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Pitt broadcast is a radio station run by the slavers of The Pitt.


The signal broadcasts from the downtown area. The radio station plays motivational speeches from Ashur. If the Lone Wanderer completes Free Labor in Wernher's favor, the station will only play static. The motivational speeches are played at random in a loop on the station, interrupted by 5–10 seconds of static.


Behind the scenes[]

  • The motivational speeches lean heavily on left-wing rhetoric, with at least two being (almost) straight quotes from communist thinkers.
    • "Let the ruling classes of the wasteland tremble at our new industrial revolution!" (Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto (1848): "Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.")
    • "'What is genuine is proved in the fire, what is false we shall not miss in our ranks.' Remember it well, my friends." (Friedrich Engels, Anti-Schilling (1841): "We are not afraid to fight. Nothing more desirable could have happened to us than for a time to be ecclesia pressa. There the minds part. What is genuine is proved in the fire, what is false we shall not miss in our ranks.")
  • One exception appears to be the speech "You are not collared beasts of burden. You are proud workers, building a home in the world. Work shall set us all free." segment, of which the last sentence evokes connotations with the cynical Nazi slogan "Arbeit macht frei". In far right thought, it was meant not as liberation through work, but extermination through forced labor.


PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Even after completing Free Labor in Wernher's favor, the radio station may remain active. [verified]
