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Fallout Wiki

You're back! Oh, you brought glasses for me. Let's see if the prescription is close. Just about perfect. Thank you, my friend! Wow, that's a lot of scars. Let me guess... Did you light your face on fire and try to put it out with an ice pick? Hah, heh, heh. Just kidding, friend. I read that in a joke book. Anyway, thank you for your kindness. Here take this book, as a token of my appreciation.

Phillip Wilson was a librarian in the city of Macomb in 2197.


Phillip was the only citizen of Macomb that did not lose his mind because of hunger. While running from the hostile locals, he lost his glasses. Being nearly blind without them, he was unable to read his books or even understand who was standing in front of him.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.


FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.



The Warrior agreed to help him and soon found his glasses. Phillip gave the Warrior a book as a reward. After the Warrior's visit to Macomb, the Brotherhood of Steel dispatched three extermination squads to this area, so it's unknown what happened to Phillip afterwards. He may have been killed on sight or taken to a labor camp.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Clothing Maddock's Tricks & Traps


If the Warrior steals the book, and then gives Phillip his glasses, the Warrior won't receive another book.

Notable quotes[]


Phillip Wilson appears only in Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes[]

Phillip Wilson is likely a reference to the character Henry Bemis from a 1959 episode of The Twilight Zone, "Time Enough at Last."
