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Fallout Wiki

The radscorpion poison gland is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3.


It is a poison gland taken from the tail of a radscorpion. A normal radscorpion has a single poison gland while the giant and albino varieties have four.

With only 1 weight and a value of 30 caps, radscorpion poison glands have a very high value-to-weight ratio, higher than any other item short of certain unique or quest-related items (and weightless items). Because radscorpions can be found all over the Capital Wasteland (though less commonly in urban areas), they provide a reliable way of making caps throughout the game.




The poison glands in Fallout 3 differ from those in Fallout: New Vegas by being more shriveled and desiccated. The Fallout: New Vegas poison glands are more plump and smooth.
