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A Call For AdventurePioneer treasure hunt start

Pioneer Treasure Hunt is an unmarked quest in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.


While at Camp Liberty in Skyline Valley, the note Pioneer treasure hunt start can be read on the main noticeboard in the center of camp, near the totem pole and Possum and Tadpole vending machines. The Pioneer Scouts' scoutmasters set up a treasure hunt for their campers, and the trail can still be followed.

The riddle giving a clue to the end of the treasure hunt is as follows:

Beyond vast falling waters and a lofty tower up high, lies a stream near a bog, which catches onesIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar eye.

Follow me down, past swampy trails I endorse, to the source's route, where liquid tales course.

Climb over my mouth, and let your eyes see, three large rocks and an old husk of a tree.

Explore within, where secrets disguise, to uncover the truth and your well deserved prize.

The "lofty tower up high" refers to Stony Man Lookout, just north of Camp Liberty. From there, head east, to the "source's route, where liquid tales course." This is Shining Creek Cavern, which is the origin of Shining Creek itself, as can be seen on the world map. Follow the waterway north, past beaver dams and Hemlock Springs dump. Radtoads may spawn near a fallen truck along the way. Eventually, the stream will end at a rock formation. This is the "mouth" of the river; climb on top of the rocks and continue north towards the cliffs.

Along the way, there will be the "three large rocks and an old husk of a tree" as described in the riddle. Three Lost may spawn nearby, indicating that one has reached the destination. Additionally, look carefully for the insignia of the Pioneer Scouts on each of the three rocks. The "husk" is a hollow stump, which contains the note Pioneer treasure hunt start congratulating the adventurer, as well as Plan: Totem pole ornament, which unlocks a new CAMP object that can be constructed.

