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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Phil Speer is a developer who worked at Bethesda Softworks on Fallout 76 as a quest designer and writer.

Work on the Fallout series[]

Speer was a major contributor to the design of the Raiders questline in the Wastelanders update for Fallout 76.[1]

Employment history[]

August 2016PresentBethesda Game StudiosQuest Designer


Fallout series[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2018Fallout 76Quest Designer & Writer

Other work[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2013NeverwinterDevelopment Team Member


  1. Archived screenshot of Speer's LinkedIn resume:
    "My proudest features include the work I did developing the Raiders faction main quest storyline for Fallout 76: Wastelanders and all of my content for Starfield."