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Three flavors to choose from - Sweetie, Maude, and Jimmy. Sweetie's the house favorite, for reasons that should be obvious. Maude is what you might call the discount rack. She's what a customer wears if he doesn't have the caps to afford Sweetie - or just likes them old. Jimmy's more of a "specialist." I only hear good things.

Pretty Sarah is the pimp of the Casa Madrid Apartments in Westside in 2281.


Although it may seem odd for a woman to be pimping prostitutes, for Sarah it's just a way to earn money. The wasteland and the hardship she suffered, made her tough as nails and capable of taking whatever comes her way.[1] Although some would expect that to mean she is cold as ice, Sarah cares. She splits profits fairly with her employees, watches over them and knows that some things are better left alone.[2] Neither Sweetie, nor Maude or Jimmy have complained about her.[3][4]

She is not deflective of her past; she downright avoids the topic, and for good reason.[5] Near Camp McCarran, Sarah had a run-in with some Fiends, Cook-Cook in particular. After sexually assaulting her, he set her on fire with his flamer.[6] She has thought about exacting revenge, but she has just never worked up her nerve to do it.[7] Even so, she maintains a heated hatred for the Fiends and resolves to kill anyone that associates with them, regardless of who they are.[8]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • A Bit of Slap and Tickle: Pretty Sarah is the pimp of the three prostitutes in the Casa Madrid. Being a good pimp, she'll tell you about her merchandise. But if anything happens to them, you'll have to answer to her.
  • The Coyotes: If the player kills the slavers, they can explain what they were up to to Sarah. If the player also gives her Dermot's ledger, she will approve of killing them afterwards, even if Marco doesn't.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • She will pay the player character three doses of Med-X and 300 caps upon being informed that Cook-Cook has been killed. Marco must be talked to about her encounter with Cook-Cook, to find out what Cook-Cook did in order to tell Sarah of his demise.
  • Also when presented Dermot's ledger, she is disgusted that the two are selling women and children to the Fiends, and more specifically Cook-Cook, knowing that all these people were suffering the same fate she did. When done reading she professes that Dermot and Saint James are "done for!" If the player character kills Dermot and Saint James and talks to Pretty Sarah again, she says she's glad they're dead because they deserved it. However, Marco does not share in her approval.
  • Characters with less than 4 Intelligence have an unique dialogue option with her, getting confused by the word merchandise, forcing Sarah to explain what she means.

Other interactions[]

  • Sarah is one of the few named non-player characters in the game to be affected by the Sneering Imperialist perk.



  • Her merc troublemaker outfit has a DT of 3 instead of the standard 1.
  • It is possible that she will spawn without ammo for her pistol.

Notable quotes[]

  • "It's good you told me about Dermot and Saint James. It was killing that needed doing. You think you see the worst of what people can do to each other, and then there's always something else to top it."
  • "I'm going to assume you had reason to kill Dermot and his pet. Always had a bad feeling about them. But everyone else here is hands-off."


Pretty Sarah appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. The Courier: "You work for Pretty Sarah?"
    Maude: "That's right. Strange at first, having a woman for a pimp, but she's tough enough to handle any trouble so far."
    (Maude's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Tell me about Pretty Sarah."
    Jimmy: "She's an honest woman. Splits the earnings fair, and keeps Sweetie and Maude in line. Minds her own business, too. She knows what it's like for people to go through things they'd rather not talk about."
    (Jimmy's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What do you do around here?"
    Pretty Sarah: "I look after the only reasons anyone would want to spend any time here. I'm a pimp. All Marco does is collect rent and take a small cut of my action. He sure as hell doesn't clean the rooms."
    (Pretty Sarah's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Who's the merchandise?"
    Pretty Sarah: "Three flavors to choose from - Sweetie, Maude, and Jimmy. Sweetie's the house favorite, for reasons that should be obvious. Maude is what you might call the discount rack. She's what a customer wears if he doesn't have the caps to afford Sweetie - or just likes them old. Jimmy's more of a "specialist." I only hear good things."
    (Pretty Sarah's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "How did you get burned so badly?"
    Pretty Sarah: "We don't talk about that. Next topic."
    (Pretty Sarah's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Tell me about Pretty Sarah."
    Marco: "Ain't so pretty, is she? Not since she had a run-in with those Fiends over near McCarran. This Fiend named Cook-Cook on account of the flamethrower he wears? He had his way with Sarah, every way it can be done. Then he starts frying her up for kicks. Guess it was how he signed his work."
    (Marco's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "You might be interested to know that I killed a fiend named Cook-Cook."
    Pretty Sarah: "You did? Well, that's one hell of a service to humanity, then. I guess I always thought maybe I'd be the one to do it, but I just... never got my nerve up. Maybe I'll sleep good tonight... Here, take this. It's how I say thanks."
    (Pretty Sarah's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Take a look at this ledger I found in Dermot's room."
    Pretty Sarah: "I'll take a look, but you better have a good reason for asking me to violate his privacy. What?... Those bastards! Selling folks off to the Fiends? Selling children - to Cook-Cook...? I've seen enough. They're done for, both of them."
    (Pretty Sarah's dialogue)