“It's nice to see things going the way they're supposed to, for a change. I'm going to pay you out of my own pocket for this one.”— Chomps Lewis, upon hearing that the generator has been repaired
There is a generator outside the mining office in Sloan that provides power to Quarry Junction and is not assembled properly. Repairing the generator requires a Repair skill of 35 or greater and changes the response from quarry workers. Alternatively, the Courier can permanently disable the generator by stripping out its parts, acquiring 5 scrap metals, a conductor and a sensor module. Repairing the generator also opens an option with Chomps Lewis right outside Sloan in which he pays the Courier two $100 NCR dollars, also granting the player character some NCR fame.
The activation of the generator will result in the lights being turned on in the nearest building.
Behind the scenes[]
During the 1960s in the United States, young people began speaking and writing the phrase "Power to the people" as a form of rebellion against what they perceived as the oppression by the older generation, especially "The Establishment". The Black Panther Party used the slogan "All Power to the People" to protest the military and, more specifically, the government. Young students used it to protest America's military campaign in Vietnam.