semper tyrannosaurus." 54
GREETING Disgust 50 Oh, good. Now there's an army of robots. You don't do things by halves, do you, boss? 55
GREETING Surprise 50 Did blowing up that vault serve a purpose, or do you just like explosions? 56
GREETING Sad 100 {Pity} Those poor NCR soldiers... now where will they get their hookers and gambling? 57
GREETING Happy 50 Be honest, you did it for the ticker-tape parades, huh boss? 58
GREETING Surprise 50 Don't worry, boss. I'll make sure your biography says you "heroically changed your mind" about killing the president, not "choked under pressure." 59
GREETING Fear 50 Just to be clear, we're not planning to visit any NCR facilities, right boss? Like, ever again? 60
GREETING Disgust 50 Well, the President's dead, but don't worry. History has shown that that sort of thing almost never leads to massive destabilizations or world wars. 61
GREETING Anger 50 Never been a big fan of gangs like the Fiends, boss. I'm glad they're gone. 62
GREETING Sad 50 The Khans didn't seem so bad to me, but what do I know? I was locked up in a cell by a crazy Nightkin for years. 63
GREETING Surprise 50 Do you often go toe-to-toe with guys dressed as tanks, boss? That might not be great for your life expectancy. 64
GREETING Disgust 100 I'm sure pissing off a ruthless warlord with a tribe of fanatically-devoted warriors was a good move. How could it not be? It was your idea. 65
GREETING Disgust 100 I'm sure pissing off a massive government with a huge army at its disposal was a good move. How could it not be? It was your idea. 66
GREETING Disgust 100 I'm sure pissing off the two most powerful factions in the Mojave was a good move. How could it not be? It was your idea. 67
GREETING Fear 50 Don't worry, boss. I'm sure the sudden tension in the air is just... {desperately searching for an explanation} a thunderstorm? 68
GREETING Pained 50 Okay, so maybe I was wrong about the thunderstorm thing. I admit it. 69
GREETING Fear 50 {Quiet, somber, usual sarcasm replaced by seriousness} Looks like this is gonna be the big one, boss. If you're ready, I'm with you. 70
GREETING Happy 50 What can I do for you, boss? 71
GREETING Anger 100 Took you long enough. So, can I go now? 72
GREETING Happy 50 I haven't heard a fresh batch of crazy coming out of the radio in a while. Does that mean I can leave? 73
GREETING Disgust 50 Back again? Can I go this time, or do you have something else in mind? 74
GREETING Disgust 50 Oh, it's you. You need something repaired or something? 75
PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Anger 50 Uh, hate to criticize boss, but I'm not actually immortal. Just old. 76
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Anger 50 Come on, boss, I know I'm ugly, but I {emphasis} am on your side. 77
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Anger 50 If you want me to split, you could just say so. 78
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Fear 50 You, uhh, you want to point that someplace else, boss? I got enough holes in me. 79
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Fear 50 Boss, why are you looking at me that way? 80
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Fear 50 I wouldn't mind this so much if it weren't for that maniacal gleam in your eye. 81
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Anger 50 Oh, sure. Lay mines around the arthritic old man who doesn't see so good. Thanks, boss. 82
PLAYER LAY MINE Fear 50 Do I hear beeping, boss? I think I hear beeping. 83
PLAYER LAY MINE Disgust 50 Oh good. Mines. 84
RaulAndy2 You wanted to ask me something before, when we left Ranger Andy's. Sad 50 Your memory is like a steel trap, boss. What do you think of guys like Ranger Andy? 86
RaulCorporalSterling RaulCorporalSterling Sad 50 Got a second to talk, boss? 87
RaulDecision About your decision.... Neutral 50 Yeah, boss? 88
RaulFestus RaulFestus Pained 50 It's like looking into a mirror. A tacky, cowboy-festooned mirror. 89
RaulForlornHope RaulForlornHope Pained 50 Eesh. These soldiers look how I feel, boss. 90
RaulHanlon RaulHanlon Happy 50 {Hanlon has just committe suicide} See, that's why you should retire before your brain goes. Oh. Sorry, boss. Bad choice of words. 91
RaulHeavyArmor RaulHeavyArmor Pained 50 Eesh, boss, are you trying to destroy my knees even faster than nature? 92
RaulHeavyArmor Pained 50 Oh, wearing this is not going to be good to me. 93
RaulHooverDam RaulHooverDam Anger 50 I can't believe I'm about to do this, boss. If I buy it out there, I want twelve mariachi bands playing at my funeral. A medal might be nice, too. 94
RaulJacobstown RaulJacobstown Anger 50 Just putting this out there, boss: if these Super mutants kidnap us and force us to fix toasters for them, it's on you. 95
RaulLoyal2 You seemed like you wanted to say something about Loyal. Happy 50 That Loyal guy. He's getting up there in years, but he still finds a way to make himself useful to his people. 96
Happy 75 If you ask me, that's better than withering away all alone, or holding on to some faded piece of glory from your past. 97
RaulMakeBoomer RaulMakeBoomer Happy 50 That's a good thing to see, huh boss? 98
RaulPvtHalford RaulPvtHalford Happy 50 Ah, he's young, boss. He'll bounce back. Unlike some of us. 99
RaulQuestions I have some questions I'd like to ask you. Surprise 50 Questions, boss? You mean you don't know everything there is to know already? 100
RaulREPCON RaulREPCON Fear 50 Hey, I'm one of you! Don't eat me, eat the smoothskin! Oh, uh, sorry boss. 101
RaulRangerAndy RaulRangerAndy Fear 50 Hey boss, can I ask you something? 102
RaulRepair Can you repair some of my stuff? Happy 50 You got the caps, I got the skills. 103
Can you repair some of my stuff? Disgust 50 Sure, boss. I'd be happy to prolong my captivity and psychological abuse to tighten some lug nuts for you. 104
Can you repair some of my stuff? Disgust 50 Sure, I'll just pull a toolbox out from behind a conveniently-placed rock and get to work. 105
RaulSearchlight RaulSearchlight Disgust 50 I guess hunting down ghouls like wild animals is okay. I mean, they're probably going to die anyways, right boss? 106
RaulSelf Tell me about yourself. Happy 50 Sure, boss. What do you want to know? 107
RaulSterling2 You wanted to say something about Corporal Sterling before? Sad 50 Meeting Corporal Sterling, well... it kind of got me thinking. 108
Happy 50 Here's a guy that's been beat all to hell, right? I mean, he could have retired from the service, but instead he signs back on and does what he can. 109
Pained 50 You think he did the right thing? 110
RaulStories Will you tell me some of your stories again? Happy 50 That's what I love about you, boss, your firm belief that one day you'll actually remember things people tell you. What do you want to hear about? 111
RaulStory1 RaulStory1 Sad 50 I grew up in a place called Hidalgo Ranch just outside Mexico City. It wasn't much, just a bit of farm with a house for three generations of Tejadas. 112
Anger 50 I wasn't the best-behaved kid. I was quick with my hands, with a pistol or a wrench, and I wasn't afraid to get into fights over it. 113
Sad 50 I never killed anybody, but I had my share of run-ins with the police. Mostly my family kept me in line. 114
Anger 50 This was before the war. We were far enough away from Mexico City when the bombs fell that we missed the worst of it - but things got bad quick. 115
RaulStory2 RaulStory2 Sad 50 After the fire, I knew my sister and I couldn't stay at Hidalgo Ranch anymore. The refugees still wanted me dead - they even put a bounty on me. 116
Pained 50 I remember how scared Rafaela was. I told her if she came with me, we'd see the vaqueros - she used to love the rodeo, especially the trick riders. 117
Sad 50 We figured maybe we could find help in Mexico City - we were young, we didn't know what had happened, really. We didn't understand about the bombs. 118
RaulStory3 RaulStory3 Sad 50 I left everything when I left Mexico: my home, my family, my name - even my face. I know it's surprising, boss, but I wasn't always this handsome. 119
Anger 50 As far as the world knew, I was Miguel, and I was okay with that. I headed north for a while, and ended up in Tuscon - not Two-Sun, by the way. 120
Happy 50 Things were good there. Well, maybe not good, but better than Mexico City, anyways. I found myself a little shack and started fixing things. 121
RaulSweets RaulSweets Happy 50 How'd you know I had a sweet tooth, boss? 122
RaulSweets Happy 50 Ahh, sarsaparilla. That's just what this dry old throat needs. 123
RaulSweets Happy 50 You're going to rot my teeth, boss. What's left of them, anyways. 124
RaulTabitha RaulTabitha Fear 50 That wig is going to haunt my nightmares. Seriously. 125
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic000 Can you tell me anything about Mr. House? Surprise 50 Just how old do you think I am, boss? Because I can pretty much guarantee I'm older than that. Let me tell you a story from before the Great War: 126
Happy 50 Everybody knew Robert House. He was a genius. A superstar. Founded RobCo at 22, dated Hollywood starlets, the works. They say he saved Las Vegas. 127
Sad 50 I was in Mexico City when the bombs dropped. Even from there, we could see House's defensive rockets shooting down the incoming missiles. 128
Fear 50 Everybody assumed he died in the War. Maybe he did. But his robots are still out there, roaming the Wastes. And now, a Mr. House rules New Vegas. 129
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic001 I'm looking for the man who shot me: he wears a checkered coat and carries a shiny pistol. Seen him? Surprise 50 Sure, boss. I saw lots of guys like that while I was held prisoner by an insane supermutant in an isolated mountain fortress. Can you narrow it down? 130
Do you know anything about a goon named Benny? Wears a checkered coat, carries a big pistol? Surprise 50 Benny, huh? Sorry boss, doesn't ring a bell. Then again, my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be. 131
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic002 What's your take on the NCR? Sad 50 They're all right, I suppose. Had a bit of tough going there at the beginning - you know their first town was nearly wiped out by raiders? 132
Happy 50 Anyway, they've got their good points and their bad, just like a lot of the old governments from before the War. 133
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic003 How do you feel about Caesar's Legion? Happy 50 I don't really have a problem with them. People around here tend to see them as invading marauders planning to burn and pillage the countryside. 134
Anger 50 But I've been to Arizona, boss. Before the Legion, it was a nasty place, so thick with raiders you couldn't trade with a town two miles up the road. 135
Anger 50 Caesar's laws aren't nice, and their actions aren't always pretty. But then, neither am I, but you keep me around. 136
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic004 Tell me about New Vegas. Happy 50 It's big, it's bright, and it's one of the biggest cities still left from before the War. Well, mostly, anyway. 137
Anger 50 Used to be just a curiosity. The buildings were pre-War, but it was just as full of raiders and barbarian tribes as anyplace else. 138
Disgust 50 Then Mr. House took over, got the power turned back on, and got the tribes reformed into something civilized. Now they run his casinos for him. 139
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic005 I had some other questions. Disgust 50 You're a veritable guyser of curiosity, boss. 140
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic006 Let's talk about something else. Happy 50 Anything to hold your attention, boss. 141
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic007 That's all I wanted to know. We'll talk more later. Happy 50 Anything you say, boss. 142
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic008 You're being sarcastic, aren't you? Happy 50 Just a little bit, boss. No, I haven't seen him. Sounds like a city slicker, though. Might try looking on the Strip. 143
You're being sarcastic, aren't you? Sad 50 You know what, boss, that's my fault for using sarcasm. No, I haven't seen him. Sounds like a city slicker, though. Might try looking on the Strip. 144
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic009 Who are you? Happy 50 Name's Raul. Raul Alfonso Tejada. I'm the mechanic around here. 145
Who are you? Surprise 50 You forget about me already, boss? You sure you didn't take a blow to the head or something? 146
Anger 50 My name is Raul Alfonso Tejada. 147
Who are you? Anger 50 I'm starting to think you haven't been paying attention, boss. 148
Happy 50 Raul Alfonso Tejada, former gunslinger and sole survivor of Hidalgo Ranch, at your service. 149
Who are you? Happy 50 Always happy to repeat myself for you, boss. 150
Pained 50 Raul Alfonso Tejada, former gunslinger, sole survivor of Hidalgo Ranch, and ghost of Mexico City at your service. 151
Who are you? Happy 50 Always happy to repeat myself for you, boss. 152
Anger 50 Raul Alfonso Tejada, aka Old Miguel, former gunslinger, sole survivor of Hidalgo Ranch, and ghost of Mexico City at your service. 153
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic010 You can't seriously think they're the same Mr. House. Fear 50 Maybe not. Maybe the new guy is just a clever raider chief with a knowledge of history. 154
Fear 75 {Slightly ominous} Maybe he just left instructions for his robots to carry out in his name. 155
Fear 100 {growing more ominous} Or maybe Robert House uploaded his brain pattern into a computer and rules to this day, a godless, soulless machine-god! 156
Happy 50 {Back to normal} Or maybe the whole thing's a crazy coincidence. Who knows? 157
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic011 Maybe there's a connection. Can you remember anything else about Robert House? Fear 50 I remember there were some weird stories about him, especially near the end. 158
Disgust 50 There was a tell-all in El Periodico de las Aburridas by a starlet House dated. She said they never, um... don't make me spell it out, boss. 159
Disgust 50 Anyway, she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits. 160
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic012 That's sickening. Happy 50 It was quite the scandal, at least in the Latin-American tabloid journalism market. 161
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic013 Where are you from? Sad 50 I was born just outside Mexico City. My family had a little ranch there. 162
Where are you from? Sad 50 I was born just outside Mexico City. My family had a little ranch there. After they died, I took my little sister, my Rafaela, to Mexico City. 163
Pained 50 We lived there a while, then I moved on and ended up here. I'd rather not talk about it any more. 164
Where are you from? Sad 50 I was born just outside Mexico City. My family had a little ranch there. After they died, I took my little sister, my Rafaela, to Mexico City. 165
Pained 50 She died there, so I moved on. I came across an old Petro-Chico refinery, found "Miguel's" jumpsuit, and decided to hang up the guns for good. 166
Where are you from? Sad 50 I was born just outside Mexico City. My family had a little ranch there. After they died, I took my little sister, my Rafaela, to Mexico City. 167
Pained 50 She died there, so I moved on. I came across an old Petro-Chico refinery, found "Miguel's" jumpsuit, and decided to hang up the guns for good. 168
Anger 50 I headed up into Tuscon and lived there as Old Miguel for a while. Things were okay, then they got bad, and I headed west to the Mojave. 169
Sad 50 And that, boss, is all she wrote. 170
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic014 How old are you? Sad 50 Old enough to know better, boss. Old enough to know better. 171
How old are you? Surprise 50 I was born in 2047, boss. If you do the math on that, I'm sure you'll get within a decade or so. 172
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic015 What's "Petro-Chico?" Surprise 50 You never heard of Petro-Chico, un Amigo de Poseidon Energy? Ah, of course not. They were an oil company in Mexico, back before the War. 173
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic016 Where'd you get that Vaquero outfit? Happy 50 I found it in a costume shop. It was sort of my calling card, you know? "Raul the Ghoul, the zombie vaquero of Mexico City." 174
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic017 How'd you end up at Black Mountain? Surprise 50 Well, boss, when a giant, insane Super mutant asks you to stay put, you do what you're told. Well, maybe you don't, but I'm just a broke down old man. 175
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic018 Then why does your jumpsuit say "Miguel?" Anger 50 Probably because it used to be Miguel's. 176
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic019 Anything else you want to share? Anger 50 Boss, usually when somebody gives you a name and nothing else, it's because that's all they want to give you. 177
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic020 But how did Tabitha find you in the first place? Anger 50 Ah, it's stupid, boss. I used to listen to the radio broadcasts, just to pass the time. 178
Happy 50 Well, one day the signal stops, so I figured I'd try to find transmitter. I'm a pretty good repairman, or I was before the eyes started to go. 179
Anger 50 Anyway, I found Black Mountain and offered my services, but Tabitha decided I was useful enough to keep around. Permanently. 180
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic021 How can I make the best use of your skills? Sad 50 I'm not much use besides being a portable encyclopedia, really. I guess you could use me as a pack brahmin, but my knees aren't so good any more. 181
How can I make the best use of your skills? Happy 50 I'm still half-decent with a pistol. Not fantastic, but good enough. These old bones aren't much use in hand-to-hand fighting, though. 182
Happy 50 I can keep your gear in good working order, too. If you notice your stuff takes a lot longer to break, well, you can thank me with a sarsaparilla. 183
How can I make the best use of your skills? Happy 50 Felt good to put the old vaquero outfit on again. I feel a lot sharper with a pistol now. Still wouldn't put these old bones on the front lines. 184
Happy 50 I can also do maintenance work on your stuff - I don't have the supplies for a real repair job, but I can keep your gear working longer. 185
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic022 I don't believe that, you must have some skills. Pained 50 That's nice of you to say, boss, but I'm an old man. Not much use to anybody any more. 186
I don't believe that, you must have some skills. Happy 50 Time was, I was a pretty good shot with a pistol. I guess I'm still half-decent. These old bones aren't much use in hand-to-hand fighting, though. 187
Happy 50 I can also do maintenance work on your stuff - I don't have the supplies for a real repair job, but I can keep your gear working longer. 188
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic023 What use are you to me, then? Pained 50 I sort of figured you had your own reasons for keeping me around, boss. 189
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic024 Can you still repair my equipment? Surprise 50 I don't have the supplies for a real repair job, but I can do some routine maintenance to keep your gear working longer. 190
Happy 50 It won't exactly get better, but it'll get worse slower. 191
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic025 I want to ask you something else about yourself. Happy 50 I'm an open book, boss. Granted, the book's in Spanish and some of the pages have fallen out, but I'm an open book. 192
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic029 Sure, what's on your mind? Sad 50 What do you think of guys like Ranger Andy? 193
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic030 I'd really rather you didn't. Disgust 50 Sure, boss. I'm sure you've got a lot to think about. 194
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic031 Maybe later, okay? Disgust 50 Yeah, okay, boss. Take your time. Not like I'm a decrepit old man who might keel over dead any minute. 195
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic032 What do you mean, guys like Ranger Andy? Sad 50 I mean guys who have a world of experience doing what they do, but have to give it up because they're getting old and slow, or too injured. 196
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic033 I think he's a hero of the NCR. Sad 50 That wasn't what I meant, really. 197
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic036 Even after a crippling injury, a guy like Andy's tougher and more dangerous than most men alive. Happy 50 Maybe... yeah. I guess you've got a point there. 198
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic037 I think it's good that he's retired. Out of sight, out of mind. Sad 50 Yeah, I suppose you're right. Guys like us can't compete any more. 199
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic038 Guys like us? Surprise 50 Did I say us? I meant "him." Guess my eyesight isn't the only thing that's going. 200
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic039 Don't waste my time with your reminiscing, Raul. Disgust 50 Whatever you say, boss. I'll just stay back here and be quiet in case you have a sudden flash of brilliance you need to share. 201
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic040 Just because someone's crippled doesn't mean they're useless. All that experience is invaluable. Happy 50 Yeah, I suppose he could still teach, take a less-active role in the world. That's not so bad. 202
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic041 He didn't have to give it up, he's just scared he doesn't have what it takes anymore. Pained 50 Maybe, but what if he really doesn't have it? 203
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic042 Are you talking about Andy, or yourself? Sad 50 A little of both, I guess. 204
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic043 Sure, what's on your mind? Happy 50 Meeting Corporal Sterling, well... it kind of got me thinking. 205
Happy 50 Here's a guy that's been beat all to hell, right? I mean, he could have retired from the service, but instead he signs back on and does what he can. 206
Sad 50 You think he did the right thing? 207
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic044 Not now, Raul. Disgust 50 Okay, boss. When you feel like availing yourself of my centuries of experience, you know where I'll be. 208
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic045 I don't have time for your useless chatter. Disgust 50 Sure, boss. I know you've got a lot on your mind, what with all that wandering the empty desert wastes. 209
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic046 I think it's good that he's so devoted to his duty. More people should act that way. Disgust 50 You think so, boss? Because I remember a time when a lot of people stuck to their duty no matter what. 210
Anger 50 It ended with nuclear bombs falling on my hometown. 211
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic047 The NCR put a lot of time and money into his training. He owes it to them to use it however he can. Sad 50 Even if he can't use them any more? Isn't that like asking you to come up with one of your brilliant schemes after suffering a crippling head wound? 212
Pained 50 Err, another one, I mean? 213
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic048 With those injuries, he's nothing but a drain on resources. He should retire. Anger 50 That's what I love about you, boss; the pity you show for the less fortunate than you. 214
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic049 It might seem harsh, but a soldier can't do his job properly with those limitations. Happy 50 You're preaching to the choir here, boss. Once a man's prime is behind him, he should let it go. 215
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic051 Why do I get the impression this is more personal to you? Sad 50 I guess it reminds me of my own life. 216
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic052 It sounds like maybe you're talking about yourself there, Raul. Pained 50 It's a question I've asked myself often enough. 217
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic053 Why do you care so much, anyways? Sad 50 He reminds me of me in some ways. 218
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic054 We're not just talking about Ranger Andy, are we? Sad 50 Not really, boss, no. 219
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic055 Is that what you did? Surprise 50 Would it surprise you to know I used to be a gunslinging adventurer? 220
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic057 What are you talking about? Happy 50 That Loyal guy. He's getting up there in years, but he still finds a way to make himself useful to his people. 221
Sad 50 If you ask me, that's better than withering away all alone, or holding on to some faded piece of glory from your past. 222
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic058 Can we discuss this another time? Disgust 50 Sure, boss. Whenever's good for you - I've probably got three, maybe four months before I keel over. 223
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic059 Loyal's using his years of knowledge to help his tribe. I think that's a noble goal. Fear 50 {A little uncertain} Yeah. That's what I thought, too. 224
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic060 What's on your mind? Sad 50 Old history, boss. 225
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic061 At least he knew when to step back and start to take it easy. A lot of people don't. Sad 50 Yeah, it beats dying alone in the Wasteland because you were too slow. 226
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic062 Is that something you're afraid of? Pained 50 That fear has always been a part of my life. 227
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic063 I suppose if you're happy with that kind of life, it's not so bad. Sad 50 Maybe... but what if you miss the old days, sometimes? 228
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic064 Are you talking about something from your own past? Pained 50 A memory from a long time ago. 229
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic065 I don't really have time for this, Raul. Maybe later? Disgust 50 Sure, boss. Whenever's good for you. 230
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic066 Go on. Sad 50 Just a few days after Mexico City was vaporized, refugees started pouring down the road to our ranch. We helped who we could, but there were so many. 231
Fear 50 Eventually, my father started turning people away before we ran out of food. Things got violent. My father and I got our guns, and we drove them off. 232
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic067 What happened then? Anger 50 About two dozen men came back in the night, after we'd gone to sleep. They set fire to the ranch house and barred the doors from the outside. 233
Anger 50 My whole family was trapped inside. I smelled the smoke and got myself and my little sister, Rafaela, out though a window, but everyone else.... 234
Sad 50 My parents, my grandmother, my two brothers and two of my sisters all died. 235
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic068 What happened then? Sad 50 Rafaela and I ran. We were pursued by some of the men who attacked our home, but I was always a good shot. 236
Anger 50 The ones who came after us, I killed. The rest, I left be. I had to take care of Rafaela, not throw my life away on revenge. 237
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic069 And you blame yourself for this? Pained 50 Maybe. I don't know. All I know is that for all my skill with a pistol, I couldn't help them. 238
Sad 50 Anyway, that was weighing on my mind. Thanks for letting me get it out in the open, boss. 239
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic070 You can't think it was your fault. No one could stand against a dozen armed men all alone. Sad 50 I know that, boss. That's not what I'm getting at. I'm just getting sentimental in my old age. Anyways, forget it. Just wanted that off my chest. 240
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic071 Anyone stupid enough not to set a watch deserved what they got. Anger 50 {angry, but more tired} Maybe we made a mistake. It was early on, we didn't know just how serious it was out there. 241
Disgust 50 But to say they deserved it? What kind of devil are you, {sarcastic emphasis} boss? 242
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic072 Wasn't Mexico City basically annihilated in the Great War? Sad 50 I don't think it was as hard hit as DC or Bakersfield, but it was bad enough. By the time we got there, the city was a radioactive ruin. 243
Anger 50 Still, the city was full of looters, already forming into the beginnings of raider tribes. Crime was bad before the War, but now it was a nightmare. 244
Disgust 50 We were living like scavengers, scraping by on what little food we could find, always looking for medicine for my burns. 245
Happy 50 And then, of course, the radiation started to kick in, turning me into this handsome devil you see before you. 246
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic073 What do you mean, took me long enough? Disgust 100 Sorry. I assumed the only reason you'd fight past a horde of Super mutants and pick the lock on my cell is if you heard my cry for help on the radio. 247
Happy 100 But maybe you're just sightseeing. So, since the door's open and all, can I go now? 248
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic074 Who are you? Happy 100 Name's Raul. Raul Alfonso Tejada. I'm the mechanic around here. 249
Who are you? Surprise 50 You forget about me already, boss? You sure you didn't take a blow to the head or something? 250
Anger 50 My name is Raul Alfonso Tejada. Can I leave now, or did you want to ask me again in five minutes? 251
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic075 Fixing things? Happy 50 Oh, sure, boss. I was always good at fixing things. Some I fixed for the town, some I fixed for other people, some I fixed just for the hell of it. 252
Happy 50 It's a better way to use your hands than killing, and even then I wasn't getting any younger or faster. 253
Happy 50 I lived there for a long time. Kept to myself, didn't get into any fights - hell, the only reason I even kept my guns oiled was professional pride. 254
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic076 Why aren't you still there, then? Anger 50 Getting there, boss. I'd been in Tuscon - the locals can call it Two-Sun all they want, but it's Tuscon, dammit - about 75 years when she showed up. 255
Happy 50 Prettiest thing you ever saw, boss. Maybe it was just a trick of my senile brain, but I swear she looked just like my Rafaela. Her name was Claudia. 256
Pained 50 She ended up taking work at one of the brothels in town. I never went to her, of course - how could I? But I looked after her in my own way. 257
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic077 What happened with her? Sad 50 This was a long time ago. Before Caesar's Legion pacified Arizona and brought the raider tribes to heel. 258
Anger 50 A tribe came into Tuscon one day - more a gang, really. Dirty Dave and his six brothers. They were looking for bullets, and I sold some to them. 259
Pained 50 I figured if I did that, they'd leave town before they tore it up too much. 260
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic079 But they didn't, did they? Anger 50 No, boss. No they didn't. 261
But they didn't, did they? Anger 50 As I was saying, I hoped they'd leave the town in peace. Instead, they decided to stop at Claudia's brothel to take the edge off. 262
Pained 50 I don't know which one of them got rowdy first, but by the time I heard the screams and got my guns, it was too late. 263
Anger 50 They'd shot up the brothel, killed four girls, and taken Claudia for their sport. 264
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic080 Did you rescue her? Anger 50 I went after Dave and his brothers. They had a head start, but they slept nights. I didn't. Took me three days to catch up to them. 265
Pained 50 Claudia was dead when I got there. They'd put a bullet in each of her eyes. I couldn't do anything except avenge her, just like Rafaela. 266
Anger 100 I charged into the middle of their camp and started firing - two of them were dead before they knew I was there. The other five, though.... 267
Happy 50 They shot the shit out of me. I would have died, I think, if I wasn't so full of rage. 268
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic081 How did you survive? Pained 50 By being a meaner old cuss than the rest of them, boss. I wanted to keep living until they weren't, so I just kept shooting until they were all dead. 269
Sad 50 I was in pretty bad shape in the end, though. I don't know how long I laid there with the sun baking me and the buzzards chomping at me. 270
Pained 50 Eventually I got the strength to start moving. Some long time after that, I managed to drag my carcass back to town. 271
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic082 Really? Pained 100 <Sigh.> No. No, boss, I'm, a prisoner of the crazy Super Mutant with the wig and the glasses. I was kind of hoping you were here to set me free. 272
Happy 100 But maybe I'm not a pretty enough damsel for that, huh? 273
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic083 What happened then? Disgust 50 When I recovered - more or less, anyways - I left Tuscon and headed west. I ran into Tabitha at Black Mountain and, well, the rest you know. 274
Pained 50 I swore I was done with the gunslinging life - I was too old, too slow, and too beat up to protect anyone anymore. 275
Surprise 50 I thought I was done forever... but after traveling with you, I realize I've always had my doubts. 276
What happened then? Disgust 50 When I recovered - more or less, anyways - I left Tuscon and headed west. I ran into Tabitha at Black Mountain and, well, the rest you know. 277
Sad 50 I swore I was done with the gunslinging life - I was too old, too slow, and too beat up to protect anyone anymore. 278
Pained 50 After seeing what you go through, I think I made the right choice. So thanks for that, boss. 279
What happened then? Disgust 50 When I recovered - more or less, anyways - I left Tuscon and headed west. I ran into Tabitha at Black Mountain and, well, the rest you know. 280
Sad 50 I swore I was done with the gunslinging life - I was too old, too slow, and too beat up to protect anyone anymore. 281
Happy 50 I thought I was done forever... but after traveling with you, I realize that was the wrong decision. So thanks for that, boss. 282
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic084 Doubts? About what? Pained 50 About whether I still had what it took to carry my pistols proudly, to use them to do what's right. 283
Happy 50 And now that I've been traveling with you for a while, you've made me realize that I can still do that. 284
Happy 50 Maybe I'm not as tough as I used to be, but my brains can make up for that, and my hands are still quick enough. It's time to put the guns back on. 285
Doubts? About what? Sad 50 About whether I'm really too old to keep living the life of a gunslinger after all. And after seeing what you go through, boss, I think I am. 286
Pained 50 From now on, I'll let you deal with the fighting and stick to keeping your gear working. I don't want to slow you down more than I already do. 287
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic085 I think that's a great idea, Raul, and I hope you'll put them to good use with me. Happy 50 You can bet on that, boss. 288
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic086 If that's what you think is best, I won't stop you. Disgust 50 Thanks, boss. I'd hate to think I was disappointing you with my life-altering decision. 289
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic087 I don't think that's a good idea. You should focus on your mechanical skills instead. Sad 50 [SUCCEEDED] I suppose you're right, boss. These bones are too old for that kind of action. 290
I don't think that's a good idea. You should focus on your mechanical skills instead. Anger 50 [FAILED] I'm sure you've got a lot of ideas, boss, but how about if you let me make this decision? 291
Sad 50 Tell you what, I'll at least think about it for a while. Ask me about it again another time. 292
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic088 That's not true, Raul, you're great with a pistol. Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] You think so? Well... you're the boss. Okay, I'll give it a try. 293
Anger 50 But if I get killed, and if there's an afterlife, I'll haunt your ass. 294
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic092 You're wrong. You can still fight, and you should take up your guns again. Anger 50 [FAILED] I'm sure you've got a lot of ideas, boss, but how about if you let me make this decision? 295
Surprise 50 Tell you what, I'll at least think about it for a while. Ask me about it again another time. 296
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic093 We'll talk later. Surprise 50 Really? Thanks for the reminder, boss, I'd almost forgotten. 297
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic094 Sounds pretty bad. Happy 50 You're a poet of understatement, boss. But there were moments it was almost worth it. I still remember finding that novelty costume shop. 298
Surprise 50 I was just looking for something I could slice up to wrap my burns when I saw the vaquero outfit hanging on the rack, like it hadn't been touched. 299
Happy 50 I took it - not like anybody else needed it, you know? - and wore it back to our camp. Rafaela laughed for the first time since the bombs had fallen. 300
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic095 Wasn't it dangerous to be dressed so... noticably? Sad 50 It was. I started to build up a legend. Sometimes it headed off trouble, but most of the time it just started more. 301
Anger 50 Young punks looking to prove themselves would come looking for me, but my eyes were sharp and my guns were quick. 302
Pained 50 For a whle it seemed like we might even survive there, until... until Rafaela. 303
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic096 Go on. What happened to Rafaela? Sad 50 She went out to find some food one day. {digressing, maybe justifying to himself a little} I was sick, so I stayed at our camp. I guess it must have been the beginnings of radiation poisoning. 304
Anger 50 Anyway, it was supposed to be safe, but some raiders happened to pass through where she was scavenging. I won't speak of what they did to her. 305
Pained 50 When I found her body, the only way to recognize her was this funny little scar on her knee from when she was a little girl. 306
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic097 That's terrible, Raul. Pained 50 Terrible doesn't begin to cover it, boss. I'd let my whole family down - first the ranch, now Rafaela. I was the last Tejada. 307
Anger 50 I guess maybe I went a little crazy then. I took my guns, and I went back to that market. I didn't have many bullets, but I had enough. 308
Sad 50 After the raiders were dead, I salvaged what I could from the store. I was tired... I just wanted to be alone forever. 309
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic098 So what did you do? Sad 50 I left Mexico City behind. I made my way out to the Gulf Coast, eventually I found an old Petro-Chico refinery nobody had claimed. 310
Pained 50 I stayed there for a little while, and I thought a lot about my life. I thought about the guns I'd lived by and what they'd gotten me. 311
Anger 50 I decided my guns hadn't gotten me anything, and it was time to give it up. I took off that old vaquero outfit, and put on a Petro-Chico jumpsuit. 312
Sad 50 The name tag said "Miguel," so I started using the name myself. Eventually I made it to Arizona... but that's another story, boss. 313
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic099 Then why does your jumpsuit say "Miguel?" Anger 50 Probably because it used to be Miguel's. Whoever he was. How about if you let me go, huh boss? 314
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic100 Very funny. Disgust 50 Talk to me at my shack, I've at least got tools there. 315
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic101 Actually, hang out here for a while. Disgust 50 Oh, sure thing. I haven't even remotely grown sick of staring at this place. 316
VDialogueRaulRaulTejadaTopic104 Lots of older people are still useful to their friends and communities. Anger 50 Yeah? Maybe you can introduce them to me if we find them, because I've never met one. 317
VEndingRaul VEndingRaul Neutral 50 {Narrating} After a long and eventful life, Raul's luck finally ran out during his time with the Courier. 318
VEndingRaul Neutral 50 {Narrating} Still grappling with self-doubt over his usefulness in the face of old age, Raul was never able to find peace with himself. 319
Neutral 50 Eventually, he left the Mojave and assumed a new name, as he had done so many times before. 320
VEndingRaul Neutral 50 {Narrating} Invigorated by his travels with the Courier, Raul once more took up his guns in memory of his lost Rafaela. 321
Neutral 50 Soon after, the Mojave was filled with tales of the ghost-vaquero who hunts down those who prey on the weak. 322
VEndingRaul Neutral 50 {Narrating} Convinced that his time as a gunslinger was past, Raul made peace with the idea of growing old. 323
Neutral 50 After traveling with the Courier for a time, he retired and settled down in Outer Vegas, where he would spend his days fixing ancient machinery. 324


Nothing else right now. Happy 50 Sure, boss. 325
HELLO Hello Pained 50 Eesh, boss, are you trying to destroy my knees even faster than nature? 326
Hello Pained 50 Oh, wearing this is not going to be good to me. 327
Hello Happy 50 How'd you know I had a sweet tooth, boss? 328
Hello Happy 50 Ahh, sarsaparilla. That's just what this dry old throat needs. 329
Hello Happy 50 You're going to rot my teeth, boss. What's left of them, anyways. 330
RaulPvtEdwardsDUPLICATE000 RaulPvtEdwards Happy 50 Cheer up, kid. It's not that bad. Sure, your skin rots off and you start to stink like a public toilet after Cinco de Mayo, but... umm.... 331
RaulPvtEdwards Happy 50 Well, assuming you survive the radiation sickness, the lynch mobs, and the possibility of going feral, one day you'll get old and decrepit, like me. 332
RaulPvtEdwards Surprise 50 What? Was it something I said? 333


AcceptYield AcceptYield Anger 50 Okay. Well, I guess I can let it go this time. 334
ArmorIneffective ArmorIneffective Anger 10 This armor's probably fine. The holes are cosmetic. 335
ArmorIneffective Anger 10 This armor's beat up worse than me, boss. 336
Assault Assault Anger 50 Hey, not so rough, I break easy! 337
Assault Anger 50 Knock it off! 338
Attack Attack Sad 50 Okay, I guess we're doing this. 339
Attack Anger 50 Let's dance! 340
Attack Anger 50 I've been doing this longer than you, pal! 341
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Anger 50 Might want to watch it there, boss. 342
AvoidThreat Fear 50 Yikes! 343
AvoidThreat Anger 50 Watch it! 344
Death Death Neutral 50 {Death Noise 3} 345
DeathResponse DeathResponse Anger 50 Well, crap. 346
DeathResponse Anger 50 Damn! 347
FireExplosive FireExplosive Anger 50 Might want to watch the explosives, boss! 348
FireExplosive Anger 50 Duck and cover! 349
Flee Flee Fear 50 This old man's retreating, boss! 350
Flee Disgust 50 Yeah, I really don't want to be here right now. 351
Flee Anger 50 Oh sure, make the old man run! 352
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 50 Just keep on moving. 353
GuardTrespass Anger 50 I got my eye on you. Even if it doesn't see so good. 354
HealthHalf HealthHalf Anger 10 Boss, the pain from my wounds is starting to outweigh the pain from my arthritis. 355
HealthHalf Anger 10 Little help here, boss? 356
HealthHalf Anger 10 Wouldn't say no to something to ease the pain. Granted that's usually the case, but right now especially. 357
HealthHalf Anger 10 Hey boss, is my jaw still attached? Good. Can I get some help to keep it that way? 358
HealthQuarter HealthQuarter Anger 10 {Dying} These bones are about to give up the ghost, boss. 359
HealthQuarter Anger 10 {Dying} Ahh, Rafaela... I'll see you soon. 360
HealthQuarter Anger 10 {Dying} Never thought I'd go out like this.... 361
Murder Murder Surprise 50 Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, boss, what the hell? 362
Murder Fear 50 Boss, you really think that's a good idea? 363
Murder Disgust 50 Oh, good, the boss is murdering people now. Excellent. 364
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Disgust 50 Well, that sure is a dead body there, boss. 365
MurderNoCrime Disgust 50 I'm sure that was a cleverly-planned act, boss, and not just random psychosis. 366
MurderNoCrime Pained 50 That one won't be breathing any time soon. {Wince} Ouch. 367
NoAmmo NoAmmo Anger 10 I'm all out, boss! 368
NoAmmo Anger 10 I can throw the gun at 'em if you want, boss. 369
NoAmmo Anger 10 Could I trouble you for some bullets, boss? 370
NoAmmo Anger 10 You know those little lead things that fly really fast and hurt people? I need some. 371
Poisoned Poison Anger 10 {Poisoned} Well. This isn't good. Think I've been poisoned, boss. 372
Poison Anger 10 {Poisoned} That one... had a little kick to it. The poisonous kind of kick. 373
Poison Anger 10 {Poisoned} Boss, I got a poison situation here! 374
Regenerating Regenerating Pained 50 {Getting second wind} Ooh, that eases the aches. Not all of them, but some. 375
Regenerating Pained 50 {Getting second wind} Ahh, that feels better. I might not die for a while yet. 376
Regenerating Pained 50 {Getting second wind} Much better. 377
Steal Steal Disgust 50 <Sigh>Boss, if you just ask, I'll hand it to you. Probably. 378
Steal Surprise 50 Boss, why do my pants suddenly feel lighter? 379
Steal Disgust 50 Look, boss, I appreciate you not making me carry that, but come on. 380
UsedDoctorBag UsedDoctorBag Pained 50 That makes me feel young again. No, wait, that's just the Med-X talking. 381
UsedDoctorBag Pained 50 There. Now my limbs should stay attached a while longer. 382
UsedDoctorBag Pained 50 That should fix the damage. 383
Wake Wake Pained 50 {Waking up from knockout, excited} Am I dead? Is this Heaven? {Flat} Oh. Hi boss. Guess not. 384
Wake Pained 100 {Waking up from knockout} Oof. Boss, take a look around and see if any of my parts are lying around, huh? 385
Wake Surprise 50 {Waking up from knockout} I've woken up worse places. Not many, though. 386
Wake Fear 50 {Waking up from knockout, panicking} Gah! Petro-Chico Boy! Petro-Chico Boy is here for my chitlins! {Calm} Oh. Just a dream. {Soothing himself} Just a dream.... 387
WeaponBroke WeaponBroke Anger 50 What a piece of junk! 388
WeaponBroke Sad 60 My weapon broke. Probably my fault. 389
WeaponBroke Anger 50 You got a spare piece, boss, or do I have to break out the tubing? 390
WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective Anger 50 Well, this isn't doing much of anything. 391
WeaponIneffective Surprise 50 Not sure I'm having any impact here, boss. 392
WeaponIneffective Fear 50 Boss, I'm having some... inadequacy issues here. Got a bigger gun I can borrow? 393


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 Hmm. 394
AlertIdle Anger 50 I'm looking, I'm looking! 395
AlertIdle Fear 50 Hope you're looking, boss, because I don't see so good. 396
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Anger 50 Gotcha! 397
AlertToCombat Anger 50 We got company, boss! 398
AlertToCombat Anger 50 Guess my eyes weren't playing tricks after all! 399
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Sad 50 Sorry, boss. Must be my glaucomas acting up again. 400
AlertToNormal Disgust 50 If you say you saw something, I'm sure it was there. 401
AlertToNormal Anger 50 Nothing here, boss. 402
CombatToLost CombatToLost Anger 50 Oh, come on, don't make the old guy chase you! 403
CombatToLost Fear 50 I can't see 'em! 404
CombatToLost Fear 50 Boss, where'd he go? 405
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Surprise 50 Wow, I'm actually still alive. Who would have guessed? 406
CombatToNormal Disgust 50 I'm sure our victory was purely thanks to your brilliant leadership, boss. 407
CombatToNormal Happy 50 I guess old guys are tougher than we look, huh? 408
LostIdle LostIdle Anger 50 Still looking, boss. 409
LostIdle Surprise 50 Amazingly, they've still managed to outwit a half-blind arthritic ghoul. 410
LostIdle Anger 50 Don't worry boss, you'll know if I find anything. 411
LostToCombat LostToCombat Anger 50 There we go! 412
LostToCombat Disgust 50 Couldn't even hide from a half-blind old ghoul. How embarassing for you. 413
LostToCombat Anger 50 Got 'em, boss! 414
LostToNormal LostToNormal Surprise 50 Maybe they just... went home, huh boss? 415
LostToNormal Anger 50 I got nothing, here. 416
LostToNormal Happy 50 Doubtless they ran away in sheer terror of the mighty Raul! Oh, and you too, boss. 417
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Anger 50 Boss, if {emphasis} I heard something, you {emphasis} really should have heard something. 418
NormalToAlert Fear 50 I think we got company. 419
NormalToAlert Fear 50 {Cautious, unsure if someone's out there} Hello...? 420
NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 50 Get 'em, boss! I mean, if that fits with your schedule. 421
StartCombat Surprise 50 Don't worry, boss, with my cataracts you only sort of look like the bad guys. 422
StartCombat Pained 50 Yeah, yeah, time for more fighting, I know. 423
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Pained 50 Sure, boss. You lead the charge, I'll follow as fast as my arthritic, rotting knees can carry me. 424
StartCombatResponse Disgust 50 You want to send an elderly, half-decrepit ghoul into combat? Your tactical brilliance is unmatched, boss. 425
StartCombatResponse Disgust 50 Sure thing, boss. You betcha. 426


RadioBMSegment01 RadioBMSegment01 Neutral 50 [Raul] Uh, either one works. 427
RadioBMSegment01 Neutral 50 [Raul] I going to obey supreme Tabitha, claro, whatever she say. Just I feel so bad I die before I fix her special robot. 428
RadioBMSegment02 RadioBMSegment02 Neutral 50 [Raul] Hi, Tab - <catches himself> Rhonda. 429
RadioBMSegment02 Neutral 50 [Raul] All I want is to make that special robot work again, you know? I give it my best. 430
RadioBMSegment12 RadioBMSegment12 Neutral 50 {Raul singing in Spanish to himself for an extended time} 431
RadioBMSegment12 Neutral 50 {Raul} Uh, I don't know. Did you hit that switch I, ah, keep telling you not to press? 432


ObserveCombat ObserveCombat Surprise 50 I'm not touching that one with a ten-foot pole. 433
ObserveCombat Surprise 50 You can get involved if you want to, but I'll be over here. 434