Quartermaster's report is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.
The note can be found at the Gilman lumber mill, on a crate near June Seaver's location in the main building.
Hi Rucker! Madam Rucker? General? Quartermaster in Chief?
Anyway, just sending in my usual report. We have scavenged... quite a lot of unusual junk, much of it very unhelpful when it comes to, you know, surviving.
For instance, my records indicate only six cans of Cram, but nearly ninety bottles of beer! Which is great for morale, and for keeping our lookouts so cross-eyed they couldn't see the Scorched coming from a mile away, but not so great for nutrition.
I also have to say -- and I apologize if I'm stepping over the line here -- but I do not agree with this policy we have of giving away all of our bandages and canned goods in the name of 'world peace' or whatever we want to call it. I know, I know, I need to bring it up with Lane...
I've tried being passive aggressive about it (emphasis on passive, of course), but he hasn't taken the hint! Maybe you could send him your own passive aggressive letter? Emphasis on aggressive? Please?
It would be very helpful.
Your humble servant June Seaver, Esq.