The Puesta del Sol switching station terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in the Puesta del Sol switching station in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.
Ennis's terminal[]
This terminal is located on the counter in the first room of the switching station. Its power needs to be restored by fixing the electrix box nearby, then the entries can be read.
Sierra Madre Power Regulation System
Welcome, Mr. Ennis!
Recent e-mails:
To: Director Simmons[]
To: Konrad Simmons
From: William Ennis
Simmons, the ventilation system is on the fritz again and I need to even out the power distribution manually for the new generator we're bringing online. It's positively sweltering down in that cramped little room, and you know I don't cope well with the heat, so I'd like to do the work remotely. What's the password for the back-up machine again?
> Displaying log...
This terminal is located a little further up on the counter in the first room of the switching station. Its power needs to be restored by fixing the electrix box nearby, then the entries can be read.
Sierra Madre Power Regulation System
Status Report[]
Ventilation's all shot to hell, which is going to be a problem when summer hits. The pipes backed up, the chambers started spewing out this red dust cloud, like rust - whatever it was, caused the guys to start choking and vomiting. It's like the place was getting sprayed for roaches, 'cept the bug spray was hitting us. Got the boys to the Clinic, put them out of commission. Mr. Yesterday said he couldn't justify having them paid, but he'd see what he could do "on the side." Sounds like he was going to get them some chems - and a little green for keeping their mouths shut.
> Displaying log...
Gas Leak[]
Minimum power level required: 43%
Power currently supplied: 85%
Acceptable variation from norm: +/- 15%
Largest variation in past 24 hours: 36%
Automatic Systems: Offline
WARNING: Large fluctuations in power detected. Large energy expenditures are to be avoided at all costs under these conditions. Report this to the foreman in charge at once.
> Displaying log...
This terminal is located in the midsouth alcove on the local map, near a Dean's Electronics.
Sierra Madre Audio Subsystem
Turn Speakers Off[]
> Shutting down...
Status Report[]
*** Power Status ***
Non-Essential Systems
* Announcement System: Powered
> Checking status...
Status Report[]
*** Power Status ***
Non-Essential Systems
* Announcement System: WARNING! Two of four speakers are offline. Please contact IT to resolve. CODE: 000FHX9B
> Checking status...
This terminal is located on the desk in the Utility room, between the first and second station floor.
Sierra Madre Power Regulation System
Subject: In Case of Emergency.[]
In case of emergency, all non-essential systems are to be shut down immediately to help the automatic systems balance the load. Should the automatic systems fail, your foreman will assign one of you to enter the Manual Override Chamber located adjacent to the main regulator.
> Displaying log...
Second Shifts[]
The boys hit by the gas are still out, everyone's pulling more work in as a result, and grumbling's starting. Mr. Yesterday's been keeping the hard liquor and chems coming under Sinclair's eye, isn't helping. We need those boys back. We have another chemical leak like that, no more construction for the rest of the year.
> Displaying log...
Suits are Here.[]
Reading this entry counts towards the History's Sake challenge
Those new chemical suits came in today, so we could check out the ventilation chambers, see how that cloud cocktail formed. Suits are kind of creepy looking, hard to talk in them, so we had to use sign language to actually make sense of each other. At least we can check out the pipes and ventilation chambers now.
Gas worries me, though. Really messed the guys up. If the chambers get backed up again hate to see that gas get out, wipe out the Villa.
> Displaying log...
Ventilation Control System[]
This terminal is located on the wall in the break room, next to the Utility room.
-Ventilation Control System-
Warning: The ventilation system should only be taken down for routine maintenance.
Activate Ventilation System[]
> Turning on ventilation system...
Deactivate Ventilation System[]
> Turning off ventilation system...
This wall terminal is located inside the outer northeast Average locked room on the map.
SoftLock Solutions, Inc.
"Your Security is Our Security"
>/ Welcome, USER
Disengage Lock[]
> Clearance granted, Unlocking...
This terminal is located on the desk in the same Average locked room.
Sierra Madre Power Regulation System
Maintenance Report[]
Didn't take long to find the problem. Heading down the main pipe, we hit traces of the gas - not the full red stuff like last time, though, minor blessing. The kicker was despite the sealant, it still got inside the suit, turns out the gas eroded the metal of the suit's locks. So not only did one of the boys get exposed, everyone who went down there got locked in their suits.
> Displaying log...
Turn Speakers Off[]
> Shutting down...
Status Report[]
*** Power Status ***
Non-Essential Systems
* Announcement System: WARNING! Three of four speakers are offline. Please contact IT to resolve. CODE: 000FHX9C
> Checking status...
Status Report[]
*** Power Status ***
Non-Essential Systems
* Announcement System: WARNING! All speakers are offline. Please contact IT to resolve. CODE: 00J0TD7F
> Checking status...
This terminal is located on a desk, in a corner east of the remote maintenance terminal.
Sierra Madre Power Regulation System
Locker Key[]
Old man Ennis left his key on one of the consoles again, so making this note to remind myself to give it back next time I see him. We should stuff his locker full of Dandy Boy Apples or something. Maybe then he'd be less forgetful.
> Displaying log...
Suit Damage[]
Sure, the Docs at the Clinic got mad, but we didn't have any choice if we wanted to get medical attention after that gas hit us. So we cut his suit open with one of those surplus steak knives (things could cut through a T-bone like it was hot butter). Rest of us tried to pry the locks on our suits, finally had to use the knives on ours, too.
Can't wait until this job is over and we can let the Villa collapse on itself. They'll be too busy at the casino anyway.
> Displaying log...
Remote maintenance terminal[]
This terminal is located southwest in the final area and used by Christine during Mixed Signals.
Sierra Madre Power Regulation System
In case of emergencies, power regulation procedures can be carried out from this station. However, this practice is not recommended for regular use. Please see your supervisor concerning whether use of this station is warranted.
Transfer Control To This Station[]
> Transferring...
Turret Control System[]
This terminal is located on the wall down the stairs to the remote maintenance terminal.
-RobCo Trespasser Management System-
Deactivate Turret System[]
> Powering Down...
Activate Turret System[]
> Booting...