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Fallout Wiki

Petrified corpses are world objects in Fallout 76.


The result of advanced Scorched Plague infestation, an infected individual eventually undergoes a period of petrification as the disease overtakes the host body. All that remains of the carrier is a brittle, Ultracite-laden mass that disintegrates into radioactive ashes when disturbed.


The corpses can be found anywhere in places overtaken by the plague, such as Morgantown Airport or within the church of Helvetia. Living Scorched can be encountered motionless in a state of early petrification, but are able to become active again when disturbed. When directly interacted with, attacked, or even approached too closely, petrified corpses will break and crumble into pieces, releasing a small cloud of radiation (+8 rads/s). When interacted with prior to disintegration, they may rarely drop loot such as nuclear waste, caps and glass bottles. Only Scorched human corpses are found.


  • Petrified corpses are found at almost every location in Appalachia, mostly in places that were once inhabited.
  • Several are located in Enclave research facility holding cells A05 and B05.


Petrified corpses also appear in the tabletop Fallout: Wasteland Warfare as "Scorched statues", where they are recommended for use as hazards or dangerous objective markers in games.

