The ProSnap Deluxe 105mm lens is a weapon mod for the ProSnap Deluxe camera in the Fallout 76 update Wild Appalachia.
A lens modification which gives the camera improved magnification in the form of 2x and 4x zoom, alongside the standard 1x zoom. Visually, the mod adds a slightly longer lens to the camera.
Camera modifications will modify an existing camera, and any modifications previously equipped on the camera will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted.
The 105mm lens mod may be crafted and applied to the ProSnap Deluxe camera at a tinker's workbench if the relevant plan is known. A loose mod does not exist for this mod and cannot be found or purchased.
While this lens allows you to visually zoom in on objects, it does not increase the object recognition range for the purposes of objectives and challenges.